Adventure into time and beyond – Esoterism.Exploring the forgotten knowledge and research!

Beauty portrait of a young brunette woman with beautiful smile

We create our personal adventure!

An Adventure into Time and Beyond Analysis can assist you to bring positive changes into all aspects of your life through past life regression analysis

“Adventure is not outside a man; it is within.” 
David Grayson

Past Life Spiritual Regression Analysis can answer questions about:

  • Do you ever wonder why you are attracted to certain places or to specific historical times?
  • Have you ever met someone and felt that you’ve known them before – maybe for ever?
  • Do you struggle with fears or phobias that seem to have no explanation to them – you can’t pinpoint the cause?
  • Or do you have chronic pains that just won’t clear up no matter what you do?
  • Could these events be explained as coming from a past life?

Past Lives Spiritual Regression Analysis 

Sessions enable you to explore the vastness of the spiritual mind. The method allows you to:

  • Reunite and feel the support and love of your eternal friends.
  • Connect with your personal spiritual path.
  • Explore the understanding between friends who have incarnated with you at this time.
  • Receive an understanding on how you are doing today.
  • Receive the answers to your questions.
  • Experience spiritual healing.
  • Learn about your past incarnations.
  • Glimpse the bigger picture and a progress of your thetan.
  • Travel to the different dimensions and explore different forms of intelligent life.

The extent of positive impact of LBLA  is vast since the information is transmitted through many means:

  • Consciously – names, appearance, profession, dates, places, descriptions, recognition and etc.
  • Body awareness – feelings, emotions and body sensations.
  • The greatest impact occurs on the mind level, beyond our scope of understanding by re-patterning, adjusting, healing, and rejuvenating us.

The effects may become obvious immediately or they may take time. Suddenly you may notice that you feel, think or act differently than you have before. What might have been a painful burden, obstacle or chore, loses its charge and becomes irrelevant.

Life Between Lives Spiritual Analysis allows us to have our personal unique Adventure in the Spirit World.

“Why ‘adventure’?” you may ask.

“Because every session is as unique and different as you are. When you undertake a LBLA session, you are exploring your unique spiritual terrain.”

The experience of LBLA requires team work. Your willingness to be a team player and do your part is essential. I cannot stress enough the importance of your attitude toward upcoming LBLA session.

Have an  open mind,

“Walk” your experience,

Allow the Journey to unfold

Allow yourself to be surprised.

Communicate with your auditor about what is happening to you and for you, because you are the one who is having the experience. You are the one who sees, sense, feels and participates in what is going on around you and within you. Everything is possible. Be ready to receive and explore.

By connecting the past to the present, a missing piece of the puzzle can be located that may answer questions about your present life issues or fears.

Past Life Regression Analysis is an efficient and effective  technique for accessing the subconscious mind which contains complete knowledge of your personal history throughout time.

Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression Analysis 

  • Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression is based on groundbreaking research
  • This research is both an extension of and evolution beyond
  • The techniques of Life Between Lives Analysis allow to access the memories deep beyond in the super conscious mind.
  • For those  who have previously experienced Past Life Spiritual Regression Analysis and are now looking for more profound experience, Life-Between-Lives (LBLA) Spiritual Regression Analysis is both an extension and evolution beyond Past Life Regression Analysis. This is because the techniques of LBLA allow access to our mind and deeper memories in the higher state of consciousness.
  • This sessions allow preclear to enter the ‘in-between-lives’ realm where we reside when we are not incarnated. In this dimension, decisions are made about upcoming incarnations and the reasons why you decided to be born on Earth. It is a breathtaking experience that connects you with your spiritual memories and oversee your progress throughout incarnations,  where all your lives are recorded, life Selection  where the thean choose your family and the body to inhabit!

“Imagination is the eye of the soul.”   Joseph Joubert

A misconception is that the thetan inhibits multiple bodies. Some phenomena pointing to multiple experiences at the same time are related to mixing the time tracks. Skilled interpretation based on LRH advanced research has proven critical to secure the progress and proper understanding.

Create Your Opportunities and See the Big Picture

how-to-make-a-woman-smile_bigWhatever opportunity it is that you have lost, find ways to get that same opportunity then, if not better. While that door may be closed, there are other doors open and waiting for you to find them. The longer you stay hung up over that closed door, the more you are going to miss out on those bigger and better opportunities out there. Wouldn’t that be the truest waste of all?

Malicious gossip to hurt good people

Recently I learned that a good “friend” backstabbed me by badmouthing me and my family in a pretty malicious way. It wasn’t your innocuous, everyday gossip — it consisted of pretty vindictive statements which cast doubt on my character and my family relations.

When I heard it, I was deeply disappointed, of course. What kind of a “friend” speaks of friends like this behind their backs? How about the values of loyalty, trust, and respect for others? Have they been thrown out of the window in this time and age?

However, after feeling uneasy about it for a short while and realizing that this was simply ridiculous and a waste of my time, I began to turn this around and move on. If you’re dealing with a backstabber at the moment, I feel feel for you.

Sometimes rumors can balloon out of control as people add their own interpretations to events. Worse still, some people may make up stories to sow discord between you and others. Hence, you want to fact check the story first before jumping to conclusions.

For me, when a third party told me that my “friend” said certain bad things about me, I then asked for explicit information, like what exactly he said, the context he said it, and why he said it. I then asked for the third party’s permission to see the messages, and saw for myself the whole conversation thread, along with the backstabbing comments. It was clear beyond doubt that this was real, and the next step was how to deal with it.

The truth and damage control?

If you have been backstabbed, take a step back and evaluate your situation. Has there been any “damage” done? Yes? No? If yes, what is this damage? Is it damage to your reputation? Damage in terms of potential business deals? Damage in terms of friendships? For the damage caused, what can you do to reverse it? Address the damage as best as you can communicating to good people.

If the gossip is malicious and you are deliberately targeted individual, do understand that this is done with a covert purpose. Typically, there will be heavy attempt to cut you out from the network of people you trust and that can help you address the rumors. First your closest people like your family would be violated.

To share your side of the story might be difficult or next to impossible.

Clarify with the person if you can. If not, cut this person away

For this friend, this wasn’t the first time such an issue occurred. For the past few months, I had dealt with a variety of misunderstandings and issues with him. So when it came to this situation, especially the gravity of it (outright attacking my character in front of an acquaintance), I decided that it was time to cut off this relation.

So I cut him away. It wasn’t just this one incident, but the series of incidents that led up to this (a lot of negativity, angry outbursts), that made me realize that it was time to move on. The friendship was clearly not what I thought it was, and I had wasted too much time trying to make it work.

If you have been backstabbed by a “friend,” evaluate

(a) how important this friendship is to you and

(b) whether the offending act is forgivable.

If it’s a highly important friendship and the offending act is something you can overlook, then air the grievance to that friend, trash things out, listen from his/her side of the story, and give the friendship another go. If the friendship isn’t of much weight to you and the offending act is not something you can overlook, then perhaps cutting the person away is the best course of action.

Let go

One of my biggest qualms is that people might have bought into what the badmouther said and used those words to form their impressions of me, thereby making it impossible for me to ever form a true relationship with any of them.

My life mission is to connect with everyone in the world, and to know that some people might have closed their hearts from me because of comments made by another was truly devastating.

Where damage control is concerned, I can rectify the statements made to people I knew the statements were aired to, but I don’t know if the statements were made to anyone else. These people might well have passed on the comments to people they know, of which the latter group might have done the same thing, thereby making it an irrevocable damage.

To address this, I simply learned to… let go. Sometimes you can’t control everything, and the only way to be “in control” (= stay calm and happy) is to be okay with not being in control. Rather than obsess about something I cannot effect, I would do better by letting that go and focusing on the things I can effect.

Correct false perceptions through concrete actions

Actions will always speak louder than words. I can explain my side of the story all I want but at the end of the day, it is simply one person’s words against another. Who’s to say one is more right than another? Everyone always has his/her side of the story, and both parties will always be right in their own world.

So, I decided to correct the false picture not through words, but actions. How? By ensuring my behavior is true to my core values of Advancement, Love, and Truth, something that I already strive to do every day.

Recently I had an exchange with an esteemed business investor and he told me, within our first few meetings, that he was very impressed by how I walk my talk, something he doesn’t see often in other people, if at all. I thought it was a huge stamp of approval coming from him.

His comment reminded me that as long as I do my thing and live true to my conscience, people will naturally know what I stand for as a person. You show people you are a good person not by saying you are one or even putting down others, but by taking actions consistent with what you define as being a good human being.

At the end of the day after you live true to yourself, people are still free to make their own conclusions. Some may choose to negatively judge you despite everything you do. However, as long as you know your values and take actions consistent with them, your actions will shine more brightly than whatever people try to say about you. Don’t serve to please others; live your life in a way you can be proud of.


I always believe there is something to learn from every situation. This incident is no different.

From this episode, I learned quite a few things about myself and treatment of friendships. I learned to be more appreciative of true friends who have always been there for me. I learned to be more sensitive to others’ feelings. I also learned that I can be dead wrong in my judgment sometimes, and what I think is my intuition can just be a bad oversight.

Above all, I learned to stick to my guns and stay true to what I stand for, instead of shirking myself out of fear of non-conformance with the world.

If you are serious about creating an impact, you are bound to ruffle some feathers here and there. Here’s what: ruffle those feathers anyway. Know that your job here isn’t to please everyone, but to stay true to your mission and create the largest, most positive impact to as many people as you can. Other people can put you down but you will always have your voice.

inspirational-quote-enemies-winston-churchillI shared this Winston Churchill quote before in the take credit post, and I’m going to do it here again before it’s such a wonderful quote:

Look at the big picture

While I was appalled when I found out about the “betrayal,” I got over it after a few hours. In the big picture of things, the incident was just insignificant. There are too many things I need to do, too many goals I have to achieve, to be bogged down by one person’s vendetta.

Love Valentines Day

We must love ourselves before we can love others and offer kindness to the world around us. This month is about love, so what better way to expand our love for ourselves and others than by learning how to practice loving kindness  and sharing the experience with our family and children.


Scientology research and the missing links: learn to be nice to others.

Why Does Compassion Feel So Good?


At the lowest points in our lives, the presence and care of one supportive person can be life-changing. Our pain or loss may be just as real, but we suffer less knowing we’re not alone.

Coming together in this way works in transforming one person’s pain into a shared feeling of uplift. Indeed, compassion is the opposite of a zero-sum game in which there are winners and losers. Both giver and receiver benefit.

One wonders about compassion: What is it? What are the benefits? How can we foster it? Here is why compassion is a good thing:

  1. Our suffering is recognized and acknowledged. Compassion starts with a willingness to see someone else’s pain. Rather than looking away, denying the pain, or choosing to ignore it, we acknowledge the person’s experience. This acknowledgment makes us feel less alone in our suffering.
  2. We understand the universality of human suffering. Part of compassion is knowing that at some point, everyone hurts. In this way the pain is relatable. While pain is a personal experience, it is also a common and unavoidable part of what it means to be human. Thus we feel a further joining with others in the shared recognition that pain is part of existence.
  3. There is an emotional response to our suffering. Compassion is not simply knowing that another person is in pain; there is an emotional component, a “feeling with,” as the etymology of compassion suggests. It’s comforting to feel another person’s heart go out to us.
  4. Compassion requires tolerating uncomfortable feelings. While there are benefits to being compassionate, it’s also not easy. Connecting emotionally with another’s pain activates our stress response (fight-or-flight, or freeze). It takes emotional work to stay with a person’s pain rather than fleeing or trying to deny it in some way (e.g., by blaming the person for their distress). When we see that a person isn’t running from our pain, we’re better able to withstand our own discomfort.
  5. There is a motivation to alleviate our suffering. Compassion involves feelings but not just feelings. We would probably not feel much compassion from someone who acted sad for us but was unwilling to help. When we respond with compassion we’re moved to act. As a result another person’s compassion can improve our situation, and we feel better just knowing someone is trying to help us.

Increasing Compassion

You can probably think of people you know who seem to have a lot of compassion, and others who have little. Recent studies suggest that compassion is not a fixed trait; it can improve with treatment, which in turn leads to other benefits.


Those who practice compassion experienced a range of additional benefits, including:

  • Greater personal presense. Compassion requires our presence and our acceptance, so it’s not surprising that the treatments led to increases in this dimension.
  • Better mood and lower anxiety. Compassion prectice is effective at lowering symptoms of depression and anxiety, which is a remarkable finding. By focusing on alleviating others’ suffering, we alleviate our own in the process.
  • Enhanced overall well-being and lower distress. Along with greater compassion came an overall sense of wellness and ease in life. These findings again underscore that compassion is helpful all around. 

Self-compassion is the antidote to our tendency to ignore our own needs and be critical of ourselves when we most need love and support.

Practices to Raise Compassion

So how can we increase our ability to show compassion for ourselves and others? The review by Kirby et al. noted that the treatments involved some combination of:

  • Loving and kindness drills. A common practice to enhance compassion is the loving-kindness drills. It involves deliberately fostering a sense of warmth and care for others and oneself, starting with those who are easy to love and moving gradually to more complicated relationships.
  • Education. Simply learning more about compassion can increase our ability to enact it. For example, it can be helpful to learn about the benefits to ourselves and others of greater compassion, and to distinguish it from other experiences like pity or, in the case of self-compassion, being self-indulgent.
  • Self-Reflection. When we take time to think about our own experiences of compassion, we might discover things that can get in the way. For example, we might find that being overextended lessens our access to compassionate responses, or that overly harsh expectations of ourselves make it hard to be self-compassionate. This reflection can help us discover ways to remove these blocks.
  • Imagery. We often resist compassion from ourselves and even from others. It takes practice to open ourselves to receiving love and care, and that practice can begin through imagery. For example, one study asked participants to “imagine a ‘compassionate being’ expressing compassion to them.” Over time we can become more comfortable with being on the receiving end of compassion—which can also increase our ability to extend compassion to others.
  • Writing. Some studies had participants write a letter to themselves from the perspective of a compassionate friend, since for some reason it’s much easier to be compassionate with others than with oneself. With practice we can begin to internalize greater compassion for ourselves. Writing (as opposed to just thinking compassionate thoughts) may be particularly beneficial because we can be more deliberate and explicit about the words we use; it can also make it easier to commit the practice to memory so we can access it when we need to.

Have you wanted to improve your relationships and express more care and concern for the people in your life? Are you tired of beating yourself up and ready for an alternative? Consider giving one of these approaches a try.

Auditor Supervision is mandatory for quality auditing

Successful auditing is a team activity requiring the work of additional people besides the auditor and preclear.

In order to ensure technology is applied correctly in all cases, auditing is overseen by another technically trained person called the Case Supervisor (C/S). The Case Supervisor directs auditing actions for each individual preclear under his care. Case is a general term for a person being  helped. The Case Supervisor’s purpose is to see that the technology is standardly applied for the greatest possible benefit for the preclear. Ultimately, it is the Case Supervisor who is responsible for the technical quality. Only the Case Supervisor can determine the quality of the auditing , NOT the preclears raving testemonies and NOT the auditor self promotions!

The Case Supervisor is a highly trained and interned auditor who does additional training in the technology of supervising auditing. Not every auditor becomes a C/S, but every Case Supervisor is a highly skilled auditor.

The Case Supervisor reviews all auditing sessions done by auditors. He verifies the auditor’s application was standardly done. He directs the auditor on what process to run next on his preclear, based on an overall program of auditing drawn up especially for each individual to ensure his maximum progress. He helps the auditor apply the technology correctly and, if some error in procedure is made, he sees that the auditor is corrected.  The audirtor shouls also be willing to do cramming and follow the C/S directions supplying accurate reports and video tapes. The C/S, not being directly involved in the session, studies the technical report made by the auditor; this distance often furnishes a clear and valuable view of the preclear’s overall progress.

Case Supervisor training consists of courses, followed by internships of their own where the student learns the technology of case supervision and then gains practical experience supervising the auditing of others. There are C/S courses following Class IV, Class V, Class VI, Class VIII, Class IX and Class XII

Re: Devid Mayo crossing over


32aeff6b00000578-0-image-a-30_1459870415650David Mayo RIP  He was my hero from my very early days through to my own declare just after Davids  I had completed the FEBC at Flag at the time of the takeover 81-82 It was like an overnight thing Returned to Saint Hill and made Commanding Officer

Davids declare was a terrible nightmare  should have been a wake up call to leave at once but  with children in Study Tech school and husband on staff (he was also writing up the out tech and out admin) I stuck around to be traumatised some more

I tried the SO1 line and tried to reach LRH and refused all illegal orders (they were all illegal)I sent several telexes and reports a day so obviously I was RPFed despite the “stats” in affluence all departments  However that was nothing comp\ared to David and other high ranking tech and admin people in the US

i can so relate to Davids trauma and hope his quiet life in NZ brought him much peace He posted some beautiful spiritual stuff quite recently which so reflected his deep kindness and truth

He is so sorely missed

To remember those early days of the AAC in Santa Barbara and our own delivery in the UK with Steve Bisby (also passed) delivering Nots and OT levels and me and my husband delivering the lower bridge was a time of hope and freedom despite the PIs at our door and the court cases

He led the way and we  owe it to his memory to overcome our personal differences and show each other support kindness and respect and recognise a lot  of us are traumatised by

Miscavidge so require a bit of kindness

We have had some great opportunities in the last 20 years to unite in technical excellence with Pierre Ethier let us not waste time attacking one another the bad guy is Miscavidge




The Story of David Mayo

Karen De La Carriere:

The Story of David Mayo


Part 1

David Mayo was another who had given the best part of his life to the Cult.
He was the most Senior Tech terminal on the Apollo, Senior Cs “Flag” as it was called, then he was made Senior CS Flag Land Base and subsequently Senior CS INT.
He got into the Church in Auckland, New Zealand at 17 and served
half his life working the 60 hour weeks for cents by the hour.

I spent many happy times of my life with him on the Flag Ship Apollo.
David was as hardworking as they come. A workaholic. Rarely did he secure for the night without working into the early hours of the morning. He was loyal, he was very competent and he was well loved.

What happened to David Mayo was unspeakable cruelty. Miscavige saw him as a threat and went into a DESTROY mode.
When David Mayo audited Mary Sue Hubbard in Los Angeles ~~ she was separated from Hubbard who was in hiding.
In doing 3 S and Ds (Search and Discoveries) it came up that David Miscavge was the SP Suppressive Person for Mary Sue Hubbard.
Neville Potter engaged with David Mayo stating he should not have accepted as an SP item “a good hat.” In other words, Neville Potter who is brown nosed DM enabler asked that Mayo deny and refuse an item given in session. David refused to modify the item and returned to INT Base. Neville reported it all instantly to Miscavige. David Miscavige was went into explosions which is characteristic of the thug.
It was barbaric. David Mayo was hauled out of bed for gang bang treatment.
It was medieval middle ages punishment.
He was removed from post and made to run around a tree”The running Program” 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, and made to run around a tree in all types of extreme desert condition.
Due to physical drain on his body, he lost most of his teeth.
He has had to run around a tree in solitary.
Others on the running program were not allowed to speak with him. It was complete isolation.
An absurd accusation was dreamed up that he had stolen $40,000 which was simply money allocated to implement tech programs.

A huge purge occurred at this time, where all TOP EXECS were removed and everyone was put on Security guard watch like they were felons.

It was a military JUNTA takeover the likes of which you would not image could occur in a CHURCH.

David Mayo was not allowed to run around the same tree as the other 19 to execs and his “Running Program” was a form of torture. . He was malnourished and underfed for the marathon running he was forced to endure in the heat of desert California Sun.

ALL this occurred at the infamous “INT BASE” or “GOLD BASE” Southern California’s Guantanomo Bay where Sea org members are imprisoned and tortured and all civil and constitutional rights are severed.

The CULT jokingly makes DVDs on Human Rights and pretends it is a Human Rights Advocate ! David Mayo had less human rights than an animal pursued by hunters.

Part 2

Miscavige was bent on destroying Mayo in a fever and vengeance known by those who knew him well. He threatened to destroy Mayo’s reputation utterly. Character Assassination is a tool in the tool kit of the Cult. Win/Win is not a concept in the Cult. It is self-serving. Win ONLY for the cult and crush the opposition. “Destroy them utterly” was written by Hubbard and the Intention of the cult to those who speak out is “To destroy”.
In its arrogance, the Cult, luxuriating in 1st amendment privileges, apparently believed only them, the Cult had 1st amendment privileges. David Mayo did not have the right to practice his 1st amendment beliefs.
Isn’t Karma awesome ? So the cult ran nothing short of a gang stalking terrorist campaign on Mayo. And lo and behold, out of *nowhere* the ANONYMOUS movement arose and showed up just like they did to David Mayo’s AAC. What goes around comes around !
This part of David’s story is best read by his own words.

I, David Mayo, declare as follows

13. In February 1983, I left the Church of Scientoloqy. Thereafter, the Church of Scientology, the Religious Technology Center, and their agents and affiliates began a campaign of harassment and intimidation against me and persons who associated with me.
14. On August 29, 1982, David Miscavage, and others, acting on the orders of L. Ron Hubbard, kidnapped me and subsequently kept me captive and physically and mentally abused me for six months. During this period, David Miscavage, an officer and director of RTC, told me in the presence of Vicki Aznaran, President of RTC, Mark Yaeger, Commanding Officer, CMO INT of CSI that if I ever escaped, he would personally see to it that the resources of the Church of Scientology would destroy my character and reputation internationally. During that six-month period of captivity, I was forced to run around a tree in the desert in temperatures of up to 110 degrees for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months I was under tremendous coercion and duress. I was refused medical and dental treatment (after escaping captivity I lost six teeth and required thousands of dollars of dental work to save the rest of my teeth). I was not permitted to make or receive phone calls and all letters I wrote were read by Scientology security guards. I was often awakened during the night and interrogated (mainly by Jesse Prince). In early February 1983, I was told by Rick Aznaran, Director of Security, RTC, (husband of Vicki Aznaran, President of RTC), to get the idea of leaving out of my head because I would never leave the property alive.
15. From 1983 through to the present, Plaintiffs have engaged in a concerted campaign to destroy me in accordance with the Scientology “Fair Game Law,” which allows opponents of the Church to be “deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”
16. As part of the campaign of harassment and intimidation against me, the Church of Scientology, the Religious Technology Center, and their affiliates and agents employed a team of private detectives who harassed parishoners and staff of the Advanced Ability Center, Santa Barbara, California, and who falsely misrepresented themselves as federal agents and conducted campaign of disinformation about me to the parishioners of the Cnurch of the New Civilization, potential parishioners of the Church of the New Civilization, the staff and the friends and relatives of the staff of the Advanced Ability Center, and among persons with whom I and the Center conducted religious services and training.
17. I was in extreme danger and under substantial duress during the six-month period of captivity and torture. The duress affected me even after my escape. I felt harassed and intimidated. When I left/was expelled in 1983, I had no job qualifications (other than related to Scientology), negligible savings, was not eligible for unemployment (nor social security) and had no job prospects. I had no friends or acquaintances who were not scientologists and all Scientologists were required to “disconnect from” (ostracize) me.
24. As a result of the false and scurrilous accusations made against me by the Church of Scientology and the Religious Technology Center, their affiliates and agents, the parishioners of the Church of the New Civilization were lost and new parishioners were deterred from coming to the Church while it was active.
25. Because of the campaign of harassment and intimidation directed at me, at the Church of the New Civilization and Advanccd Ability Center and its staff and at parishioners, potential parishioners, and supporters of that Church, income was lost to the Church and to me, individually.
26. At no time have I sought to make my differences with the Church of Scientology a public issue Any publicity generated involving the Plaintiffs and their campaign against me has been only in response to that campaign. The only public statements made by me which could be construed as antagonistic to the Church have been made in internal publications of the Advanced Ability Center or during “Sunday talks” presented at the Advanccd Ability Center in which I responded to the Church’s accusations and sought to clear my name of the false and denigrating statements made against me.
Executed on this 1st day of May, 1987, at Palo Alto, California.

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~~ Part Three.

The wrath that David Mayo had started an offshoot branch of Scientology enraged Hubbard and David Miscavige. As with Marty, the budget to destroy him was unlimited. The Character assassination was dirty and bloody.

There is an Executive Directive is littered with paraphrases signed by L. Ron Hubbard, adjudicating that “Mayo was simply a bird dog.” The definition of a bird dog is: ‘Somebody sent in by an enemy to mess things up.’”

David Mayo was locked into litigation with the Church for YEARS. This was in the 1980s. The Cherch believes it is the *ONLY* entity entitled to 1st amendment privileges. David Mayo was not entitled to practice what he just spent 70 hours a week for the previous 25 years. No 1st amendment for him ! It was brutal and all that mattered was market share. People were giving money to AAC, Advanced Ability Center. The Cult wanted those $$$$$.

The cherch behaved so disgracefully that the Judge (Honorable James G Koltz) ruled this statement :

Church of Scientology and RTC: “Plaintiffs have abused the federal court system by using it, inter alia, to destroy their opponents, rather than to resolve an actual dispute over trademark law or any other legal matter. This constitutes ‘extraordinary, malicious, wanton and oppressive conduct.

The Cult’s intention was To Destroy.
On August 4, 1994, the Cult of Scientology utilized INTERPOL, the US DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), and the DNCD (Dominicana Nacional Control de Drogas) engaged in a ploy to descend on David Mayo to get him jailed by false allegations to INTERPOL. INTERPOL had received and acted on a report that David Mayo was guilty of was “practicing Scientology( without a license”; that he had “destroyed Scientology property”; that he was “representing” himself as a “Scientologist”. Ventura Bayonet, head of the Dominican Republic DNCD said that he decided to act as a result of a phone call from INTERPOL alleging that David Mayo had damaged “millions of dollars of Scientology property”.

The criminal cartel was going to avenge David Mayo fleeing INT base and starting a splinter group. Hubbard said “Destroy them utterlly” and the machine and the plotting and the *religious Sea org members* worked and sweated blood behind the scenes to run psychological ops on David to harm him 80 hour weeks around the clock.

So from Senior CS Apollo, to Senior CS Flag Land Base, to Senior CS INT, the death cult of Taliban Scientology now proclaimed that David Mayo was a drug runner !!!

At the direction of David Miscavige’s RTC/Church of Scientology International, Office of Special Affairs On August 4, 1994, David Mayo’s home was surrounded by approximately 15 armed police, military and DNCD agents. David Mayo was handcuffed. The home was searched for fire arms, drugs and money. No drugs or firearms were found. Nonetheless, David Mayo was taken to two police stations and eventually taken to Santo Domingo where he was put in prison with no charges, explanation or reason. David wasn’t allowed to make a phone call to anyone — not even to a lawyer, to his wife Julie or to the American Embassy. That night, he was put in a small cell (about 12′ x 12’) stuffed with 10 – 12 other men overnight in abhorrent conditions — he had not been permitted food or water since the afternoon, there was no place to stretch out, the cell was filled with stench due to a blocked toilet and there were flies and mosquitoes. The next day David Mayo learned that it was INTERPOL that was investigating him at the request of Scientology. He was released the next night, without being charged, but the incident was shockingly unexpected and intimidating. The harassment didn’t end there.

~~~~To be continued

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Early Scientology materials

A mini-trove of early Scientology materials has some gems for us today

We’ve written a couple of fun stories about Rebecca McKee McCaffrey, who most recently regaled us with some sketchy stories about growing up as a teenager in Scientology. Since then, she’s been going through her family’s files, and we want to thank her for sending us some interesting items from Scientology’s heyday.

One of them was a photo of young L. Ron Hubbard that Hubbard’s daughter, Katie Gillespie, sent to Rebecca’s mother, Elaine. According to the note that Katie sent, the photo was taken a month before Hubbard turned 17.

That would put it at February 1928 when Ron was a junior at Helena High School in Montana, after spending the previous summer in Asia with his mom, and seeing his dad in Guam. (For a review of Hubbard’s high school years, see our previous story which for the first time revealed his mediocre school grades.)

Three months after this photo was taken, in May 1928, Hubbard got into some kind of altercation at the school and then left Helena before the end of the school year, making his way back to Washington and then on a ship to Guam to see his parents again.

Rebecca also included a 1963 pamphlet, “Introducing Scientology,” which contained some actual Scientology exercises that we thought you’d have some fun doing. Take a look…

Act Younger

Sitting somewhere near the center of the room, close your eyes and ‘contact’ the two upper corners of the room behind you. Then, holding those corners, sit still and don’t think. Remain interested only in those two corners. You can do this for two minutes (minimum) or two hours always with benefit. No matter what happens, simply hold the corners and don’t think. You can do this daily. It will make you act younger.

Feel Freer

Pick out two similar objects. Then find as many differences between them as possible. Now pick out two objects and see where they are in relation to each other and your body. Use these steps over and over. You will feel freer.

Better Your Memory

Go over this list many times, each time answering its questions:

Recall a time which really seems real to you.
Recall a time when you were in good communication with someone.
Recall a time when you agreed to something.
Recall a time when you liked somebody.
Recall a time when someone agreed with you.
Recall a time when someone was communicating easily to you.
Recall a time when somebody liked you.

Use this list many times. If Exercise One disturbed you, use this list. If you are tired or confused, use it. This exercise can be done for hours.

Republished from Tony Ortega’s blog

David Mayo, 1940-2017 (RIP)

February 3, 2018

Dear Catherine,

Thanks. I read about David on Tony Ortega’s blog. I had some very interesting experiences with David myself while he was Snr C/S at Flag when he directly C/Sed for me.

I also asked him in 2013 whether he were willing to train me on the Ls, but he denied. I guess he wasn’t allowed to having some agreement with the “church.”

How is Pierre doing?  I count on him  for supervising me on L-rundowns.

I am presently auditing in Italy after I worked in Spain before.

All the best,


Re-printed from Tony Ortega’s blog

David Mayo, 1940-2017: Scientology’s top technical wizard and target of ‘Fair Game’

We have just learned that on October 23, former Scientology figure David Mayo died in his native New Zealand after a short illness. He was 76.

In the early 1980s Mayo had risen to become Scientology’s Senior Case Supervisor International and founder L. Ron Hubbard’s personal auditor, and Hubbard appeared to be grooming him to become his successor. By 1983, however, Mayo had been purged in a Scientology reorganization and he started a rival movement, the Church of the New Civilization, with its Advanced Ability Center in Santa Barbara, California. The AAC was shut down three years later under fierce attacks — legal and otherwise — by the Church of Scientology. After years more harassment under Scientology’s notorious “Fair Game” doctrine, Mayo managed to work out a settlement with the church in 1996.

We had long telephone conversations with Mayo during our time at the Village Voice, and he told us that he was still traumatized over some of the things he’d experienced at the hands of Scientology’s private investigators — including at one point the gruesome deaths of his cats. We had hoped that he would speak on the record for a story, but he told us he enjoyed his quiet life in New Zealand, and didn’t want to disturb it.

Mayo was born on November 19, 1940 in Taumarunui, a small town on New Zealand’s North Island. His father was a nurseryman and outdoorsman, and Mayo inherited an abiding interest in nature from his parents. He had three sisters, two of them from his father’s previous marriage.

Mayo was a top student at Taumarunui High School, but it was there that one of his teachers introduced him to both theosophy and Dianetics, and by 1959 he was working for Scientology in Auckland and began corresponding with Hubbard.

“I thought this org was supposed to be about improving people and helping mankind and all of a sudden, my opening correspondence with the founder was about plots and Communists,” Mayo told author Russell Miller in a lengthy 1986 interview.

Mayo went to Scientology’s headquarters at Saint Hill Manor in England in 1962 to do the special Briefing Course, then after a short return to New Zealand and a stint in Scotland, he joined the “Sea Organization” as Hubbard left England to run Scientology from a small group of ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Mayo was part of that voyage from 1971 to 1975.

In 1973, while he was on the yacht Apollo, Mayo met a young Sea Org recruit from Michigan named Julia Gillespie. (She was no relation to the Gillespie family that Hubbard’s oldest daughter, Katie, had married into. Also, she was often referred to as “Julie” in written materials, but the family assures us her real name is “Julia.”) They quickly became close friends, and eventually, after they both had left Scientology and David’s marriage to his first wife, Merrill, ended, they were wed in 1993.

In 1978, Hubbard fell ill, and he credited Mayo’s auditing with saving his life. By then, the FBI had raided Scientology and Hubbard was more paranoid than ever. When Mayo went home to New Zealand for a week in February 1980, Hubbard vanished entirely, going into permanent seclusion with just a few trusted aides. While in hiding, Hubbard ordered the reorganization of Scientology as one of his young lieutenants, David Miscavige, began to exert greater control.

Amid that turmoil, Mayo was seized by Miscavige in 1982 and sent to Scientology’s notorious prison detail, the Rehabilitation Project Force, at a desert location in Southern California. Here’s how Mayo described his RPF experience in a sworn affidavit: “During that six-month period of captivity, I was forced to run around a tree in the desert in temperatures of up to 110 degrees for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. For 3 months I was under tremendous coercion and duress. I was refused medical and dental treatment — after escaping captivity I lost six teeth and required thousands of dollars of dental work to save the rest of my teeth. I was not permitted to make or receive phone calls and all letters I wrote were read by Scientology security guards.”

Mayo was “declared suppressive” and left the church in 1983, and then he endured heavy harassment as he tried to run his Advanced Ability Center in Santa Barbara. But even after Scientology managed to get it shut down, Mayo was the subject of intense surveillance and dirty tricks, culminating in his being arrested in Santo Domingo in 1994.

After a 1996 settlement, however, Mayo was able to enjoy a life of continued study, gardening, photography, and hiking. He and Julia moved back permanently to New Zealand in 2002.

Mayo’s family has set up a website dedicated to these other pursuits, and not his time in Scientology or with Hubbard.

“Like so many other Kiwis, he grew up inspired by the natural beauty that surrounded him,” the family’s website says. “Tramping on the nearby mountains, swimming in the river and bathing in natural hot pools were favourite activities. David loved learning new things throughout his life, innovation, adventure, and the ever so important overseas experiences. He was renowned for his resilience and resourcefulness but perhaps even better known for his dogged determination and courage in taking on difficult tasks.”

We’re glad we got a chance to have a few conversations with David Mayo several years ago. He certainly inhabited a unique position in Scientology’s history which we can only hint at in this brief article, and we look forward to hearing some memories of him from some of our longtime readers.

[David and Julia Mayo]

[Mayo at the Advanced Ability Center in Santa Barbara]
Karen de la Carriere David Mayo was highly regarded for his innate decency, honor, and integrity. All the Class XIIs would attest he was man of honor. He genuinely wanted to help the person who was trying to use and believe in any self-help techniques by communicating and baring their soul to the counselor. My world fell apart when I looked at my in-basket at the Flag Land Base and found a mimeographed issue with world wide distribution called “The story of a Squirrel” and naming David Mayo as “the darling of the Psychs.” This was the man who saved Hubbard’s life while Hubbard lay comatose in 1978. The cult’s hatred and utter thrust to destroy someone who left the group was in full evidence. The cult had strong urges to DESTROY. To my shame I had engaged in an RTC mission to flip people back to the cult from David’s Advanced Ability Center and I was hung up in this betrayal for a long time. I had joined the evil group against a friend. When I reconnected with David Mayo on the phone, I profusely apologized. He absolutely forgave me and told me about an assassin attempt. I have come to believe the story. At the height of the litigation with the cult, A man showed up with a very visible gun. David talked him out of using it. David described the incident in great depth and was very shaken by it. He was 100 percent sure it was a hit man. One anecdote I will share will give you some insight into the mind of David Mayo. I was auditing a woman close to terminal on cancer. Her name was Grace Alpe. She had bounced from church to church getting refunds and was threatening suicide. For some bizarre and strange reason she had Quentin Hubbard moved in with her in her room at the Fort Harrison and then demanded Quentin Hubbard as her auditor. Grace was re-assigned from me to Quentin. It was Quentin’s end of the road. After some errors and mistakes, in the auditing of Grace Alpe, Quentin lost all his certification and was told he had to re-train from the bottom up. Quentin fled the Flag Land Base that night, and 2 weeks later was found in Las Vegas unconscious and he died a little later. Back to David. Mary Sue Hubbard had been informed of the Grace Alpe dying pc that Quentin was auditing daily and she ordered Grace Alpe be sent back to New Zealand with full refunds of all her monies. Grace was being escorted to Tampa Airport within 2 hours. Richard Kennedy the Sea org member along with a guard were to escort her off the base. David Mayo tracked me down at the Fort Harrison. It was lunch break, I was in my room. Room #688. David was carrying her pc folder. “Karen, Grace is in a state of great upset, she likely will not even live another week, can you please go back in session and do the Case supervised instructions to ease her pain.” I looked at David. I really loved this man. “Sorry David, I can’t” I had spent 5 hours a day with Grace Alpe for the prior 3 months. I couldn’t do it. I looked at David, one class XII to another, I saw his compassion and his need to HELP in what he fully believed was HELP. It was an emotionally charged moment. David felt he had failed Grace Alpe. He cared.

Victoria Pandora I remember showing up to course one day and being happy that I had a bunch of Mayo bulletins to “star rate” and word clear. Mayos bulletins were easy to stomach, well written, and not creepy like much of Hubbard’s stuff. However, on that particular day an extra piece of paperwork had been placed into my course folder. I was also to word clear and star rate David Mayos SUPPRESSIVE PERSON DECLARE. After discussing this with my course supervisor, turns out I was meant to star rate the very bulletins written by this newly created SP Mayo, while finishing up my day by getting checked out on his declare. Jesus, even *I* couldn’t be pushed this far. I almost felt sorry for the course sup, but I kept grilling him. I wanted it all to somehow make sense. Of course that was impossible. Finally he screamed at me, “It is what it is!!”
And since I had a major case of old fashioned wog PMS, I kicked the poor fellow in the shin, lol. Spent most of the rest of my $cientology career on the ethics couch. I say the couch, because during that particular time frame there were lines down the hall and out the door, all waiting to see the E.O. But this day, although I lingered much too long after, was the final straw. I did finally get to “meet” David on ESMB. I’ll always care about him because I know he tried to bring compassion to a very ugly organization. RIP David

Mat Pesch The dispatch that I saw, which was apparently from Hubbard, was to have David (and a couple others that were also in trouble) run around a tree until he wore the path so deep that only his head could be seen. I saw them running around that tree, day after day until they couldn’t even walk. Their bodies broke down. It was obvious to me that the intention of the dispatch was to punish and harm David and the others. By 1983 the RPF was doing the “Running Program Pilot”. It got cut back to 5 hours a day, vitamins, a supervision person, a pole instead of a tree, etc. I remember seeing RPFers at the Big Blue Complex coming back from the park where they had been doing the “pilot” and other RPFers were literally carrying them up the stairs to the floor where the RPF were living. RPFers can’t use an elevator and their bodies were too broken down to walk up stairs. The whole rundown was fluffed up a bit and is now sold to the public for $5,000. It is called the Cause Resurgence Rundown and it is delivered on a big running track on the top floor of the Super Power Building. I suspect that some day the upper floor of the Super Power building will be converted to an indoor, air conditioned doggie park and a drain will be installed around the center pole.

Monica Pignotti Sad news. I knew him quite well years ago. He was always one of the good guys and got out of the cult in 1982 and although he was harassed, spent many decades in freedom. Even though he held a very senior position in Scientology, he was always kind and stood up to Hubbard on more than one occasion. His ex-wife Merrill told me that one time when Hubbard ordered him to go to the RPF (a Scientology gulag) he actually refused! He was both strong and kind-hearted. A rare combination. He will be missed.

Robin Scott I had the privilege off working closely with David Mayo in the Independent Scientology movement of the early 1980s. Possibly the very finest Scientologist ever, certainly a man with incredible moral courage and personal integrity. He led the movement to save the best parts of Scientology for posterity, and I am as proud as hell to have been associated with him. So glad to hear that he returned to his native New Zealand.

Janis Gillham Grady Hana, Thanks for the great memories on David. You just reminded me of that fun mission David, you and I did to the Fort Harrison with LRH as our Mission Ops to work out the original space planning for the FH and CB before everyone moved from Daytona – the purchases were still in escrow! Your statements about David are so correct – he did what he had to to help people. On the Apollo when Mary Sue was mad at her husband, she too used to go to David to vent about Hubbard as David was someone she felt safe talking to – we all felt safe with him.

Valerie Ross I had to take a deep breath and recover from the gut punch from reading the headline before I could continue reading the article about him and then wait even longer before I could comment. I also had to go somewhere other than my office where I could type this because I know I will be sobbing uncontrollably by the time I finish. David truly cared about people. It had nothing to do with his status or his closeness to Hubbard, it had to do with his soul. By the time Mayo’s entire mess happened, I had been disappeared from the Sea Org and had escaped GO and was in the final gasps of extricating myself completely from scientology. Even at that far remove, I heard of what was done to Mayo. I was able to get my hands on a copy of his SP declare and not only did I not believe a word of it, it made me very happy that I was no longer a part of a group that would destroy people in that manner. Even though I had no desire to be connected to anything even slightly similar to scientology, I reached out to David at AAC and we had a few good conversations. I have no doubt his cats were destroyed by order of someone connected to scientology, I long worried that my pets and those I love would be attacked should I speak out. I worried because that’s just how the GO did it. OSA claims to be different from the GO. I honestly believe that. They are worse. Although I would have read his story had he agreed to go on the record, I am truly thrilled that he chose the peaceful life and his quiet pursuits in New Zealand over reminiscing on the record about his past in scientology. I hope he was totally at peace when he died, he deserved that.

Claudio Lugli Way back approximately in 1980 he came to Italy as Senior C/S International for a Flag World Tour lecture and me and Renata had the pleasure of spending a few days with him since we were in the Sea Org at the time working as Flag Service Consultants for Italy. One anecdote I can share that I think summarises his character is this: together with the then FWT I/C Fred Harris and David we went to meet a very wealthy whale at the time Giuseppe Mazzorato. Giuseppe was complaining no results from the Flag auditing he had received and was generally dissatisfied. Fred Harris talking with David was trying to establish the “tactic” to extract money from the whale…… David berated him strongly and told him he had to put his efforts in solving the troubles Giuseppe was going through and NOT thinking about the money. This was a sign of high integrity I very rarely saw in my years in Scientology. Fly high David! You have been a great man.

Joe Howard This was a sad read for me, though not unexpected. Somehow, someway after I blew, David and.I got in contact again, after more than 20 years. We had about five hours of phone conversations over the course of several calls before David even uttered the word Scientology. Not that we had not discussed our time together at Int but he told me numerous times that the agreement he had no choice but to agree to led me to believe that he was not even able to utter the word Scientology, much less tell his long and interesting story about his time in Scientology. I tried unsuccessfully to convince him to write his side of the story, the full story, though I know that some of this has been written up and exists on the Internet. David had a deep interest in astrophysics and I connected him with Geir Isene in Norway who is tech savvy and could have arranged a way for David to be able to share his story. But this was not to be. David told me several times that he did not dare share his story while he was alive because of the repercussions of his agreement. I only hope that he did manage to write down his story and now that he has passed on that it will surface. In April 1982, only months before LRH removed Mayo, he sent him several long (more than 20 pages) about how the reorganization of the church and how David’s unit would fit in. LRH left it up to David as to how he wanted it to be structured but he thought that possibly that David should head up a part of Scientology that was entirely separate from the church itself, which was usually embroiled in the day to day insanity of getting the stats up. That sounded pretty good to David who never really got along all that well with management or even the CMO for that matter. He told me at one point that he had selected me to become part of this unit. One of these memos was the somewhat well-known one where LRH said that in a few years he would be off the lines for 15 or 20 years but not to worry because the tech was all but wrapped up and certainly in good enough shape for David to take over and direct until LRH’s return. Hah! What a joker that LRH turned out to be! Back in happier days, LRH cast David in the original EM 9A tech film, “E-Meter Reads” playing a Humphrey Bogart type character as the Snr C/S Int. I’m sorry that most people have not seen that film because David was really good in it. After he was removed, we had to reshoot the film, naturally. How different would Scientology have been had the right David taken over. He was someone who could actually help people improve the conditions of their lives, which always was the entire point of Scientology. Instead, we have David Miscavige whose only mission is to destroy the subject utterly. Sorry if I’m coming across as an independent Scner. I’m not, really. But David Mayo was someone who made one think that something good could be achieved with it.


So, to begin, I want to share a basic fact about brainwashing: IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF MAN, NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN BRAINWASHED AND REALIZED, OR BELIEVED, THAT HE HAD BEEN BRAINWASHED. Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators, claiming they have simply been “shown the light” … or have been transformed in miraculous ways.

In talking about mind manipulation I know how effective it can be. However, the use of conversion tactics also can assist participants to become independent and self-sufficient. At any time those attending have a choice to participate or not. They’re also aware of the desired result of participation.

The Birth of Conversion and why it is so effective

Any study of brainwashing has to begin with a study of Christian revivalism in eighteenth century America. Apparently, Jonathan Edwards accidentally discovered the techniques during a religious crusade in 1735 in Northampton, Massachusetts. By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the sinners attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit. Technically, what Edwards was doing was creating conditions that wipe the mind slate clean so that the mind accepts new programming. He would tell those attending, “You’re a sinner! You’re destined for hell!”

As a result, one person committed suicide and another attempted suicide. The neighbors of the suicidal converts related that they, too, were affected so deeply that, although they had found “eternal salvation,” they were obsessed with a diabolical temptation to end their own lives. Once a preacher, cult leader, manipulator or authority figure creates the mind phrase to wipe the mind-slate clean, his subjects are open to new programming.

New input, in the form of suggestions, can be substituted for their previous ideas. Because Edwards didn’t turn his message positive until the end of the revival, many accepted the negative suggestions and acted, or desired to act, upon them. Charles J. Finney was another Christian revivalist who used the same techniques four years later in mass religious conversions in New York. The techniques are still being used today by Christian revivalists, cults, human-potential training, some business rallies and the U.S. armed services.

Let me point out here that I don’t think most revivalist preachers realize or know they are using brainwashing techniques. Edwards simply stumbled upon a technique that worked, and others copied it and have continued to copy it for over two hundred years. And the more sophisticated our knowledge and technology become, the more effective the conversion. I feel strongly that this is one of the major reasons for the increasing rise in Christian fundamentalism, especially the televised variety, while most of the orthodox religions are declining.


I’ve seen


The articles you’ll find here touch on a wide range of disciplines, including Scientology, art, health, ecology, philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, economics and technology, but all of them, though different in topic, share something in common: they point to a better way of living.

My intention is not to turn readers into believers, so please don’t believe anything that you read here as being the truth. In fact, no absolute truth can be expressed through words, so just take from the writings only what you find personally enlightening and helpful, and discard what doesn’t contribute to your understanding and well-being.

I write this with greatest affinity through which I am sharing part of my being with millions of readers from every corner of our planet.

Scientologists and ex-Scientologists juvenile practice of humiliation and targeting individuals with critical comments about their body shape or size

Body shaming or expressing mockery about a person’s body shape or size is often used by FreeZone Scientologists and Ex-Scientologists to make less of a person they dislike. Unfortunately this is not an unique tactic by making less of others to attempt to gain popularity or business. On many occasions it would fire back.

Body shaming was what one man tried to do to Cassie Young, a newly engaged radio host in Atlanta. Young was celebrating her bride-to-be status on social media when a trainer reached out to her on Twitter, offering his services “to get you in shape for your wedding.”


When Young turned him down, replying that she’s “in shape,” he was undeterred, and continued to send her body shaming messages.

“I know you want to look your best on your wedding day,” he wrote. “If you don’t hire me hire someone. Those pictures lasts[sp] centuries.”

But Young remained cool, kindly explaining why she’s happy with her body.

“I know it’s probably hard for you to understand this, but it’s taken me a long time to love my body. I’m constantly shamed or reminded that I’m heavy and I should be embarrassed — or people are embarrassed for me — or just straight up rude, calling me ‘disgusting.’ I’ve battled past all that and like how I look,” she responded.

“I’ve worked really hard at accepting my self-worth and disassociating the idea that my weight is a direct correlation to my value as a person or how much people will like me. And I found someone who loves me no holds barred — just the way I am, thus proving that true.”

The trainer refused to give in, however, continuing to say, “you can’t lie to yourself,” and explaining that he understands because he used to be heavier. Young responded that he is “perpetuating the problem,” of basing your self-worth on your appearance.

Dianetics and Scientology Research Project

Operation Bootstrap name is inspired on a US government project to boost the economy of Puerto Rico. Project Bootstrap was run under the sponsorship of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita in 1953.

Operation Bootstrap was the project run by Art Coulter who had published Analytical Procedure in 1953. Our research library  have acquired a booklet which is crucial to gather full upierre_ethier_scientology_research_librarynderstanding of the technology processing differences and disagreements between L. Ron Hubbard (LRH) and the 1953 Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation (HDRF).

Our library have acquired tapes named operation bootstrap and all have Arthur Coulter as speaker. They are 15 minutes long (but in actual fact last as much as 30 minutes) and  all range from January 1953 to June 1953

In 1953 LRH lost control of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation ( HDRF). He was voted out because of his overspending and technology processing disagreements.

One of the first thing LRH did , after taking over the foundation , was to destroy all materials that were not attributed to him, like those tapes by other people. There are HDRF Bulletins that are exceedingly rare (published in the same format as Dianetic Auditor Bulletins) but all copies attached to the Wichita Dianetic Center were destroyed. Only the few that made it into individual hands survived.

The HDRF used to lend tapes. They had 15 copies of the Project Bootstrap lectures and 5 of most non LRH others. They were not offered for sale. Only LRH tapes were offered for sale. It was strictly forbidden to copy or transcribe tapes on loan. We have already verified with the ART COULTER estate, and it therefore appear Art Coulter original tapes in our library done under the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation (1953) are probably the ONLY surviving original anywhere. Coulter opened his own Center in 1954, but prior in 1952-1953 all materials he did was published and kept by the Wichita Dianetic Foundation. The same applies to the tapes by Gordon Beckstead.

Project Bootstrap was the first of the Synergetics Projects. In 1956 they had Project Nucleus and our library was lucky enough to get the full set (in bulletins rather than tapes). What is interesting about Synegergetics is that it is not so directed  to Mental/ spiritual therapy like auditing but more a philosophy having to do with pan-determinism and learning to do what is most optimum for self but for others as well. In later year Synergetics got involved in war prevention strategy and more recently (Their Magazine, first published in 1954, was still being published 10 years ago).

Our library holds a number of Art Colter’s works all the way to 1970…We have obtained  the original “HDA Newsletter” which was published bi-monthly from June 1951 until January 1952: total of 16 issues. Issues 11-16 are standard digest size like Ability or Certainty Magazines. Prior Issues were mimeographed and stapled on standard size paper. The Church of Scientology renewed the Copyright on it in 1980. The original is very much yellowed from aging. We were able to clean them up and bind them professionally to be preserved in the physical library.

We have acquired materials from several hitherto undiscovered cache. This is an acquisition of very rare, most of them one of a kind and the only copies of  unpublished technical and historical materials from the dawn of Dianetics & ScientologyThe Independent field of Scientology goes back to 1951.

The official publications of the Church of Scientology give very little information about the early 1950’s. The history of Dianetics possibly begins in the 1920s. In April 1950, Hubbard and several others established the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey to coordinate work related for the forthcoming publication of Dianetics. Hubbard wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health at that time.

The success of selling Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health brought in a flood of money, which Hubbard used to establish Dianetics foundations in six major American cities.

In the early days of Scientology, Hubbard expressed a debt to other thinkers for developing Dianetics. For example, there are a number of references to Freud and Breuer in his 1950 lectures. Hubbard also initially credited U.S. Navy doctor Commander Thompson. The books Science of Survival (1951) and Scientology 8-8008 (1952) both contain acknowledgment lists. However, on 7 February 1965 Hubbard published the Policy Letter “Keeping Scientology Working“, where he said: “Our technology has not been discovered by a group. True, if the group had not supported me in many ways I could not have discovered it either.”

During 1950 demand grew for auditing facilities. Branches of the Foundation were established in Los Angeles, New York, Washington, Chicago and Honolulu. The main auditor training centres were in New Jersey and Los Angeles. Graduates of the four week course were certified as professional auditors.

In parallel with this, ‘grass-roots’ groups emerged who began training themselves and co-auditing. Some publicised their activities in the papers, some wrote to booksellers or the Foundation to make contact with others in their area interested in Dianetics. Extensive written communication took place between the groups and with the Foundation. This correspondence discussed case histories, new ideas on therapy and practice, and ideas on development of the movement. Groups started to produce their own newsletters and the Foundation produced its own journal. This included articles by Hubbard and other Foundation staff plus details of courses and books available,

There was no attempt however by the Foundation to control or structure the field groups. Auditors trained by the Foundation were left to apply their new skill how and where they wished. Some joined or led local groups, others set up as solo-practitioners.

By the autumn of 1950, financial problems had developed, and by November 1950, the six Foundations had spent around one million dollars and were more than $200,000 in debt. Disagreements emerged over the direction of the Dianetic Foundation’s work, and relations between the board members became strained, with several leaving, even to support causes critical of Dianetics. One example was Harvey Jackins, founder of Re-evaluation Counselling.

In January 1951, the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners instituted proceedings against the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth for teaching medicine without a licence. The Foundation closed its doors, causing the proceedings to be vacated, but its creditors began to demand settlement of its outstanding debts. Don Purcell, a millionaire Dianeticist from Wichita, Kansas, offered a brief respite from bankruptcy, but the Foundation’s finances failed again in 1952.

Because of a sale of assets resulting from the bankruptcy, Hubbard no longer owned the rights to the name “Dianetics”,but its philosophical framework still provided the seed for Scientology to grow. Scientologists refer to the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health as “Book One.”


As you all know for many years Pierre Ethier has given free advice, interpretation and references on various standard tech. matters for the personal benefits and advancement of countless Scientologists. On many occasions Pierre had provided free C/Sing and free Programming. Thus donating his time , effort and expertise solely to help others advance.

Pierre has been compiling a Scientology Research library purchasing many rare materials in order to preserve the tech. and to use the materials for research and as a practical reference for standard processing. This project has been heavily sabotaged in the the past, however it came to produce extraordinary good results despite the counter intention and many road blocks. Now the fruits of the hard work have become evident.

Recently we have been approached by benefactors who offered some help for this project. I am happy to see that despite of the many who just want to consume resources without fair exchange, there are some kind people who  actually want to contribute and further help for the development of the Scientology Research Library by sending gifts-in-kind donating materials and monetary resources. I am happy to see that true kindness and care for others is still out there.

Thank you for your gifts-in-kind and your contributions.

True kindness is still out there.

What makes great people are the simple acts of kindness.

Have rare, historical or significant books or materials? Why not make them available for research and beyond?

Pierre Ethier welcomes gifts of materials and monetary donations for research materials from individuals or groups. All materials must be legally obtained without exception. Please contact us if you kindly want to contribute rare, historical books or other materials that you want to make available for technology research for enhancing and preserving standard tech applications. Where possible we will attempt to add the materials into our Research Library based on criteria that apply to the selection of our library materials. It is understood that gifts are freely given without conditions attached

All donations will be considered as Donations of Gifts-In-Kind. You also can make voluntary donation via PayPal.



Generosity is costly, yet makes you happier

The generosity is not necessarily an intuitive choice, as any selfless act comes at a personal cost. When we do something for someone else, we typically give away some of our personal resources, such as time, energy, or money.

Still, people choose to act generously despite these costs, and that choice is probably explained by the motivation provided by the anticipation of the “warm glow.”

The correspondence between generous acts and increased levels of happiness is notable. Generosity results in that feeling of satisfaction when we perform a pleasant activity. The decision to give makes us happier.

Forty-eight people participated in this study, all of whom were allocated a sum of money on a weekly basis for 4 weeks. The participants were also randomly split into two equal groups.

One group constituted the experimental strand, and its members were assigned to perform acts of generosity toward others. They were asked to make a public pledge to be generous, thus ensuring their commitment to the idea. The other group was the control group, whose members were told to spend the money on themselves. All participants were asked to report their level of happiness both at the beginning and at the end of the experiment.

After making the public pledge, all the participants were asked to perform certain tasks were prompted to make choices related to generous behavior by deciding whether or not they would offer a gift of money to someone.

Each time, a cost to themselves was also specified alongside the total value of the gift. Both the value of the gift and the size of the cost varied.

It was found that participants in the experimental group were likelier to choose the gifts most beneficial to others that came at a larger cost to themselves – that is, they were more charitable and self-sacrificing than the participants in the control group.

It was also found that all participants who had performed, or had been willing to perform, an act of generosity – no matter how small – viewed themselves as happier at the end of the experiment.

“You don’t need to become a self-sacrificing martyr to feel happier. Just being a little more generous will suffice”  says one of the professors performing the experiment.


Joy Villa continues her star turn as Scientology’s sudden celebrity

Joy Villa continues her star turn as Scientology’s sudden celebrity. In this photo, she’s with her “stylish friends,” she says. On the left in the photo is a man named Zoltan Torteli, and more about him in a moment. But on the right, well that’s Arthur Ehrlich. You might remember him from a photo his mother posted when she said she was sending him away to Scientology’s Sea Org at only 16. But he didn’t go after all. And he’s popped up from time to time on various Scientology accounts. When we see him, we remember Aaron Smith-Levin breaking down on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath as he talked about losing his twin brother, Collin. Arthur is Collin’s son, and he has no contact with his uncle, Aaron. We can’t help wondering if Joy Villa has any clue about this at all.


Here’s another shot of Zoltan Torteli, with his certificates for the L10, L11, and L12 Rundowns. According to a 2010 price list, L10 costs a minimum of $42,000 in auditing (and can cost much more), and L11 and L12 cost minimums of $23,250 in auditing each. That’s at least $88,500 and probably much more just for auditing, plus the many weeks of accommodation at the Flag Land Base and numerous other costs for security interrogations, etc.


From Tony Ortega’s Blog

Success testimony by Ian Sterling

The Good

In this post ( below) on ESMB , Ian Sterling express the positive result from Pierre’s auditing of his now ex-wife. Ian Sterling says: “I would like to say that Mrs. T is currently doing the Ls with Pierre and is totally blown away. She is not one to get. carried away and overly enthusiastic about things. ” Further he goes on to say ” He does deliver what he promise.”

Ian-Sterling - Michelle Sterling


Writing this I know that the evil and abusive individuals will cut and crop  or otherwise distribute my words out of context to make me wrong. Because the people involved are full time gossipers and think if they make less of what I have to say makes them feel better about the evil they have done.

So let’s cut to the chaise and explain the ESMB drama, lies and manipulations. Around 10 years ago my husband was invited in LA to Audit David Thomas on L10. He was used and treated as a slave by Aida  and David Thomas for about a month. My husband had sustained a severe injury while employed at the Sea Org and he was coerced to give the money for his medical treatment to parishioners and to the Church of Scientology. As a result he remained disabled and was taken advantage of by the Thomases while working for a month for no pay.  After Pierre was not paid for his auditing on David Thomas to make less of him Aida went ahead to write a vulgar Knowledge Report, which she sent to my non- Scientology  work with the intention to drive a wedge between us. I believe that this is non-civilized behavior however covert attacks are very common in Scientology circles , be it ex-Scientologists or current Scientologists.  Part of the indoctrination in Scientology is lack of sense of decency and compassion.  

I was  attacked and also manipulated by a PC of Aida – Lynn Keller. Also Aida gave my personal email to some of her friends to send me profanities , sexually harassing and plain bizarre correspondence in Aida’s defense.  To date Aida manipulates others by playing “victim” and pretending to be “attacked” and sending back channel correspondence. After I saw an email Lynn Keller set to my husband where she admitted to have lied to me I stopped communicating to her. Years later I sent a copy of Lynn’s Back stubbing email to herself. Lynn forwarded to Aida and Aida forwarded to other people attempting to manipulate them against me. I deeply believe that there is no honor in trickery and dishonesty. This is why none of the people involved is progressing up the bridge and there will be a “Judgement day for everyone involved!”

So when I stopped reacting Aida went on Ex-Scientologist Message Board (ESMB) to start trashing my son and make me react. The  ESMB is owned by the wife of Aida’s PC – Ian Sterling – Michelle Burtcher Sterling.  I was told the Ian Sterling was supported by his ex-wife in England and I also had seen flirting notes with Michelle on ESMB while he was married. To cut the story short the marriage between Ian and his ex was split apart and he  married Michelle. Aida as Ian’s auditor  had a big part of spreading the gossip and breaking the marriage. Aida also saw.

This how the story evolved. Aida Thomas went on to convince Ian Steling that an easy way to make cash would be a campaign to extort Pierre by harrasing on ESMB. In 2019 Michelle Steling went on to admit to have been paid to spread certain propaganda on ESMB. This is why all of a sudden fairgaming Pierre had become number one on the list. This makes ESMB look really bad,

“I found a the following post from Michelle Sterling ( Emma ) where she admits to have benefited from Life Repair:Life Repair Auditing -I did life repair auditing both as a PC and auditor.Done properly it can produce really good changes in the PC. Getting through the word clearing on the Scn C/S1 was the worst thing :(”

No more comments on my side.Just a reminder  about inconsistencies in her practices. How do you want me to believe that Michelle Butcher Sterling is opposing Scientology?

Catherine Ethier

Michelle -Sterling -Life-Repair


Here Michelle’s admission that Pierre’s articles helped her leave the abuse at the Church of Scientology. She has not been very kind and thankful for the help.

Emma-the first critical thing

In recent admissions Michelle Sterling states to have been paid to control the distribution of unflattering and harrassing propaganda about targeted individuals. Pierre seems to have been unfairly victimised by some of her paid sponsors.



Open letter:

Catherine Ethier

My quote of the day:

“Being mentally challenged is a disability but being EVIL is a choice!”

In response to Michelle Butcher – Sterling who wrote: “Pierre, some advice. Lose the crazy bi*ch …”

Preaching family destruction is EVIL! Promoting family disconnection is EVIL! It takes some real EVIL to split a family.

In regard to your continuous drama for many years now, I will reiterate that no one has ever been authorized to speak on my behalf , I have NEVER made any postings on your site. Although I am very flattered by your keen interest toward me  ( I recall one time when you, Michelle called me “a public figure” in a letter you wrote to your ISP), I want to firmly note that your own postings (which you often contribute to me) , your “snipplets”, other exerts out of context , “telepathic mind reading” realizations, alterations, misrepresentations and other assertions are only your personal fabrications and that of the members of your group.

 Thank you for generating traffic to my site. It has been  noted!

I wish you well Michelle and always.


Note: Why Michelle Butcher (Ryan)- Sterling  is actually afraid to exchange 5 minutes direct communication with me but would spend couple of years in speculations and fabrications whining on various boards and plain misrepresenting matters of fact. For example Michelle’s claim that ” I have sent lawyers after her” is untrue.  I have NEVER hired a lawyer , in fact the lawyer’s letter sent to Michelle was from her business partner and ended with the phrase : “thank you for your business”. I was not sent a copy of it. Michelle went on and on and on by claiming that I have been “threatening her with lawyers” , “DMCA take down threat …” , ” Extortion” and so on fabrications. This is simply untrue! I  have asked Michelle to stop fairgaming my child and remove false fabrications about a MINOR disabled kid. Michelle if you have any questions would of been fair to ask me, not to whine a drama to the various manipulated members of your board. How can this DRAMA went on for so long? Michelle, not even a word of what you are saying is to be believed! Daily drama, lies and fabrications! Come on people , give me a break ! This amount of drama for being asked to remove the smear about a disabled child ?

Michelle wrote “Pierre, some advice. Lose the crazy bi*ch …”  – this is the Church of Scientology enemy line. Along with smearing disabled children, Michelle and Aida have partnered into what becomes a professional home and marriage wrecking. Michelle’s EVIL  line sounds very familiar. In actual fact it closely resembles the line of Barbro Wennberg . Barbro Wennberg is a staff at the Church of Scientology who aimed to split our family writing on my husband’s folder an order: “dump the bi*ch“. Let me tell you more about Barbro. Barbro was for  two days caretaker of Lisa McPherson. Along with others she  kept Lisa  confined in a hotel room and  did not take her to the hospital ( Link1  , Link2 , Link 3, Link 4) when needed. Lisa McPherson as you all know died.

My husband was 20 years Sea Org staff working at no pay as an auditor. My husband left the Church of Scientology after he was coerced to provide loans to parishioners for services at the Church of Scientology and coerced otherwise to  provide money directly to the Church. Those  were funds needed for his medical treatment and funds vital for a necessary follow up surgery. While on staff at the Church my husband  was in an accident that caused him a severe injury. He was hit by a drunk taxi driver . My husband spent several days in coma , his leg was surgically reconstructed and he was told he will never walk again. He walked but the loans he generously gave to parishioners for their benefit were never repaid, there were no money left for his medical treatment , he could not afford to pay for a required follow up surgery and this resulted in a DISABILITY FOR LIFE. For his kindness my husband had to cope with disability for life and was consistently ridiculed by associates of the Church, their allies and the manipulated by them crowds. There were numerous character assassination attacks carried out maliciously by publishing defamatory libelous  matters without lawful justification or excuse and only meant to injure the reputation of my husband and my family by exposing us to hatred, contempt and ridicule that was designed to insult us. This is criminal!

Also while working as a staff in the Church my husband sustained injuries and severe life threatening conditions. The last one I personally witnessed was treated by Dr. Minkoff ( also involved in the Lisa McPherson’s case). My husband was instructed by the MLO that the Church is not maintaining workers compensation insurance for their own employees and will not cover the treatment even if he was going to die. Workers compensation coverage for employees is mandatory regulatory requirement to cover employee treatment for injuries on the job. We have kept silent about this kind of abuse for many years now just to be abused even more.

You can make another drama, fabricate some more untrue statements , abuse me and my family some more. That is all you are about. I don’t care! More traffic to my site! Thank you.

enc. Copy of my server logs. Michelle Butcher / Ryan – Sterling is my best promoter:


My site stats went up thanks to Michelle. In addition the site visitors kept reading and reading. Very well done Michelle!


My response to the FreeZone PR Terril Park who has been calling me names:

 I would rather be a “Crazy Bi*ch”, than an EVIL Witch hosting as a FreeZone Party Special Guest of honor well known to her alleged  child molester and a FZ Class VIII ( refer to video below)  . Couple of years prior to hosting ” the matador” on her FreeZone party, Aida had told me that this FZ Class VIII is a “s*x pervert” .  Her own words. Few years after she went on to promote and PR the ” matador”  and FZ Class VIII who according to Aida was a harmful pervert. I would rather sound “crazy” than willingly to throw under the carpet corrupt practices, cover up  abuse and fairgame of children.

Terril Park is incapable to properly duplicate and any statements of his on my behalf are grossly distorted and unauthorized. We have received correspondence from a financial sponsor of his claiming to have ” hijacked his email” ( her own words) and using his email address and accounts. I will be more than happy to provide a copy upon request.


23028234293 24.06.2013 21:46:09 United States Nevada Las Vegas…
23028234294 24.06.2013 21:46:00 United States Nevada Las Vegas
23028234295 24.06.2013 21:45:54 United States Nevada Las Vegas…

Keeps coming , no kidding:

28.06.2013 11:52:37 United States Nevada Las Vegas
28.06.2013 11:52:35 United States Nevada Las Vegas

Interesting data logs:

27.06.2013 13:09:37 United States Florida Zephyrhills…
27.06.2013 05:07:22 United States Florida Zephyrhills…
27.06.2013 05:22:41 United States Florida Pinellas Park…

The Church A-E keeps checking:

28.06.2013 22:15:51 United States Florida Zephyrhills…
29.06.2013 22:41:19 United States Florida Zephyrhills…

But hey , here is a fixated person:

01.07.2013 16:45:28 Australia Victoria Melbourne…
29.06.2013 18:04:53 Australia Victoria Melbourne…
29.06.2013 13:43:21 Australia Victoria Melbourne…
29.06.2013 05:48:58 Australia Victoria Melbourne…
29.06.2013 05:48:58 Australia Victoria Melbourne…

Related articles:

Link 1 

Link 2

“Life is a journey, not a destination”

Life is a journey. Take a moment to think about your own life. Have you “arrived” at your final destination? Have you achieved everything you’ve hoped to achieve? Traveled everywhere you’ve wanted to visit? Finished everything you’ve wanted to complete?

The truth is, no matter how much you achieve, accomplish, and acquire in life… there is always something more to be had. You’ll never “reach” your final destination—at least not in this life!

So, why does all this matter? Because far too many people put off what really matters in pursuit of the things they want to achieve. They tell themselves that they’ll worry about these things once they’ve reached their destination.

Things like family. Enjoying friends. Nurturing relationships. Forgiving enemies. Enjoying life. Experiencing peace. These things are put off… and most of the time, they are never re-discovered.

However, the key to obtaining real peace in our lives is to focus on enjoying the journey, taking the time to “smell the roses,” and focusing on what’s really important in life. This doesn’t mean that we have to give up on our dreams and our goals. It’s good to be ambitious; it’s great to want to accomplish enormous things in our life. The key, however, is simply finding the right balance, discovering a mindset that allows us to pursue big things without sacrificing the “little things” that make life worth living.

Here’s a simple exercise for you. Take out a sheet of paper and jot down three of your biggest “life goals”. These should be significant milestones… such as “buying my dream home,” “finding my perfect soul mate, ” “writing a best-selling book,” etc. Now, on a separate section of the sheet, write down 5-10 of the most important “little things” that you don’t want to forget about as you work towards these goals. Things such as: “time with my daughter/son/significant other,” “nurturing relationships with friends,” “plenty of free time,” etc. When you’ve finished this exercise, place this sheet of paper in a safe place. You will have created a visual reminder that will help you with one of life’s biggest challenges: enjoying the journey in life, instead of focusing obsessively on reaching your final destination.

Sure, it’s great to focus on destinations, but the most important thing is that you learn to be happy — right here and now. I know this will be life changing for you, and also for all those in your life!


Values-focused vs. Goal-focused

Deep down inside, what is important to you? What do you want your life to stand for? What sort of qualities do you want to cultivate as a person? How do you want to be in your relationships with others? Values are our heart’s deepest desires for the way we want to interact with and relate to the world, other people, and ourselves. They are leading principles that can guide us and motivate us as we move through life. Values are not the same as goals. Values are directions we keep moving in, whereas goals are what we want to achieve along the way. A value is like heading North; a goal is like the river or mountain or valley we aim to cross whilst traveling in that direction.

Goals can be achieved or ‘crossed off’, whereas values are an ongoing process. For example, if you want to be a loving, caring, supportive partner, that is a value – an ongoing process. If you stop being loving, caring and supportive, then you are no longer a loving, caring, supportive partner; you are no longer living by that value. In contrast, if you want to get married, that’s a goal – it can be ‘crossed off’ or achieved. Once you’re married, you’re married – even if you start treating your partner very badly. If you want a better job, that’s a goal. Once you’ve got it – goal achieved. But if you want to fully apply yourself at work, that’s a value – an ongoing process. The following are areas of life that are valued by some people. Not everyone has the same values, and this is not a test to see whether you have the “correct” values.

Think about each area in terms of general life directions, rather than in terms of specific goals. There may be certain areas that you don’t value much; you may skip them if you wish. There may be areas that overlap – e.g. if you value hiking in the mountains, that may come under both physical health and recreation. It is also important that you write down what you would value if there were nothing in your way.

What’s important? What do you care about? And what you would like to work towards?

1. Family relations. What sort of brother/sister, son/daughter, uncle/auntie do you want to be? What personal qualities would you like to bring to those relationships? What sort of relationships would you like to build? How would you interact with others if you were the ideal you in these relationships?

2. Marriage/couples/intimate relations. What sort of partner would you like to be in an intimate relationship? What personal qualities would you like to develop? What sort of relationship would you like to build? How would you interact with your partner if you were the ‘ideal you’ in this relationship?

3. Parenting. What sort of parent would you like to be? What sort of qualities would you like to have? What sort of relationships would you like to build with your children? How would you behave if you were the ‘ideal you’.

4. Friendships/social life. What sort of qualities would you like to bring to your friendships? If you could be the best friend possible, how would you behave towards your friends? What sort of friendships would you like to build?

5. Career/employment. What do you value in your work? What would make it more meaningful? What kind of worker would you like to be? If you were living up to your own ideal standards, what personal qualities would you like to bring to your work? What sort of work relations would you like to build?

6. Education/personal growth and development. What do you value about learning, education, training, or personal growth? What new skills would you like to learn? What knowledge would you like to gain? What further education appeals to you? What sort of student would you like to be? What personal qualities would you like to apply?

7. Recreation/fun/leisure. What sorts of hobbies, sports, or leisure activities do you enjoy? How do you relax and unwind? How do you have fun? What sorts of activities would you like to do?

8. Spirituality. Whatever spirituality means to you is fine. It may be as simple as communing with nature, or as formal as participation in an organised religious group. What is important t to you in this area of life?

9. Citizenship/ environment/ community life. How would you like to contribute to your community or environment, e.g. through volunteering, or recycling, or supporting a group/ charity/ political party? What sort of environments would you like to create at home, and at work? What environments would you like to spend more time in?

10. Health/physical well-being. What are your values related to maintaining your physical well-being? How do you want to look after your health, with regard to sleep, diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol, etc? Why is this important?

Bloody revengeful smear campaigns, what is their true nature?

What is behind the constant attacks on Pierre and smear campaigns?

The truth is that no one wakes in the morning with a plan to invite humiliation and torment, nor does anyone deserve it. Bullying may also be known as mobbing, abuse, social aggression, horizontal or lateral violence, victimization and social undermining. Bullying is usually seen as acts or verbal comments that could “mentally” hurt or socially isolate a person. Bullies do rationalize their actions with “the target made me do it,” but anecdotal evidence from witnesses refute this notion. If you look closely at the facts why would someone go over and over on various internet boards to third party Pierre and fraudulently spread false propaganda. It was said that a vicious liar would smear a good person so they would feel better about themselves.

The following are examples of bullying behaviours:

  • Social isolation
  • Rumours and third party
  • Personal attack of a person’s private life and/or personal attributes
  • Excessive or unjustified criticism
  • Over-monitoring of targeted individual
  • Verbal aggression or spreading aggressive posts , sometimes going as far as death threats
  • Withholding information •
  • Trivial faulting
  • Demeaning

Why Scientology produces bullies?

Characteristics of those who bully include low-self esteem, poor communication skills, unresolved issues from earlier in their life and the belief they have the right to inflict controlling and abusive behaviours onto others. They often bully to cover up their own insecurities and weaknesses. Those who bully have mental issues that have accumulated over time and are carried throughout their life. Bullying is growing phenomena between ex-scientologists and scientologists because the organization either ignored their behaviour or their out-ethics.

Bullying behaviour is all too typical of people who have been messed by careless programming, C/Sing and auditing. Out-ethics can be observed hundreds of times: false promises and being unable to confront BYPASSED CHARGE, look for answers, everywhere, but at the right place. The style of auditing by their previous auditor, nurtured that counter-survival habit and actually made them worse.
The  PC  will also develop an attachment and desire to protect the auditor who validated their Reactive Mind the most. Auditing will be perceived as a drug high and their actual problem would never get resolved.
While the basis for the Technology of the Ls, and other tech is very sound in itself, the entire infrastructure of the Corporate Church of Scientology has been designed for maximum profit, as its primary goal. This means there is no effort, at the very beginning of the spiritual journey, one is meant to take with Scientology, to educate someone in being altruistic, kind and to seek spiritual enlightenment as the primary goal. The stress is on rising as much money as possible. One is deliberately taught that selfishness and egoism are the primordial values. In other words, one can betray anyone to continue the bridge or accommodate the desires of one’s organization. What is betrayal or treason, if not the ultimate act of selfishness?  The lack of results with the tech comes down to personal ethics.
The very selfish behaviour is taught in the Church, and validated by some Ls auditors, who have viewed  auditing as a “business”, meaning that making money is the primary goal, like the purpose of any business is.

Out-ethics is the core  why those individuals have no results with the tech. “When ethics is out , tech does not go in”! However by ignoring this fact bullies feel justified to engage in personal attacks on good people.

Victims of bullying are typically honest, ethical, and pro-social survival. They have integrity! They often are in positions that involve helping others or whistle-blowers who report abuses.

This was exactly Pierre’s situation. Once he did blow the whistle on a bully, her energies got directed on revenge and not on helping people around her. In fact, Pierre did many things right and that’s why the bully got jealous of him. Bullies do target GOOD people!



Image linked from Tony Ortega’s Blog ( link posted below)

December 31, 2011

Dear Friend,

I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist. As we enter a new year, it is hoped that 2012 can be a year of great dissemination and a year of real progress up The Bridge for all Scientologists.

Although I am not in the Sea Org right now, I served in the Sea Org at Flag for 29 years. 17 of those years were as Captain FSO. I am a trained auditor and C/S as well as an OEC, FEBC and DSEC.

I am completely dedicated to the technology of Dianetics and Scientology and the works of LRH. I have seen some of the most stunning and miraculous results in the application of LRH technology and I absolutely know it is worth fighting to keep it pure and unadulterated.

My husband and I are in good standing and we are not connected with anyone who is not in good standing. We have steadfastly refused to speak to any media, even though many have contacted us.

But I do have some very serious concerns about out-KSW that I see permeating the Scientology religion.

I have the utmost respect for the thousands of dedicated Scientologists and Sea Org members. Together, we have come through everything this world could throw at us and have some real impingement on the world around us. I am proud of our accomplishments and I know you are too. However there is no question that this new age of continuous fundraising is not our finest moment.

LRH says in HCO PL 9 Jan 51, An Essay on Management,  “drop no curtains between the organization and the public about anything.” -LRH

Based on this policy I am communicating to you about some situations that we need to do something about within our religion, within our group.

Actions that are either not covered in policy or directly violate LRH policy and tech include the extreme over-regging and fund-raising activities that have become so much a part of nearly every Sea Org org and Class V org as well as every “OT Committee”. This fundraising is not covered anywhere in LRH policy.

Hardworking Sea Org members and the dedicated staff of orgs around the world aren’t choosing to do these actions. Nor are the OTs. I am sure they would be more than happy if they could just get on with direct dissemination of Scientology as they have done for so many years.

But the truth is that this is being driven from the very highest echelons within the Scientology structure and clearly there is a lot of pressure to make targets that are being set.

The IAS: The IAS was created unbeknownst to LRH in 1984 by Marc Yager and David Miscavige. This was supposed to be based on LRH policies on the subject of membership and the HASI, however the IAS is nothing like the membership system described by LRH which only has two memberships and is covered in HCO PL 22 March 1965 “Current Promotion and Org Program Summary, Membership Rundown” and states:

“There are two memberships…”- LRH

LRH lists there the INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP and gives its cost at 10 pounds sterling or $30 US. He also lists a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP which is priced at $75 US. There are no other memberships or statuses approved or known to LRH.

Furthermore, membership monies are supposed to go directly to the org where the membership is signed up, and the money used for dissemination by that org, in that area. This is covered in HCOPL 1 Sept 1965R Membership Policies.

“It all goes into the HCO Book Account in the area where the membership is brought and is not part of the organization’s weekly gross income. Membership monies go to dissemination”.- LRH

Currently membership monies are held as Int reserves and have grown to well in excess of a billion dollars. Only a tiny fraction has ever been spent, in violation of the policy above. Only the interest earned from the holdings have been used very sparingly to fund projects through grants. In fact many of the activities you see at IAS events are not actually funded by the IAS, but rather by the Scientologists involved.

Think about it, how many ads disseminating Scientology, Dianetics or any Scn affiliated programs have you seen on TV? Heard on the radio? Seen in newspapers? I haven’t seen one in the 4 years I have lived in San Antonio, Texas, the 7th largest city in the US. How many have you seen?

Donating anything more than a lifetime membership to the IAS is not based on LRH policy. The article “What Your Donations Buy” (The Auditor, The Monthly Journal of Scientology No. 51, 1970) is clearly talking about how the church uses your donations for Dianetics and Scientology services. Next time you are asked to donate outside of services, realize that you are engaged in fundraising and ask to see something in writing from L. Ron Hubbard that this is something he expects from you as a Scientologist.

New Org Buildings: LRH also never directed the purchase of opulent buildings or the posh renovations or furnishings for every org.

In fact, if you read HCO PL 12 March 75 Issue II, “The Ideal Org”, which is what this program has been called, and nowhere in it will you find 20 million dollar buildings or even any reference to the poshness of org premises at all as part of LRH’s description of an “Ideal Org”. Instead, an Ideal Org was one that delivered and moved people up The Bridge – something that is not part of this “Ideal Org” program.

LRH says in the PL that an Ideal Org:

“would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public” – LRH.

This is all it says about the state of the building.

As a result of this off-policy alteration of the Ideal Org PL, we have the majority of top OTs, now deemed “OT Ambassadors”, heavily engaged in fund-raising activities that include “bingo”, “pirate dinners”, “knitting classes”, “hay rides”, and many other activities strictly revolving around raising funds for the required multi-millions of dollars to fund their “Ideal Org”. As part of this, people around every org are now asked to donate to their local “Ideal Org” instead of their own services or their own Bridge.

LRH says in HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech:

“GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.”-LRH

Yet these distractions are rampant as they are being used as fund-raisers to get money for the huge quotas being issued to fund the “Ideal Org”.

“If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.”

“For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’.

“Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbeques.”

HCO PL 24 February 1964, Issue II, Org Programming, (OEC Vol. 7, p. 930)

The point is that Scientologists and OT’s need to be training, auditing and disseminating to raw public- not regging each other or holding internal fundraisers.

Out Tech: Over the last few years we have seen literally hundreds and hundreds of people who were validated as clear using the CCRD as developed by LRH now being told they are not Clear. This included hundreds of OTs who were then put onto NED as a “handling”. LRH clearly forbid any Dianetics to be run on OTs in HCOB “Dianetics Forbidden on OTs”. This is out tech. This entire technical “handling” was directed personally by COB RTC and was done on thousands of OTs. But it was based not on an LRH HCO Bulletin, but rather based on a single C/S instruction where LRH C/Sed one pre-OT who had not achieved the state of clear but was mid OT III and not making it. LRH directed a solo handling that the pre-OT was to do to get himself to achieve the state of Clear. This LRH C/S taken out of context was then used to implement a technical handling that was in direct violation of an LRH HCOB.

This and other “technical handlings” done on Solo NOTs auditors created great expense and hardship on Solo NOTs auditors around the world as they were made to do these handlings to continue on the level.

Then there are the “fast grades at Flag” that no other org has. How can it be that Flag has been delivering grades differently to the rest of the world for the last 3 years? Whatever the problem is, the fact is that having “fast Grades” at Flag creates a hidden data line and is a HIGH CRIME and the subject of an entire policy letter called HCOPL “TECH DEGRADES” which LRH has placed at the start of every Scientology course.

More recently the fad seems to be that nearly everyone needs to “re-do their Purif and do a long objectives program”, including many OTs mid Solo NOTs.

There is nothing wrong with doing objectives, but it is a clear violation of HCOB ‘MIXING RUNDOWNS AND REPAIRS” to have a person mid a rundown or OT level be taken off it and placed on an objectives program.

Solo NOTs auditors are also being made to get their objectives from a Class IX auditor at great expense as they are not being allowed to co-audit.

Flag has made many millions of dollars on the above listed out tech handlings because OTs mid Solo NOTs are forced to get these out-tech actions to be able to get back onto and stay on the level and complete it. Not to mention the spiritual effects of the out tech that this has on each OT.

I myself was subject to these out tech “handlings”, including extensive FPRD mid Solo NOTs. It took its toll in many ways, including physical situations I am still dealing with today. So I have some reality of the hardship caused.

LRH Command Structure: LRH left us with a complex and balanced command structure, with our orgs led by the Office of ED International. This office was considered so important that LRH created a special management group called the Watch Dog Committee whose only purpose was to see that this office and the other needed layers of management existed. LRH ED 339R speaks of this extensively as the protection for our Church. But these people are missing. And not just some. As of just a few years ago there were no members of the office of ED Int on post, not to mention top execs throughout the International Management structure.

You may have also wondered… where is Heber, the President of the Church? What about Ray Mitthoff, Senior C/S International, the one that LRH personally turned over the upper OT Levels to? How about Norman Starkey, LRH’s Trustee? What happened to Guillaume – Executive Director International? And Marc Yeager, the WDC Chairman? What happened to the other International Management executives that you have seen at events over the years?

The truth is that I spent weeks working in the empty International Management building at Int. Empty because everyone had been removed from post. When I first went up lines I was briefed extensively by David Miscavige about how bad all of them were and how they had done many things that were all very discreditable. This seemed to “explain” the fact that the entirety of the Watchdog Committee no longer existed. The entirety of the Executive Strata, which consisted of ED International and 11 other top International executives that were the top executives in their particular fields, no longer existed. That the Commodore’s Messenger Org International no longer existed. All of these key command structures of Scientology International, put there by LRH, had been removed.

There were hundreds and hundreds of unanswered letters and requests for help from org staff, written based on LRH ED 339R where LRH says that staff can write to these top executives in the Exec Strata for help. But this is not possible if all these execs have been removed and no one is there to help them or to get evaluations and programming done to expand Scientology.

Well, after that I got to spend some quality time with Heber, Ray Mithoff, Norman Starkey, Guillaume, as well as the entirety of International Management at the time, who were all off post and doing very long and harsh ethics programs. These have gone on for years and to the only result of that they are still off post. There is no denying that these top executives have all gradually disappeared from the scene. You don’t see them at the big events anymore or on the ship at Maiden Voyage.

David Miscavige has now become the “leader” of the Scientology religion. Yet what LRH left behind was a huge structure to properly manage all aspects of the Scientology religion. He put a complete and brilliant organizational structure there, not one individual. There never was supposed to be a “leader” other than LRH himself as the goal maker for our group.

There is a situation here and even if you have not been to the International Management Base you should be able to see that over regging and frequent tech changes are not OK and you have a responsibility to do something to Keep Scientology Working. You should be able to find and read the references on membership in OEC Volume 6. Find and read the HCO PL entitled “The Ideal Org” (Data Series 40). Find and read the references on org buildings, including HCO PL 24 Aug 65 II, Cleanliness of Quarters and Staff, Improve our Image. Also, HCO PL 17 June 69, The Org Image.

If you don’t want to make waves or put yourself in danger of being taken off the level or denied eligibility, then there are some simple things you can do. First and foremost, withdraw your support from off policy actions. Stop donating to anything other than your own services and actual Bridge progress. Simply demand to see an LRH reference that says you are required to make other such donations. No one will be able to produce any references because there aren’t any.

Stop supporting any of the activities that are being done to forward off-policy fund-raising in your area.

LRH says what he expects of a Scientologist – that is what he expects you to do. In fact he put it in HCOB 10 June 1960 Issue I, Keeping Scientology Working Series 33, WHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGIST. Read it and follow it.

The other thing you can do is to send this email to as many others as you can, even if you do it anonymously.

Please keep this email among us, the Scientologists. The media have no place in this. You may wonder why I have not written a KR and gone about my business. The answer is, I have. But there is no longer anyone to send that KR to.

But you can and should write reports and bring off-policy to the attention of local org executives and local Sea org members.

We are a strong and powerful group and we can affect a change. We have weathered many storms. I am sorry that I am the one telling you, but a new storm is upon us. It’s waves are already in the media and the world around us.

The truth is that as a Scientologist you are more able, more perceptive and have a higher integrity. Scientology is supposed to allow you to “think for yourself” and never compromise your own integrity. And most certainly LRH held every Scientologist responsible to KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.

I am not trying to do anything other than affect a change in serious off policy actions occurring. My husband and I have most of our family and many many good friends who are Scientologists. I have not been real interested in sticking my neck out like this.

However, I also know that I dedicated my entire adult life to supporting LRH and the application of LRH technology and if I ever had to look LRH in the eye I wouldn’t be able to say I did everything I could to Keep Scientology Working if I didn’t do something about it now.

We all have a stake in this. It is simply not possible to read the LRH references and not see the alterations and violations that are currently occurring.

You have a very simple obligation to LRH. Don’t participate in anything off policy, and let others know they should not either. If every person who reads this email does nothing more than step back from off-policy actions we would have changed direction. If we took all that energy and directed it into auditing, training and raw public dissemination, we would be winning.

And that is what I wish for you and all of us as we ring in this new year.


Debbie Cook

Five years later

Spiritual support and counceling

Pierre Ethier offers practical spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.


He provides a fresh approach to spirituality, exploring the potential within each of us through study, counseling sessions and discussions .

Discover a new awareness and understanding of life:

  • Discover new perspectives of philosophy that is spiritual and based on kindness and gratitude
  • Honor the many paths to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Help people discover and live their spiritual purpose and potential.
  • Believe in making a positive difference in the world.

Help me spread more good and achievement in 2017


As the year comes to a close, I am more committed than ever to fostering understanding, compassion and powerful achievement in the world.

I have also come to realize that I can’t do it without you. If you are looking for a reason to help me spread the true application of Scientology technology: the science of a meaningful life and personal improvement? Here is a great one:

Because the World Needs More Kindness and Connection!

I share your hopes for more peace and empathy in the world. Kindness is a universal language that blind men see and deaf men hear. If I have to talk about the amazing human abilities I would talk first about human kindness. It separates us from the rest of living things. It exposes our spirit and gives us the means to prevail. If people around us base every action on a conscious kindness our world will be beautiful and our lives will be fulfilled with meaning. If the mankind wasn’t so busy being greedy or power hungry or ego-driven, they would have more time to devote to being more kind.

The end of the year marks the time for clearing the slower energies of the past and preparing for a new cycle of growth. It is a time of awakening and recommitting to life as spiritual beings full of new energy and warmth. It is time again to celebrate of being spiritually rejuvenated and resurrected in a new spiritual realm allowing ourselves the reckoning of better deeds.

The completion of one cycle and going into the next is a sign representing energy, drive, initiative and motivation. I feel rejuvenated with a restlessness and an openness to change and new experiences. Now’s a perfect time to reflect on relationship to life and I invite everyone to revisit what brings your personal and spiritual fulfillment.

No matter what are your challenges, you can look at your life in new ways and this will support you to grow closer to your higher self. Empower yourself with the postulates of spiritual growth and change by learning from adversity.

I wish you an inspiring, productive and meaningful new chapter in your life’s journey.

Pierre Ethier


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Gifts-in-Kind without conditions attached

Attitude improvement

Written by Catherine Ethier ( this article does not refer to Scientology Processing)
Purpose: Attitude Improvement  is tailored to change individuals thinking structure for the better. As a result the body functions improve as the body is relieved of mind malfunction.

The concepts exist in your mind as visual images based on your experience and observation. Their verbal expression however is in wording. There is a strong connection of your thinking process and verbal expression.

Note: Please read the definitions of all words below the dictionary each of the following words before starting. Make sure that you understand them well and can give proper examples and visualize.

SURVIVE                       RIGHT                                    FULLY RESPONSIBLE

DEAD                             WRONG                                 NO RESPONSIBILITY


OWNS ALL                    EVERYONE                          ALWAYS

OWNS NOTHING         NOBODY                              NEVER


MOTION SOURCE       TRUTH                                   FAITH

STOPPED                       HALLUCINATION              DISTRUST


I KNOW                         CAUSE                                   I AM

I KNOW NOT                EFFECT                                  I AM NOT

Follow the pattern below with all 12 sets of opposite words. This will be helpful in changing your thinking pattern by clear cognition and rationalization.

Concept 1

  1. Get the idea of dead ( visualize the mental image of dead)
  1. Do you have that idea? ( acknowledge that you have recalled the mental image)
  1. All right. Now change that idea as nearly as you can to  survive. Cognition: e.g. OMG, I’m actually going to survive. ( visualize the mental image of you surviving, healthy , happy and thriving)
  1. OK. How close did you come? ( Do you feel strong about survival )
  1. Thank you. ( repeat if needed trying to recall better visual images)


Concept 2

  1. Get the idea of wrong ( visualize the mental image of wrong)
  1. Do you have that idea? ( acknowledge that you have recalled the mental image)
  1. All right. Now change that idea as nearly as you can to  right. Cognition: e.g. OMG, I am actually right!  ( visualize the mental image of you being right)
  1. OK. How close did you come? ( Do you feel strong about being right )
  1. Thank you. ( repeat if needed trying to recall better visual images)

9077538_origConcept 3

  1. Get the idea of no responsibility. ( visualize the mental image of no responsibility)
  1. Do you have that idea ? ( acknowledge that you have recalled the mental image)
  1. All right. Now change that idea as nearly as you are fully responsible. Cognition: e.g. OMG, I am  actually fully responsible.  ( visualize the mental image of you being responcible)
  1. OK. How close did you come?( Do you feel strong about being fully responsible )
  1. Thank you. ( repeat if needed trying to recall better visual images)


Concept 4

  1. Get the idea of effect. ( visualize the mental image of no effect)
  1. Do you have that idea ? ( acknowledge that you have recalled the mental image)
  1. All right. Now change that idea as nearly as you the cause. Cognition: e.g. OMG, I am  actually the cause.  ( visualize the mental image of you being the cause)
  1. OK. How close did you come? ( Do you feel strong about being  the cause )
  1. Thank you.  ( repeat if needed trying to recall better visual images)


Early Dianetics and Research (Scientology Library)


Related article: Link
Operation Bootstrap name is inspired on a US government project to boost the economy of Puerto Rico. Project Bootstrap was run under the sponsorship of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita in 1953.

Operation Bootstrap was the project run by Art Coulter who had published Analytical Procedure in 1953. Our research library  have acquired a booklet which is crucial to gather full understanding of the technology processing differences and disagreements between L. Ron Hubbard (LRH) and the 1953 Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation (HDRF).

Our library have acquired tapes named operation bootstrap and all have Arthur Coulter as speaker. They are 15 minutes long (but in actual fact last as much as 30 minutes) and  all range from January 1953 to June 1953

In 1953 LRH lost control of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation ( HDRF). He was voted out because of his overspending and technology processing disagreements.

One of the first thing LRH did , after taking over the foundation , was to destroy all materials that were not attributed to him, like those tapes by other people. There are HDRF Bulletins that are exceedingly rare (published in the same format as Dianetic Auditor Bulletins) but all copies attached to the Wichita Dianetic Center were destroyed. Only the few that made it into individual hands survived.

The HDRF used to lend tapes. They had 15 copies of the Project Bootstrap lectures and 5 of most non LRH others. They were not offered for sale. Only LRH tapes were offered for sale. It was strictly forbidden to copy or transcribe tapes on loan. We have already verified with the ART COULTER estate, and it therefore appear Art Coulter original tapes in our library done under the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation (1953) are probably the ONLY surviving original anywhere. Coulter opened his own Center in 1954, but prior in 1952-1953 all materials he did was published and kept by the Wichita Dianetic Foundation. The same applies to the tapes by Gordon Beckstead.

Project Bootstrap was the first of the Synergetics Projects. In 1956 they had Project Nucleus and our library was lucky enough to get the full set (in bulletins rather than tapes). What is interesting about Synegergetics is that it is not so directed  to Mental/ spiritual therapy like auditing but more a philosophy having to do with pan-determinism and learning to do what is most optimum for self but for others as well. In later year Synergetics got involved in war prevention strategy and more recently (Their Magazine, first published in 1954, was still being published 10 years ago).

Our library holds a number of Art Colter’s works all the way to 1970…We have obtained  the original “HDA Newsletter” which was published bi-monthly from June 1951 until January 1952: total of 16 issues. Issues 11-16 are standard digest size like Ability or Certainty Magazines. Prior Issues were mimeographed and stapled on standard size paper. The Church of Scientology renewed the Copyright on it in 1980. The original is very much yellowed from aging. We were able to clean them up and bind them professionally to be preserved in the physical library.

Thank you again for the support of Scientology Research and Library.

Pierre Ethier

Support Scn. Research & Library

Gifts-in-Kind without conditions attached

Why make a gift in kind to Scientology Library and Research

guru20draugaiDuring this year-end season of giving, please consider making a gift to Scientology Library and Research. Why?

1. Because the World Needs More Kindness and Connection

There’s a clear need for research to provide more understanding and empathy between people. I want to find ways to share  my hopes for a more compassionate, peaceful world, and research the insights, practices, and resources that can help us all get there.

2. Because Your Gift Has Real Impact to preservation of Scientology Tech

This year we delivered meaningful life repair, self improvement and touched countless minds. My efficient and independent work has become more impactful with facilitating the procession, use and  the collection of rare materials that otherwise would of been lost and forgotten.

3. Because You Believe in the Higher Good and salvation of Mankind

I have a trusted voice bringing the original understanding of Scientology research  into the lives of ethical people. My work depends on people like you who chip in with a gift of any size. The more you give, the more good we can share with the world.

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About L11

 A non Flag-and non interned Class IV  has broadly claimed he had “the Only original L11 Rundown from LRH himself including a step long deleted by bad people”. He had distributed yet another squirrel write up of L11 and will sure get in deep  trouble when someone is smart enough to ask for “evidence” about his fraudulent claims. Altered or improperly run rundowns, lack of set ups can make the PC sink or spin or simply can bring the PC in the La-La -Land of insanity . Lisa McPherson’s case comes to mind as one example of the devastating results. (  background update – Lisa died at Flag in 1995 right after completing L11 – this is 3 years after Pierre has left Flag)
L-11 has NEVER BEEN REVISED since 1971. In 1975 L11 Expanded was compiled based on cases and research done on L11 in 1971 and 1972, because public paying $25,000 started to object to the price when they had had less than 6 hours of auditing before attesting.  A few additional steps can be done in case of unresolving “Hidden standards” or case conditions, but a properly setup PC is unlikely to need anything beyond the basic steps.

Wall of shame

Ralph Hilton (with whom Pierre did not have any exchanges for over 10 years) yet still keeps stalking Pierre and originating EVIL attacks.
One example below:

I just came across this. It seems pertinent. While I have little respect for Pierre, what he says makes sense.


About this website

A non Flag-and non interned Class IV has broadly claimed he had “the Only original L11 Rundown from LRH himself including a step long deleted by bad people”. He had distributed yet an…
Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton It would be appreciated if Pierre would openly state whom he is attacking. This appears to be directed against Jonathan Burke .If it isn’t then perhaps he can clarify.
Jonathan Burke
Jonathan Burke Nah, I was trained at Flag, and I’m not a Class IV. Nor did I proclaim to have something deleted by the church.
Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton What Class did you train to?

Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton You claimed to have original L’s but have not shared them. If you do not make the materials publicly available then you will not have support.

Jonathan Burke
Jonathan Burke Not worried about that. They aren’t my find to share. I got lucky to have them shared. It isn’t my call.

Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton I think that you are lying. You do not have any original L’s.
Jonathan Burke
Jonathan Burke That’s your prerogative Ralph. You’ve been far too unkind with me of late to care.

Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton I was not kind when I saw your emeter film which was a technical degrade. I offered help to make it better but you refused it. Experienced auditors criticized it but you failed to correct it.

Jonathan Burke
Jonathan Burke Prime example, right there. Peace out old chap.

Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton Send a copy of your L’s to a few respected auditors.
Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton Frankie – I am not sure how that fits in this thread. I did read Pierre’s statements about meeting LRH in DC. I was in DC at that time and was quite certain that LRH was there.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon I wonder how any of you guys justify keeping *any* of the tech “secret” given the shades of night closing in and especially ever since the 1981 take-down of the Original OT Levels by Miscavige with support of government agents working for the Nazi CIA.See More
Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch Luckily, the original OT levels are available from many sources.
While I believe rundowns should be readily available, it would be nice to restrict access to those auditors with the appropriate training-level to deliver them.
In years past I have had to clean up several people who were put through rundowns by people who didn’t really know what they were doing.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon That’s… one of the justifications, unfortunately.

There is nothing you can do about bad auditors than to try to straighten them out. And the truly bad ones will invent a rundown if they do not have it.

(Witness the “SuperPower” compilation in the FreeZone Tech Vol. – and many thanks to Dan Koon for finally setting the record straight as to what was supposed to be SuperPower and how much of it we now have, which is most of it.)

There are solutions for that problem, but I’m afraid secrecy can’t be one of them.

References – Opening Essay to Dianetics 55, PDC #20 (on making Scientology a monopoly), LRH Essay “My Philosophy”

And the failures of religions past who imagined their top practitioners to be a priesthood with secrets…

Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch We have MOST of Super Power? I was not aware of that.
I was not aware that others are delivering the Consequences RD and the Perceptics RD. I would love to talk to those delivering those RD’s to compare notes.
Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch Because of all the bogus Super Power rundowns being delivered, several years ago I put together a Super Power interview for people who claim to have been run on Super Power in order to help them sort out the fact from fiction.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon Here is the entire write-up done by RTRC compiler Dan Koon.

I have my own notes on those two rundowns you mention and I would be delighted to compare notes.See More

Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch I too have these notes but as you can see, there are no ACTUAL rundowns in those notes, only some ideas of how they MIGHT be run. That is why I would like to compare notes with people ACTUALLY delivering these Rundowns.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon x Ron Fitch

here is a set of processes I am working on:

Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch That is a useful process, but is not what is done on the Tone Scale Consequences RD.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon Ah yes – I see that. What Dan Koon has written there is pretty straightforward…


Looks workable – using the main tone levels.

But I thing Consequences is generally a fruitful area and should be expanded beyond that.

Ron Fitch
Ron Fitch “What would be the consequences of Being Angry [all the time]”. There is a more detailed handling on each item, but this is the opening question.
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon Part II (see above)


Articles by Pierre Ethier in Ivy’s

Articles written by Pierre Ethier included in IVy‘s:

Ethier, Pierre       About David Mayo                               67 36 04

Ethier, Pierre       About the golden age of tech                   67 37 04

Ethier, Pierre       Art of remote case supervision, The            70 08 05

Ethier, Pierre       Auditing pitfalls: How to avoid                86 13 08

Ethier, Pierre       Autism with Scientology, Addressing            69 03 04

Ethier, Pierre       Black panther mechanism demystified, The       85 12 08

Ethier, Pierre       Clear Bird comment                             68 11 04

Ethier, Pierre       Deadly sin, The 8th                            82 42 07

Ethier, Pierre       Difficult case series 1                        76 32 06

Ethier, Pierre       Dropping bodies and auditing                   67 38 04

Ethier, Pierre       Good old common sense                          71 14 05

Ethier, Pierre       Grades and OT levels series-1                  72 11 05

Ethier, Pierre       Hate handling                                  75 34 06

Ethier, Pierre       Introduction  (of Pierre)                      66 16 04

Ethier, Pierre       McPherson, The sad fate of Lisa                68 03 04

Ethier, Pierre       Natural evolution of Scientology, rational…  82 03 07

Ethier, Pierre       OT VIII and beyond, what lies ahead of us?     72 11 05

Ethier, Pierre       OT VIII: The truth revealed                    66 20 04

Ethier, Pierre       Post Mortem, IVy 80                            84 10 07

Ethier, Pierre       Rationalism versus revelation                  82 03 07

Ethier, Pierre       Scientology reformation series 14              67 36 04

Ethier, Pierre       The five states of man                         73 13 05

Ethier, Pierre       Total source case                              76 32 06


Auditing Pitfalls: How to Avoid

by Pierre Ethier, Canada
repeatedly violates the proven fundamentals of
his or her discipline, is in the same position as the
individual who is actually ignorant of the primary
axioms or laws upon which it is based. Except
when dealing with the simplest of cases,
they will be fumbling in the dark, and their results
will be guided by chance rather than by a
well-mapped course of action.
This is especially pertinent when auditing and
programming cases.
In the Church, disregarding technical rules has
always been known as “out-tech” and as a KSW
(Keep Scientology Working) violation. For many
years the Church treated perceived offenders as
“heretics”, but current Church hardliners now
view them much like devout Christians view
devil worshippers.
Applying auditing correctly has nothing to do
with those fanatical views. It should simply be
done right because it is not only the professional
thing to do but it fully aligns with the notion of
“best practice” in technical and business fields.
Some may be tempted to dismiss such pompous
labeling as a purely dogmatic approach. The
truth is that neither the engineer who chooses
to disregard the law of gravity when building a
house or a bridge, nor the practitioner who
elects to transgress the auditor’s code, will ever
Rather than untangling a case into its fundamental
simplicity, such an auditor will complicate
it and even add his own practices as an
aberrant element within the pc’s case. The same
can be said of the auditor who disregards the
auditing comm cycle, who does not apply PTS
tech when addressing PTSes, or who fails to
complete cycles of actions by his reckless
mixture of rundowns and repairs.
How to find one’s way through the maze of questionable solutions
available in the field.
March 2008
In the engineering sciences, these outnesses
would be akin to jury-rigging1 a contraption
expecting it to function in such a state indefinitely,
simply because it has managed to hold
itself together for a while.
Extraordinary solutions for ordinary problems
A Free Zone practitioner who shall remain
nameless, once told me that he never did correction
lists on cases that needed them because
“They didn’t work.” If it is true that some people
have gone overboard by using correction lists at
the drop of a hat, correction lists are nevertheless
very valuable tools.
I can conclusively state after more than 25,000
hours spent auditing pcs through the better
part of four decades, that when judiciously applied,
correction lists not only will work but
crack cases; expert auditors have been known to
crack cases completely using nothing but correction
lists. The number of cases I have been able
to personally crack without needing to resort to
other tools is probably north of a thousand.
Hubbard wrote numerous issues in the 1970s
explaining how indifferent or inadequate TRs
were responsible for lack of results, or reads, on
correction lists. Decades of personal experience
picking up the failed cases from less experienced
practitioners, have fully confirmed that
Hubbard’s statements on the matter are deeply
rooted in sound experience.
Rather than addressing a usual TR problem
with its obvious remedy, the above -mentioned
practitioner’s solution was to resort to the
unusual solution of coffee shop auditing, which
he apparently still does. There, unfettered by
the restraints imposed upon him by the auditor’s
code, or by a model session, he would end
up steering the cases where he wanted them to
go, which invariably included an uncompromising
allegiance to himself and a vicious attack on any
perceived enemies.
Accustomed to the endless and uncontrolled
ramblings stemming from dozens of coffee shop
sessions, his pcs could be easily recognized by
their compulsive habits of discussing ad nauseam
in every forum, the technicalities and detailed
responses of their cases to anyone who
would or wouldn’t listen. It never dawned on
any of those individuals that the long-held datum
about pcs rehashing their sessions is simply
a form of self-auditing, the byproduct of
unflat processes. The only handling they needed
was, of course, to flatten anything unflat, instead
of continually seeking new processes to
satisfy their “lack of results.”
Failure to recognize and handle PTS phenomena
In completely different circles, there is a theory
going around and shared by a number of individuals,
that deeply hidden and intricate
conspiracies are the only things that are truly
wrong, not only in the entire universe but in life
as well.
Judging not just from the abandonment of
numerous tech basics by both the creators and
the proponents of that theory, but largely
through entirely subjective notions that they
propagated under the label of “obvious facts”,
these theories closely follow the tenets of superstition,
where explanations for life occurrences
and society happenings are explained through
involved mystical ideas rather than through
observable facts, reason, and knowledge.
old mystical ideas at the root of such theories is
Manichaeism, the doctrine of the endless battle
between the dark forces of evil against those
promoting enlightenment.
Whether evil goes by the name of Satan (Judeo-
Christian faiths), Xenu (Neo-Scientology) or the
“Evil Emperor” (Jedi — Star Wars religion), the
principle remains exactly the same.
One can find evil almost anywhere. Sometimes
its source cannot be identified clearly. At other
times, complex or unpredictable factors conspire
to cause unfortunate happenstances. There are
times when the most down-to-earth emotions of
greed, revenge, envy or sloth are simply responsible
for disaster. Just as a case is made of many

1 1. to assemble quickly or from whatever is at hand, esp. for temporary use: to jury-rig stage lights using automobile headlights.

2. Nautical. to replace (a rudder, mast, etc.) with a jury-rig: We jury-rigged a
fore-topmast after the storm had snapped ours off. from
different components and has more than a single
evil identity affecting it, so does life.
Primitive man explained thunder and lightning
through magic and spirits. Conversely, a lack of
understanding of the true science of dealing
with the case condition of being the adverse effect
of things (PTS technology), can lead an
otherwise knowledgeable individual completely
astray in his search for the cause of it.
An individual becomes the adverse effect of
something (PTS) when a person or thing in his
present time environment is perceived as
preventing him from having things and
enforcing things he or she does not want. In
other words, the phenomenon of PTS has mostly
to do with the individual’s own reaction to stimuli,
rather than by the actions of the perceived
source of suppression.
To the degree that someone is out of present
time and stuck on the remote track, he or she
will misconceive long gone oppressors as if they
were actually part of present time. The reactive
mind associates its content (painful events and
memories) with oppressors and enemies.
Whereas the number of available past oppressors
(suppressive) remains relatively low in the
average case, those with a significant amount of
entheta on their case will have far more oppressors
in restimulation. Because the structure of
the reactive mind is to forbid and to avoid, the
tendency of such cases will be to transpose those
past oppressors into present-time individuals.
This is why “Search and Discovery” gets done
and works so well. It is an exact process
designed to identify past suppressives so that
they no longer remain confused with people who
make up the individual’s present-time environment.
For individuals who are highly charged or
restimulated, either through a chronic case condition
or mis-auditing, the number of suppressives
from the track can exceed the number of
people in present time. This in turn will cause
the case to try to supplement real people with
aliens, secret agents, intergalactic invaders and
even “voices beyond this realm.”
Extensive data on PTS technology not found
anywhere else, was released during the last
technical course Hubbard personally instructed,
in October and November 1975 in Daytona
Beach. A number of observations made by John
McMaster that had been disregarded in the
original PTS technology research from 1965
were quietly incorporated into it.
The content of those 29 lectures recorded in
master tapes which this author listened to, crystallized
PTS tech into a highly workable and
final handling. It will be the subject of a
subsequent article.
To summarize: PTS is a problem which exists
primarily in the individual’s universe. By
correctly addressing the exact problem on all
flows and its prior confusion all the way down to
its root, one can blow permanently and forever
any PTS condition.
Therefore any suppressive, no matter how
powerful he may have been, can and should be
blown in a finite number of steps and be gone
for good, instead of coming back level after level
for handling, which is a bad indicator (recurring
False validation
The auditor (and in solo auditing, his case
supervisor),must be strictly bound by the Auditor’s
An inexpert auditor or case supervisor can,
wittingly or unwittingly, falsely validate
fanciful notions of the pc.
Falsely validating entirely fanciful notions
either like those described above or new ones, is
the surest way to make them stick and anchor
them as “stable data.”

Doing the opposite is not any better. It is known
as invalidation and is certain to eventually lead
to a strong rejection of the auditor by the pc. It
will deteriorate a case even faster than false
validation ever could.
In cases when the inexpertness or ignorance of
the auditor and/or C/S has caused the validation
of those fantasies, the case can be expected to
become more and more frantic in asserting
those views, until proper action is undertaken
to actually destimulate a case that the previous
auditor and case supervisor have over-restimulated.

Predilection for the exotic and the unusual
It is a commonly held belief by Homo Sapiens
that unusual situations should be addressed
through unusual solutions.
Hubbard said it perhaps a thousand times: “In
the presence of the unusual: Do the usual.” The
reason he had to say it so often is obviously
because the datum is instinctively violated not
only by neophyte auditors, but by many experienced
ones as well.
Perhaps when the science behind the phenomena
one seeks to address is largely unknown, doing
the unusual may be viewed as desirable.
However in the case of auditing and programming
cases, it has been my experience that the
relatively small set of rules and laws established
many years ago, were sufficient to handle
all situations that are likely to come to hand.
When those laws appear inadequate, it is typically
because a lack of expertise leads to an
inability to design a solution specifically
designed for the case at hand. A surprisingly
high number of people seem to realize that
whereas the number of governing laws and
rules are very small, the actual manner in
which to apply those few principles and the
number of possible auditing commands is
nearly infinite. Such misconceptions inevitably
stem from those who have failed to acquire a
conceptual understanding of the technology, or
who have failed to apply it exactly. To escape
the confusion they find themselves immersed
in, they will settle for a stable datum typically
in the form of a set of arbitrary rules and robotic
patter. Originators of new “stable data” seek to
supplant conceptual understanding of the technology.
This is where the Church under the guidance of
its new leader is largely failing: they have
confused exact application with rote application
and appear to think that only if they can maintain
complete control of both auditor and pc,
will they succeed. They fail to realize that the
end product of such a policy is a form of slavery
which is the exact opposite of what the state of
OT stands for.
Being creative in applying exactly a finite number
of laws can be observed in the field of engineering,
namely the design of automobile
engines. There are a very small number of
physical laws involved in the creation of an
internal combustion engine like those used in a
car: they are primarily the laws of thermodynamics
and those of inertia. Yet literally
thousands of vastly different engine designs
have made their way into automobiles in the
last century: 4,5,6,8,12 and 16 cylinders;
opposed, V-shaped, inline, star-shaped; valves
on top, on the side, 2,4,6 or 8 valves per cylinder,
2,4 or even 5 stroke engines; and let’s not forget
radically different designs such as the rotary
engine and the turbine. All those engines use
the very same laws.
Any problems encountered during the manufacture
of an engine are not addressed by dreaming
alternative theories to Newton’s laws of physics
or Einstein’s theory of relativity, but through
clever designs anchored in reality that make
use of all the known laws of physics to their
fullest extent. The same principles apply very
much to auditing.
The unprofessional attitude
The poorly trained auditor skimps over the
surface of a rundown, does not get the pc to
really look because of indifferent TRs, fractured
communication cycle, or poor session control,
misruns the processes and dutifully reports: “It
didn’t work.”
Over and over I had to take pcs from auditors
making such claims. Yet again and again the
actions that were abandoned (Q&Aed) by the
previous auditor because it “didn’t work,” are
the ones I used to crack the case and get them
flying again. Is it magic? Is it because I have a
secret and mystical line to Hubbard or a supernatural
being? Hardly! The answer lies in
having a professional attitude.
Some auditors are known for their “Anythinggoes”
attitude. In their franticness to throw
away the yoke of authoritarianism, they have
disregarded the datum that with freedom,
responsibilities come as well.
On most of them, it never dawned that the
hardships they encounter in finding clients and
repeated business, comes from the lack of confidence
inspired by their unprofessional

To quote Hubbard on the subject: “It isn’t magic
or luck that makes the professional. It’s hard
won know-how carefully applied. A true professional
may do things pretty easily from all
appearances, but he is actually taking care with
each little bit that it is just right.”
At the antipodes of being a robot are the auditor
and the case supervisor who have truly
mastered their art. Not at all rote, completely
spontaneous yet adhering to the rules of the
technology with uncanny precision, such
experts daily perform the ultimate act of creativity,
by designing and applying in a thousand
different variations the handful of principles
they have learned so well to free people.
Techniques derived from subjective experience
versus empirical research
A number of people in the FZ have taken upon
themselves to “research the OT levels”.
The vast majority did little more than deeply
examine their own case in search of a solution to
their unwanted idiosyncrasies. In other words,
it was a sophisticated form of self-auditing.
They would have been much better off if they
had allowed another auditor to put them on the
cans and run them on questions like: “What is
self-auditing a solution to?”; “What confusion or
upset took place prior to your desire to selfaudit?”;
or “What would you like handled in
There are numerous perils in taking the road of
digging in one’s case for research. The first one
should be quite obvious: there is no evidence
that the answers and cognitions obtained are in
any way universal or even applicable to a large
number of people. Independent research by
carefully observing and monitoring auditors, is
the only proven long term successful method.
The second problem with the approach takes
place because one is both auditor and pc, and so
it becomes impossible to entirely separate both
hats. Consequently, case evaluation of the pc in
session is unavoidable.
Last and definitely not least by a long shot, is
that the reactive mind is full of false memories
and misdirectors.
Anyone investigating the whole track on
himself will sooner or later collide with the
Helatrobus or Heaven Implants. Those implants
are possibly the most vicious and deceiving
implants ever conceived on the time track. They
are directly responsible for religious fervor and
fanaticism and for many of the religious notions
involving angels, heaven, and the devil found on
this planet.
To render those memories inaccessible, the
track in those implants has been thoroughly
grouped and a myriad of false dates have been
implanted as part of the final package. To
further compound the confusion, the concept of
a cyclic track was introduced, along with the
idea that incidents and universes repeat each
other over and over. It even lists the number of
prior universes as ten thousands. The number
10,000 (ten thousands) appears prominently in
those implants and is associated with the
concept of godliness, perfection and infinity.
Most “researchers” who collide with the implant
actually fail to recognize it as such, because
imbedded deep at its core are the ideas that it
contains the “Secrets of the Universe” and is
“unbelievable but true”. These implants are
designed to instill fervor and fanaticism in
those who contact them because of their extensive
“manic content.” (In other words, they are
highly complimentary of the individual, as long
as he accepts the false ideas herein and seeks to
make him feel powerful, if he accepts its false
memories and ideas as genuine).
The ancient world appears to have already
collided with it. From ideal armies of ten thousands
(Xenophon and the Army of the Ten
Thousands), to the Egyptian Isis referred to as
the “Goddess of the Ten Thousand Names”.
During the Middle Ages a number of Christian
scholars were even professing that God had
created heaven 10,000 years earlier and populated
it with 10,000 angels. Even the Kamikaze
War cry “Banzai” actually comes from the blessing
given Emperors in antiquity: meaning: (May He
live) “Ten thousand years”.
Hubbard collided with the heaven implants
during his 1963 solo research and even wrote a
bulletin to tell the tale. It starts with the
tongue-in-cheek phrase: “I have been to
Heaven.” He even admitted confusion regarding
the dates and contents for quite a while, as he
attributed various dates to some of its contents
that took years to eventually correct.

One barely dares to speculate the insanity that
would have become part of his teachings, if
Hubbard had interpreted the contents of those
implants at face value instead of recognizing
them as implantations and false memories.
Unworkable or boggy techniques
Thousands of techniques have been developed
in auditing. Many are still used today. A few
were short-lived because they were too unpredictable
or did not function well.
At this writing, there exists a technique entirely
developed in the Free Zone that advocates the
unusual solution of indoctrinating a being
mid-process by reading some sort of code or set
of rules when the auditor is unable to reach the
end phenomenon of the process. Failure to reach
an end phenomenon, assuming the process is
workable to begin with, has two and only two
possible causes: the process is still unflat,
meaning the same process (not a different one)
must be flattened, or there is some form of
bypassed charge preventing the release. This is
a very fundamental technical point, not
invented by me. The entire Case Supervisor
Series is devoted around these facts. Upsets,
rudiments, and overruns can cause bypassed
charge. There are hundreds of other reasons:
hence the need for assessments and lists. Some
auditors with a questionable grasp of fundamentals
appear to confuse the handling of
bypassed charge which only addresses getting
rudiments indicating charge and getting off
considerations, with major new processes. In
Scientologese this is known under the name of
“Q and A”, or a failure to complete a cycle of
action. That many unsupervised auditors have
gotten away with it for years has never made it
the right thing to do. It has merely confirmed
them in their own sloppiness in the same way
as the reckless or drunk driver gleefully ignores
the rules of the road for years and comes to a
most unpleasant and abrupt stop one day.
First of all, to be workable, a technique needs to
be in agreement with the fundamental rules of
auditing. Second, during routine auditing, it
should work at least 90% of the time without
having to repair it. It is a very poor technique
that only works 50% of the time or less and
requires a complex set of remedies to make it
work. Such a technique is simply ill-designed
and most likely was never based on sound
technical principles to begin with. Yet, among
techniques developed after 1982, such abound,
both in the Church and in the Free Zone, and
many have a fervent number of adepts who
blindly swear by one or the other.
These are some of the numerous pitfalls that
face the person who is looking for answers. It is
the hope of the author that those who read this
article will use their discernment and the advice
I give them here so that they can choose a road
that is fully compatible with getting more into
present time, and hence more able, more aware,
and more successful, instead of getting bogged
down on the remote track.
Contrary to Rome, all self-improvement roads
do not lead to the state of OT. Many lead to a
quiet dead-end. Some end in an abyss. A very
few actually lead to higher states of Beingness

The Art of Remote Case Supervision

by Pierre Ethiere, USA

WITH THE EMERGENCE of XXIst century Technology, I have found it not only possible, but entirely practical to do an effective remote case supervision of pes and pre-OTs, whether they are on regular auditing or on Advanced Solo Levels. Unthinkable in the days when LRH was in St. Hill, I can today C/S a session, have it correctly graded and returned, sometimes within minutes, with any recommended corrections or amendments, even for a recipient living and auditing at the Antipodes.

I leave the responsibility for making either a Digital copy and forwarding it to me via email or other electronic means, or having it couriered at my door in a timely manner, to the auditor. The former method is the preferred one, since it is essentially cost-free and virtually instantaneous. Couriers are generally only practical for distances under a few hundred miles. Digital copies are typically made through a Scanner. A FAX can be used for the same purpose. Some particularly computer savvy auditors even produce video sessions digitally, and submit it for an instant critique. If the case supervisor has been highly trained under the most consummate of standards, it may become possible for the student auditor who wishes it and strives for it, to make improvements by leaps and bounds and to seek to rise to a degree of technical proficiency and professionalism to levels that could only be compared to Flag during its heyday. Remote case supervision should not be confused with rigidity and inflexibility, which have alas, become daily dramatizations in the Church.

Remote case supervision is actually a flexible tool to be used by the otherwise independent or ‘freezone’ twenty first century practitioners and meant to adapt to their requirements. Various degrees It may be that an otherwise independent field auditor would merely like a hand in programming a particularly challenging case, in which case, I don’t necessarily expect to see the folder again. Another auditor finds it more practical to send reports only once a week. As long as the pc is progressing well on the program at hand and that the auditor can be trusted not to fool around with the tech and to follow instructions from the original process bulletins, it allows both auditor and preclear to move along without any delays. Another auditor found that using my advice as her case supervisor on all her cases for just a single week acted as a tremendous boost.

My correcting her using standard cramming tools finally answered all sorts of questions or doubts she has had on all sorts of technical questions for years. Another auditor I supervise is someone who states that he wishes to dedicate himself to achieving the highest level of technical standard. He therefore sends me session reports almost daily and repeatedly submits videoed sessions of his auditing. I tell people who make that request of me that I will take them as high as they wish to go, but that I will have to raise the bar with each new level as they prove their competence with the lower ones. I currently supervise solo auditors from their introduction to the solo assists all the way to completing the highest solo levels available. Remote courses Part of the art of remote case supervision also includes course supervision. If it possible today to complete the entire curriculum of a Master or even a Doctorate Degree from world renowned and fully accredited universities without ever setting foot on their campus, there is no reason that one should not be able to do the same with either auditor training or advanced solo Levels study. On solo Levels, provided the person has been properly setup and possesses the necessary self-discipline, studies properly and follows instructions, it should not be any different than dealing with an ordinary auditor. The only difference will be that the solo

Auditor will need to be prepared to make arrangements to receive a review if necessary. By ensuring the individual is properly prepared case-wise before he undertakes Solo levels, and doesn’t fool around with his case, that contingency ought to be kept to a strict minimum. Cheap effective education A number of specially tailored examinations and drills simply need to be interjected at the proper points in the materials to ensure the student’s grasp of the materials is adequate. The use of remote training and supervision, makes it possible to drastically reduce the expenses incurred in both training and Solo auditing, as well as their supervision, making them effectively accessible to all but the truly indigent. All that is needed is a competent and available Case Supervisor.

Articles by Pierre Ethier 2004

About David Mayo
By Pierre Ethier, Canada

I KNOW RELATIVELY little about David Mayo first hand. David Mayo left Flag to become Senior CIS Int. when I was a struggling Class IV with hardly one-year experience in the Flag HGC.
He had the highest repute then. The case supervision I had from him and the video critiques and cramming I had from him were beyond reproach. He was still considered to be the best while he was Snr. CIS Int. He was the prime developer of NOTS. Back then, not a soul in the FSO [Flag Service Org.] had a problem with him, or his application of the Tech. Then came clashes with RTC and his refusal to yield to them, along with his departure.

His founding of a splinter group was highly despised by CSI [Church of Scientology Intemational] who undertook to apply Fair Game2 to him in the most vicious and unscrupulous way conceivable. Back at Flag, David Mayo was so thoroughly demonized
by a propaganda campaign from RTC that Satan himself would have been green with envy to have finally met his match in wickedness.

Altering reality

The NOTS materials and all issues written by David Mayo were completely revised, so that he could no longer claim any authorship. Several RTC missions were sent along with various issues labelling David Mayo a Squirrel and ordering 0/Ws, false data Stripping and Qual Corrective action on all auditors and staff who had served under him. Criticism of David Mayo were validated, disagreements with RTC were treated as Out-Ethics and with lower conditions. By repeating the same propaganda over and over, tech and Qual staff were “re-educated” into believing that David Mayo was the Epitome of Evil. Staff were made to disavow any affiliations they had had with him and disconnection letters. David Mayo was ridiculed. Staff who had been working extensively with him (i.e. who truly knew him) were particularly resistive to the program.

In the end David Mayo became the equivalent of the Devil in Scientology. This is still the current position of CSI and staff loyal to it. Judging by results I have had the opportunity of examining a great number of sessions audited and CISed by David Mayo since then (a number of them supervised by LRH himself), and the only thing that can be said is that David Mayo was highly respected by LRH and always did his job according to the Highest standard. He was never labelled a Squirrel until RTC did so in 1980.

The most major outpoint is that if he was such a squirrel, none of his programming on pes had to be reviewed, (except perhaps with a few exceptions), none of the thousands of pes he supervised had to be repaired because of the “Squirrel Handling”. LRH never spotted him as such, except when fed data fabricated by RTC. The vilification of David Mayo marks the point where Squirrelling was redefined as any departure from Tech, according to RTC self-defined “standards”. Since then the word Squirrel has become politicized (Politicize: Alter something solely based on or motivated by partisan or self-serving objectives).

David Mayo played a leading part in the “Scientology Reformation” – and was sorely punished for it. He had a hard time in his last days in the “Church” (there are stories of him being forced to run round his own private tree, while others similarly placed ran around a tree co=on to them all, and of his teeth, and general health being in very bad condition when he fmally left the Church. He formed the Advanced Ability Centre in California (???name of place**), and there were other advanced Ability Centres affiliated with him. He was involved in legal proceedings with the Church which went on for over ten years -they were determined to break him. In the end a secret agreement was made, and we presume that, like other similar secret agreements, among other things he agreed not to co-unicate in this area – so we hear nothing from him nowadays, but hope he is enjoying a well earned “retirement”.

*This article was written on the 30th. October 2003, on an Internet list in response to a request for data about David. 
*A person who was declared “Fair Game” could have anything done to them. Fair Game was written up as part of policy, cancelled at a later date to create a better image of Scientology, and probably continues to be practiced to this day both by the Church and The Freezone.


IN A TYPICAL AMATEURISH PR Move, RTC created “The Golden Age of Tech” (GAOT).
Calling the present Time a “Golden Age”, beside its extreme arrogance, shows a complete disregard for logic and common sense. It makes me wonder if the instigators ever graduated from Kindergarten in a normal school, or rather have lived inside of a bubble-world since the day they were born.

A Golden Age is always attributed in retrospect.

The Golden Age of Greece occurred over 2000 years ago. The Golden Age of Radio about 50,
The Golden Age of Jazz was in the 1930s. You can’t attribute to it the title of Golden Age until it is over, or you are merely guilty of wishful thinking. Nobody can predict a Golden Age. One can analyze it after the fact and possibly isolate the factors that contributed to it. Only someone suffering from hallucinatory cause predicts “Golden Ages”.

Also if today is the Golden Age, what about tomorrow? The Platinum Age? The Diamond
Age? Why not the Age of Vitamin B-12?2 More likely it is going to be something less desirable than a Golden Age. Golden Ages are always followed by a more decadent era. By attributing its current activities as a ‘Golden Age’ RTC has fully paved the way for a gigantic slump, when that Golden Age ends. Perhaps RTC thinks a Golden Age lasts forever. The third Reich was supposed to last a thousand years. It lasted less than 12. Nothing lasts forever.

The Golden Age of tech is CSI’s desperate measure to raise income.

Potential disaster

The OT levels above Eight, primarily because they are in the hands of a number of NCG [No
Case Gain) and PTS people, are essentially at this point for them a dead end. People are
deserting the Main organization in droves. Rather than finding out why, GAOT is a desperately attempting to stifle a mass exodus from the Church. With GAOT in place, Sec-Checking can be enforced on everyone and any “disaffected thought” or “disagreements” can be stamped out before they have the opportunity to burgeon3. It forces auditors (typically the brightest individuals in an organization) to submit to the whims and desires of their feeble minded managers.

The Church coffers have been significantly depleted by years of unwise management and
making enemies out of nearly every potential ally. Refunds have become such a burden that LRH policy is cast aside and replaced by a new one effectively making them ineffectual. The best and most experienced staff members have
been gotten rid of.

This has left in place a small clique of List One RISers 4
First written to an Internet list 29 October 2003

This is merely a joke and a sarcasm: Some Vitamin B-12 pills contain only a few micrograms of that vitamin making the actual pure vitamin content by weight many times more expensive than pure Gold.
3 2. figurative: to grow or develop rapidly, flourish, World Book Dictionary.
4 RJS = rock slam, an e-meter needle movement, originally attributed to contact with an incident/item on the track called the Rock. RISer originally meant a person who had rock slams when audited. At a later time the rock slam was attributed to “evil intentions”. So the term came to indicate some one with evil intentions. It even came to be used as a term of abuse.  May 2004

Previous procedures OK

There was nothing wrong with the previous training line-up except for the fact that+determined beings had gradually been replaced by inept roboticized zombies.
RTC’s obsession for control is now paying its dividends. Thanks to their actions a Scientologist (in good standing with them that is) is no longer an enlightened individual who improves conditions around him, but a little automaton who believes everything he is being told within the Bubble-world created by RTC, is utterly devoid of any critical thoughts or disagreements, and contributes until all his resources are depleted
without expecting any return or compensation. He is satisfied that being “allowed” to
follow the path is enlightenment enough and is too busy following RTC orders to improve anything around him unless ordered to do so. LRH says it: Robots makes the worst teachers. They are complete strangers to the communication cycle (the most fundamental thing in auditing). An auditor with a fantastic Communication Cycle alone, no matter how flubby the rest of his auditing and technique will always get gains on
his pes.

In 1992, I myself heard with my own ears and saw with my own eyes, David Miscavige privately voicing his evil purposes for Scientology, its organizations, staff and for people. I did not need to have him on the meter to know that he was dramatizing a Rock Slam. This was a private conversation he was having with Marc Yager (IG Admin) and Mark Ingber (CO CMO INT) that I happened to have overheard. Since the whole of RTC audits over mutual out-ruds\ it is highly unlikely that he has cleaned up that area of his case yet. David Miscavige is a NCG. I have known him since 1976 and he has not changed. 0 Dropping Bodies2 and Auditing
Pierre Ethier, Canada

In Memory of Yvonne Gilham-Jentzch

[who died around 1977-78. Ed], one of the most delightful beings I have ever met and whom I had the pleasure to serve in her final days. I AM QUITE FAMILIAR with the subject of “Last Rites” in auditing. By Last Rites is meant the final auditing actions given to a dying pc. This term comes namely from the Christian religion, and has a
specific procedure.

As a Flag auditor I have given the “last rites” to perhaps 60 or 70 pes of all case levels from
virtually green all the way to OT VIII. Ray Mithoff C/Sed and programmed a number of
these actions. I have been privy to LRH C/Sed sessions and advices on the matter, which are covered nowhere else.

They agree among one another that certain things which normally should be handled in auditing (for example witholds ), are OK and need not be looked at, or handled in auditing.

2 “dropping the body” is a euphemism in Scientology similar to “passing over” and many other euphemisms
in ordinary speech in various parts of the world for dying. It goes back very early in Scientology history.

3 Originally sent to an Internet list on Sat, 08 Nov. 2003.
May 2004 /

What to do
The key idea is that once death is inevitable, one should make the pc comfortable and serene about it. Once one has run out any negative emotions, feelings, etc. associated with the coming body death, one guides the pc to complete what cycle of actions or pending affairs they have, so they will not be unnecessarily hung up in them after
they drop the body.

Typically, a lot of pain (from terminal diseases such as cancer) is present so Touch Assists and similar Assist processes are done daily. These are continued at least once daily even after the pc has lost visible coherence or awareness of his surroundings, in the final stages.

It may be best (particularly in the case of degenerative or debilitating illnesses), if the pc so desires, to seek an early relief and help the pc to drop the body at the earliest possible time.

The concept of Euthanasia is entirely foreign to this procedure. All forms of euthanasia are
accompanied by an act of violence, even when the person passes out “peacefully”. Administering drugs for that purpose is an example. Death will become a heavy and clouded engram and will not help someone with the transition to the other side. Generally simply telling someone to “end cycle” on this life or body does the trick. The person may still have things holding him up here (loved ones, possessions, incomplete goals, etc.), so it is of vital importance to get someone to complete any undelivered communication and all cycles of actions until they are concluded as fully as possible. It is a bit like the reverse of the process designed to bring a pc back after he has dropped the body or “gone” mid-session.
Sometimes the subject of exteriorization needs to be addressed, if the pc feels “unable
to exteriorize”. Generally it is not caused by “out-int”1 but BPC which will respond well to Prepchecking, Ruds, or similar unburdening type actions.

Disposal, assists to auditor
Once the person has died, for OTs, therecommended form of body disposal is by
cremation. The idea is that any body remains will have a tendency to draw the thetan’s attention, even after he picks up the next body. For that reason, donating organs is also to be frowned upon as these would tend to stick the thetan’s attention even further since they are still living. These recommendations are meant to apply to OTs, as people with cases much lower, generally are far too burdened to become aware of these factors.
As a last point, auditors and C/Ses having handled the case should be programmed to address any of their own loss suffered or restimulated.

The above is not based on my opinions, but solely on reading LRH C/Sed sessions and
advice. a lnt is an abbreviation for interiorization (being inside of one’s body). Int is an auditing rundown used sometimes when problems arise from a person exteriorising (usually in an auditing session) and out int would be when some error occurred when this run-down was given the person.

The Irresponsibility of the New Leaders in Scientology

In February 1967, LRH wrote a Policy set to be an example on how to be a leader, commenting repeatedly on the heroic, but sad fates of Simon Bolivar and his consort Manuela Saenz.

15 years later the same Policy would be used first against LRH, then against his family, and ultimately against anyone who would stand in the path of a ruthless and unscrupulous self-appointed usurper in his bid to satisfy his own lust for Power.

Many people have asked me over the years, how could a small group of selfish and relatively inexperienced people take over control of the Church so effectively.

A great number of fanciful theories, some of them quite elaborate have been dreamed up over the years to explain it. They range from Alien (Extra-Terrestrial) influence to the abduction and replacement by a look alike at various possible dates ranging from the Mid 1980s all the way back to the 1950s. If many of those theories are extremely convoluted, most are simply implausible, even for someone with an open-mind.

There is also a law in the field of logic that, given several alternate explanations for an occurrence, the simplest one tends to be the most likely one to be true.

The wrestling off of power by a small elitist clique is not a new phenomenon.

There are thousands upon thousands of documented occurrences in history. More, in today’s corporate world, which is largely dominated by greed a lust and for Power, almost daily, Hostile takeovers are being engineered in that exact way.

Tactically the best way to bring an opponent down is to use their own power against themselves. This is what enables a martial arts expert, seemingly effortlessly, to lift someone heavier than him in the air. Closer to us, it has long been known that most suppressives, at first have generally little power of their own, but are simply clever at restimulating others or make them turn their own powers against themselves.

In the end LRH by writing that policy, handed a loaded gun to someone ruthless enough to turn it on him.

Sadly LRH and Mary Sue’s last days were eerily similar to those of Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz.

In 1982, LRH became a recluse, over deep concerns that a number of US Government agencies were after him, namely for unpaid taxes and allegedly appropriating Church funds for his private use.

Shortly after, David Miscavige, grasping the importance LRH gave to “intelligence”, ensured he monopolized that line and that no communication would leave or enter the ranch were LRH stayed without passing through him.

At his covert suggestion, LRH resigned from any position of power within the church and took on the title of “Consultant”. No longer able to issue his own policies for the church, LRH started to issue floods of “advices”. Many were specific to a particular and one time problem. Most were solely based on “intelligence” that David Miscavige was deliberately filtering. As a result the resulting “advices” could be no better than the quality (and completeness) of the intelligence they were based upon. Better yet for RTC, contrarily to issued policy which leaves a long evidence trail, it became impossible to independently confirm the authenticity of those advices.

In spite of the existence of the Admin Scale Policy, today those advices, are still seen by RTC as fully capable at supplanting not only Policy, but the very goals and Aims of the Organization.

At the opposite of Bolivar, LRH died a multi-millionaire. His estimated worth was over $400 million.

In spite of his immense wealth, he nevertheless died in abject conditions.

A man known to have always taken impeccable care to his personal hygiene and grooming, his death certificate shows him as grossly unkempt, with neglected nails and hair, and generally bad appearance.

In the end, Mary Sue didn’t fare any better than Manuela Saenz. In spite of having his faithful wife of 35 years and being one of the founding pillars of the Church, Mary Sue was knocked off LRH last will, which was utterly changed as far as beneficiaries and executers less than 24 hours before LRH died.

Mary Sue, and her children were left with mere token allowances. Unusually generous terms were set for select RTC staff, whose preferred status either made them or put them comfortably on the road to being millionaires.

From all evidences, including LRH private doctor, LRH spent the last week of his life in a state of Dysphasia (inability to speak of form coherent thoughts due to brain damage, typically from a stroke.

It is alleged by sources that were close to LRH that he was purposely allowed to die in January 1986, as the “Final Solution” to his problems with the IRS (He was about to be indicted for tax evasion). By sedating him once with an unusually high dose and withholding any form of help or treatment for 48 hours. (All his personal staff were ordered off premises), it was hoped that this covert form of Euthanasia would pass medically and legally as “Death from Natural causes”. Even RTC’s lawyers would approve it as a “faultless plan”.

It is reported that the individuals who set this perfidious act went onto a gambling spree in Las Vegas and even visited some of Nevada’s most exclusive Chicken Ranch

It is still not clear how much of the church monies were used to satisfy their private erotic fantasies, while LRH literally laid between life and death a mere 300 miles away.

As their lawyers had predicted, RTC was able to bulldoze through the remaining obstacles unchallenged and discard forever any potentially incriminating evidence by refusing autopsy, arranging for an unheard of overnight cremation, and arm wrestling any potential contenders though the generous use of blackmail and intimidation.

Left nearly destitute, after having been coerced by RTC (and a team of 17 lawyers), while being denied counsel of her own, Mary Sue held her ground until Ray Mithoff, who saw an opportunity at advancement in the eyes of Miscavige, had, according to himself, a “bright idea”. Using carefully gleaned data from her pc folders to strike at her buttons, Mithoff portrayed LRH as nothing short of a selfish, egocentric maniac secretly bent on her demise in order to utterly cave her in. While still weeping, she was handed a lengthy release form which she signed without even reading.

Mary Sue left a quiet life away from the eyes of the Church. She departed her body on November 25 2002.

Not a single word of Eulogy was read in any Church. Despite Mary having made thousands of friends in the Church, not a single one was invited at her funeral. Her name was quietly removed from the list of IAS Patrons. To this day neither Executive nor Scientologist “In Good Standing” knows of Mary Sues fate, thought she died just over 2 1/2 years ago.

No Official Scientology Web Page grants her even a one line biography, considering her to be even unworthy of being a historical footnote, while page after page of sycophantic jive posing as “Miscavige and Rathbun biographies” are allowed to stand on dozens of Scientology Web Sites.

Some people may ask how can a small “inexperienced clique” have taken over the Church from good and experiences veterans.

The truth is that it is much easier to destroy than to create and it is much easier and financially rewarding to enslave people than to free them. After all it took over a year and 15 Million Dollars to erect the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. It took less than $5000 of explosives and less than a minute to bring it down.

Finally, were Miscavige and his cohorts truly “inexperienced”.

The Old Man clearly made it a point in the Sea Org Flag Orders that each of us had been around a “very long time” and in the HCOB 1 Nov 74 “Rock Slams and Rock Slammers talking about the Suppressive, “His experiential track is too educated in evil and too uneducated in anything else”.

True Suppression and the calculating harming of others is not a vice that turns on overnight. People who do evil of magnitude have typically done so for hundreds upon hundreds of lifetimes.

If you had the chance to see their Whole Track, it would look something like this:

A Gestapo Colonel
An extermination Camp Commander
A Despot
A Dictator
A Tyrant
A Ringleader
A Mobster
A Slave Trader
A Slave Master
An Implanter
A Brainwasher
A Torturer
A Monk-Psychiatrist
A Highwayman
A Hustler
A Petty Thug
An Impaler
A Crucifier
An Executioner
An Inquisitor
A Molester
A Witch hunter
A Population Enslaver
A Planet Buster
A Book Burner
A Village Pillager
A Dwindling Spiral Engineer An Orphan Maker
A Cruel Judge
A Whole Track Terrorist
A Sadistic Ruler
A Cruel and Unusual Punishment Artist
The Grim Reaper
The Devil’s Confederate

A nice experiential track isn’t it?

Pierre Ethier
Class XII

Learning How to Love Yourself


You may wonder what self-love has to do with success. The answer is: more than you can
imagine! Self-love and self-worth go hand in hand. If we don’t believe we’re worthy of success, we’ll keep pushing it away or find ways to sabotage ourselves from achieving it.
Our self-image is formed from a set of inner beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs are based upon past experiences and what we determined they meant at the time.
Exploring the beliefs that form your self-image is important because they will determine your thoughts, feelings, behaviors – and ultimately your level of success in ALL things.

Have you ever uttered statements like these?
“I stink at math.”
“I’m terrified of public speaking.”
“I could never be an airplane pilot.”
“I don’t have what it takes to be successful.”
“I’m just not a people person.”
“No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get ahead.”
It’s very easy to buy into these “excuses” (yes, that’s what they are!) because they remove the responsibility from our shoulders. Convincing ourselves that we’re just “not good” at something means we no longer have to try hard or take risks. It’s out of our hands. Consequently, we end up holding ourselves back from the lives we really wish we were living. We end up feeling stuck in a cycle of frustration, wanting something better but not believing we have the ability to create it.

Overcoming Negative Preconceptions

In order to break free from limiting beliefs, we need to change our preconceptions. Preconceptions are previously formed opinions or ideas we hold about ourselves. These beliefs have the power to influence how we feel about ourselves, what we believe we are capable of, and the actions we take (or don’t take) to create the life we want. So how do we overcome these negative preconceptions? Just like changing our negative thinking to positive, it takes consistent effort and focus.

Changing our negative self-talk into positive self-talk on a consistent basis is key.
Rather than tearing ourselves down, we can choose to fill our inner dialogue with empowering affirmations and build ourselves up.

Think about this: how would you speak to someone you loved and respected?

Would you be cruel and unforgiving? Or would you be kind, encouraging and supportive? It
doesn’t matter what others say to you, or how others treat you. What matters is how you treat yourself! (Ironically, the better you treat yourself, others pick up on that and begin to see you differently – and ultimately treat you better. It’s all about what you believe you deserve.)

At the same time, you can also shift your focus from what you don’t want, to what you DO want. For example, if you fear failure you are motivated to avoid failure at all costs (which usually means procrastinating on your goals and avoiding risk-taking). If you instead focus most of your attention on being successful at whatever you do, you’ll find that the fear of failure diminishes. The more you focus on what you WANT, the less you will attract what you DON’T WANT.

Getting to Know Yourself

It’s so ironic that we usually avoid the very thing that would help us build a strong foundation of confidence and self-esteem: spending time with ourselves.
How does that help anything? Getting to know yourself can blast through any negative preconceptions you may be harboring. Remember, your self-image is usually based on the conclusions you formed from your past experiences. You may hold a belief that you are not a good writer, or you’re not a “people person”, or that you don’t have any special skills, but is that really true? How do you know for sure?
Please don’t say, “Because I tried it once and I sucked at it.” Trying something once (or only a few times) doesn’t count. The truth is, you can become good (or even great) at anything if you want it badly enough and you’re willing to put in the time and effort to get there.

Here’s the million dollar question: Do you really want to get “there”? Getting to know yourself helps you separate what YOU really want from what others expect of you. You might think you want to be a great writer because your mother praised the short story you wrote in sixth grade. You craved her approval, so your desire to be a writer might be all wrapped up in the illusion of receiving praise and recognition. You don’t want to write, you just want to be a “great writer.” If you constantly procrastinate on writing and can’t seem to push yourself to do it, you might want to question whether you really want to be a writer after all. Perhaps your true passion lies elsewhere. That is just one example of the many ways we can deceive ourselves.

If you take time to get to know yourself – REALLY know yourself – you will discover things
that were previously hidden (or denied because they didn’t match others’ expectations of you). Here is the best and quickest way to get to know yourself: spend time alone as often as possible. Shut off the television and radio, block outside distractions, and simply allow yourself to BE. If this suggestion sounds frightening or intimidating to you, it’s a sure sign that you are NOT in touch with your inner self. If you were, you’d know that there is nothing to fear about spending time with yourself – in fact you would be excited at the prospect of doing so!

As soon as possible, begin a new habit that can change your life in dramatic ways: begin
spending some quiet, quality time with yourself each day. If you feel intimidated, start small with increments of just ten minutes or so. Sit quietly in a private place and let your thoughts flow naturally. Think about yourself, who you are, what you feel passionate about, what you want out of life, the things you’ve accomplished, the things you want to accomplish, your relationships – whatever comes to mind.

The more you do this, the more connected you become to your inner self. You begin to tap into your inner dialogue, and a deeper understanding of yourself will surface. The changes you experience from this process might seem small at first, but they quickly gain momentum.

Another good exercise to get to know yourself is journaling. Get a lined, spiral bound notebook and start recording your thoughts during your quiet time alone. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or context. If you understand your scribbles, that’s all that matters. Write down your thoughts, feelings, struggles, fears and dreams. Draw pictures. Ask yourself questions, and answer them. Vent your frustrations and strengthen your resolve to do better. It doesn’t matter WHAT you write really, just that you connect with yourself genuinely and frequently. Falling in Love with Your Uniqueness
Getting to know yourself if one important part of the growth process, but equally important is loving and appreciating yourself. Self-deprecation is a habit, just like all types of negative thinking.

Unless you begin to appreciate your strengths, believe in yourself and reinforce your true
capabilities, you will not move forward in life! Sure, you might stumble across the random
opportunity and make some progress occasionally, but you won’t accidentally achieve the level of success you desire. First and foremost, choose to forgive yourself NOW. Forgive yourself for anything you may feel guilty about, for allowing fear to hold you back from what you really want to do, for not believing in yourself, for allowing other people to define you. Affirm that you did the best you knew how to do, but now you know better – and will do better. Stop the cycle of self-abuse and begin honoring yourself for the beautiful and brilliant person you were meant to be Begin a habit of encouraging yourself. Speak kindly to yourself and affirm your ability to accomplish anything you want. Eventually, you will begin to believe it. At the same time, work on forgiving anyone who has harmed you, belittled you or held you back. Even though these experiences may have affected you in profound ways, they do not have the ability to affect you now – unless you choose to let them. Let go of your anger, hurt, disappointment and bitterness. They do not serve you, and they do not punish the guilty. They only punish you by acting as a heavy weight bearing down upon your shoulders. If you release them, you free yourself to create the joy and success you truly deserve.

Starting now, choose to believe in yourself and your abilities. Believe that you can form your life into anything you want it to be. Believe that you can overcome any obstacle, strengthen any skill, tackle any challenge and conquer any fear you may have. The more strongly believe you can do it, the more likely it is that you WILL.

It really is a CHOICE!

The Quest for Empowerment


Another way we try to create a sense of security in our lives is by seeking power. We believe that if we obtain a position of power, happiness and success will automatically follow. Power, just like security, is an illusion. It can’t prevent us from experiencing anything negative. It can’t erase our deep-seated feelings of inadequacy or insecurity. It can’t make us successful. In fact, power over others often becomes a burden all its own! Along with the ability to control people and situations come the responsibilities and obligations that flank a position of power. Rather than feeling in control, we feel more out of control than ever. As much as we might like to, we can’t control certain events in our lives, and we can’t control others. We can control only our own thoughts and actions. What most of us are really seeking is a sense of EMPOWERMENT. Not control over others, not control over outside circumstances, but control over our own thoughts, emotions, and actions. As frightening as it may seem to release the illusion of power, it’s also very freeing in a way. Once we “get it” that we don’t HAVE to be in control of anything except ourselves, we learn to relax and let go of what we have no control of. We learn to go with the flow and do our best without trying to meet some vague, impossible standards we set for ourselves in an effort to feel in control.

Dissolving Emotional Blockages

Even if all outer aspects of our lives seem wonderful, our emotions can still cause us to feel unhappy. Traumatic memories can stifle our development. Negative thought habits can fill us with feelings of frustration and powerlessness. Negative self-talk can cause us to sabotage any goals we set. Emotions can be a tricky thing to understand, but it becomes easier when we consider that our emotions are fueled by our thoughts.

If we THINK negatively about ourselves, we will FEEL badly about ourselves.

If we focus on the negative in our lives, our lives will seem to have a negative theme. It’s all about what we focus on the most that determines how we feel. Think about the last time your day took a sudden nosedive because of something simple. Let’s say you were driving to work, singing along with a song on the radio, and some jerk cut you off in traffic. Your first thought might be, “What a jerk!” (Or a more colorful term) Your next thought might be, “People are so rude these days, and I seem to encounter the rudest of them all! What did I ever do to deserve this?”

From there your mood can continue to spiral down as you ponder your bad luck in having to deal with inconsiderate people. Do you see what happens in situations like these? You have a negative experience, and then you internalize it. Not just for the moment either, but for the rest of your day. Even worse, because your attitude tends to attract most of your experiences, feeling negative will continue to attract more rude and inconsiderate people into your day. Though it seems impossible, we can control our emotions. We can choose our emotions, moment to moment. And we begin by choosing our thoughts. Using the example from above, what would be a more empowering response? You could simply say, “That wasn’t very nice,” and then turn your attention back to the song you were singing. That may seem like a difficult thing to do when your anger is ignited, but with practice it gets easier. Rather than internalizing the things that happen to you (especially things you can’t control), simply let go of them and keep your emotional balance. If you pay attention to how you feel throughout the course of your day, you’ll become aware of whether your thoughts are negative or positive. Then you can simply choose to release your negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts – which will make you feel better. Again, it takes consistent effort to fully master this technique. Releasing the Past to Make Room for Something Better Letting go of past traumas is a little more challenging because they are often buried deeply in our subconscious minds. But buried or not, they can still wreak havoc on our level of happiness. One of the most powerful techniques I’ve learned for releasing old baggage is to relive the painful experiences. It doesn’t sound like much fun (and in fact it isn’t) but it is definitely freeing. If you stop to think about it, much of our emotional baggage is “buried” simply because we didn’t allow ourselves to work through it the first time around. We squelched down the feelings and tried to ignore them, and there they still lie, festering. If we unearth the painful memories and work through them like we could have done when they originally happened, we are able to release them and achieve closure.

This is a simple process you can undertake on your own, but if you’ve had very large, life-altering traumas, you may want to consult a counselor or therapist to help you work through them. While the process is simple, it can be emotionally overwhelming, and having a trained professional as a guide can provide invaluable support. Once you’ve worked through your emotional blockages, you may also want to examine the underlying beliefs that formed because of them.

For example, an abusive childhood might result in a deep-seated belief that you’re not worthy of being loved. Working through painful memories can be freeing, but it won’t automatically change your underlying beliefs about your worthiness as a human being. You could still find yourself avoiding intimacy and sabotaging your efforts to create a fulfilling life. The good news is that once you identify your limiting beliefs, you can begin changing them with a little conscious focus.

Transforming Limiting Beliefs into Empowering Beliefs Changing your existing beliefs is a simple process.

The only thing you need is the determination to keep at it until it “clicks” in your mind. To start with, try these three steps: ™

  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. While positive thinking alone will not alter your existing beliefs, it is a practice that can help you get in line with your thought patterns in a more conscious way. Rather than being a victim of your own thoughts, you can take control of them and choose them moment-to-moment. As you become aware of negative thoughts throughout the day, consciously replace them with equally positive (and usually opposite) thoughts. For example, if you find yourself thinking that you’ll never be successful because you just can’t seem to break out of your limiting behaviors, consciously affirm that you have just as much potential to be successful as anyone else. Visualize yourself with the determination, courage, and optimism you’ll need to succeed. And the next time negative thoughts arise in your mind, go through the same process again. Remember that it is a process and it will take time to get into the habit of thinking positively, but it does begin to have an effect on how you feel on a regular basis. And the better you feel, the more positively you’ll think. You end up creating a continuous cycle of positive thoughts, positive feelings, positive beliefs, and positive actions! ™
  • Develop a stronger belief in yourself. While you’re working on transforming the quality of your thoughts, you can also purposely develop a strong belief in yourself and your abilities. A good way to start is by making a list of your positive character traits, qualities, skills, and talents. Write down every positive thing you can come up with about yourself, even if you don’t think it’s that amazing. Then simply spend some time every day reading this list and affirming your ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Over time, you’ll begin to feel more positive about yourself and more confident about your abilities, just because you’ve developed the habit to do so.
  • ™ Empower and motivate yourself. Another wonderful tool for forming new beliefs is using your imagination to change your self-image. Visualization is an easy yet effective tool to replace your old, limiting self-image with an empowering new one. You simply close your eyes and conjure a mental image of yourself as you want to be. See yourself feeling confident, inspired, courageous, and successful. Before long, you’ll find that you won’t have to manufacture these feelings; you will feel this way nearly all the time – naturally! Again, this exercise is most effective if you do it every day, even for just a few minutes.

A Genuine Sense of Security


One reason we’re so focused on wealth acquisition is the need to feel secure. We believe that if we have a large amount of money in the bank, we’ll be protected from lack, pain, difficulty and struggle. In a limited sense this is true. However, security is simply a state of mind! It’s not the money itself that makes us feel secure; it’s our belief that adequate financial reserves protect us from bad experiences. If we look logically at this concept, we realize that having a lot of money really can’t protect us from anything, except perhaps surprise expenses. Still, a fat bank account doesn’t guarantee we’ll never experience anything negative. There will always be car accidents, terror attacks, illness, job loss, troublesome relationships, and more. Having a lot of money won’t matter when we find ourselves in those situations, because they are completely out of our control. The only true security we have is what we can create in our own minds. There is true security in believing in ourselves, in having confidence to overcome challenges, in our spiritual beliefs, and in doing our small part to make this world a better place. Imagine living your life with the unshakable belief that you have what it takes to succeed, no matter what else is happening around you? Imagine never feeling frightened by outside influences again. Imagine knowing that even if the worst case scenario were to happen, you could easily and quickly pull yourself up by the bootstraps and do what needed to be done to get back on track.


Believing in our ability to handle whatever comes our way is much more effective than trying to guard against potential negative experiences. That’s the best kind of security, because it empowers us to feel in control of our lives – if not every situation, at least the outcome of the bigger picture.

Happiness: Cause or Effect?


Are you happy with your life the way it is now? There are probably aspects of your life you’d like to change, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this book. But overall, can you say you’re truly happy? Most of us can’t, but it’s not because we’re still seeking success. Rather, we aren’t happy because we haven’t made the choice to be happy. When we think of being successful, we imagine that happiness is an inevitable side effect. We may envision ourselves with the perfect job, the perfect mate, the perfect children, the perfect level of income, the perfect home, the perfect car, etc. And we believe that all of that stuff will make us happy. However, that view is skewed. Material objects and other people cannot make us happy – only we can make ourselves happy. And it all begins with a choice to be happy. You probably don’t believe that, especially if you are experiencing challenges or lack in your life right now. But think about this: why do rich people still experience unhappiness? Why do successful people still experience unhappiness? Because money and success do not automatically create happiness.

Neither do power, status, romance, or material objects. We simply believe they do because we are looking outside of ourselves for the solution to our problems. The Truth About Money and Happiness Intellectually, we may know that money can’t buy happiness, but some part of us still believes that we’d feel better if we were rich. Yet when we really look at wealthy people, we must wonder if they are any happier than the average person. Do wealthy people laugh more, experience more joy, or have greater fulfillment in their lives? Perhaps some do – but how much of it is a direct result of their wealth? In fact, you can probably point to a handful of wealthy people that appear to be completely miserable. Not surprisingly, some people seem to become less satisfied the wealthier they become! Perhaps they were under the misconception that money would solve all their problems, or having a large amount of money brought along its own challenges. I’m sure you’ve heard the horror stories about people who win the lottery or come into a large sum of money through an inheritance or other means. Many of them experience a few years of heartache and struggle, and end up flat broke again. Money didn’t solve their problems – only made them worse! Another reason why wealth can make us miserable is that it distracts us from what is truly important for a happy and fulfilling life. We find ourselves focusing more and more on material objects and end up feeling disconnected from our inner selves. If you are feeling unhappy in your life right now and you’re thinking that money will solve your problems, it’s time for a reality check! I won’t deny that having material abundance can make our lives a little easier. Believe me, I’m all too aware of what it’s like to struggle to pay the bills, or feel like you’re living on the edge of a cliff and the ground is crumbling beneath your feet. I know the terror of worrying whether the electricity will be shut off for nonpayment, or wondering if you’ll be able to afford to buy groceries this week. I’m not trying to minimize these types of struggles – but I want you to be clear that having a lot of money will not automatically make you feel happy and content in your life. Money can definitely help us to enjoy a greater quality of life, but only if we have a healthy attitude toward money; otherwise it will just add bigger burdens.

Little acts of kindness make us better beings :)

☆ Tribute To A Friends Couple Who Changes My Life, Thanks To Their Spiritual Help And Support ☆


I’ve been doing ups and down for a while and even if the ups were Higher And Higher, Longer And Longer, and The Downs were Lesser And Lesser Low plus Shorter And Shorter, I had Never Felt THIS MUCH HAPPY AND STABLE; while I was rather used to be Quiet Happy (see my time line kiki emoticon ).


So, I have to thanks two persons, tow Courageous And Wonderful Beings Dedicated To Help Others and from which I admire since long The Kindnesses And Integrity.

These are Pierre Ethier and his Wife Catherine.






Grade II Completion

C/S: Pierre Ethier, Class XII

“I have just completed an advance program and
consequently was able to see that I had attained the
EP of Grade II.

I had previously (at the Church) done pretty well on
all the Grade II processes and also the Joburg and
FPRD list 1, but still was not up to attesting to
Grade II.

This action has handled my inability to do that. I
looked at the four flows and I could honestly say that
I could see those for myself.

The auditing has been great – not always fun – but
always good at the end. Thank you for the great
auditing and Pierre for C/Sing and of course to Ron
for making all this possible.”



I exteriorize

Auditor: Pierre

“It is after 4PM. I am driving fast on the Highway because I’m really cutting it tight to be on time for work.

Oh No! the traffic on the highway is slowing down and further ahead even appears to have stopped!

Should I stay on, or quickly go three lines on the right for the exit?

Let’s find out! I exteriorize.

1 mile ahead, I perceive severe Enturbulation. There is a Man over the Railing of the overpass. He is clutching what must be a 5 years old girl (she is dressed in pink) and he is threatening to jump!

Horror! He throws the child down. It must be 50 feet!

Instantly, I mock up a gigantic hand and scoop the child just before she hits the pavement.

Ouch! an SUV just hit my hand.

I am suddenly back in my car, still shaken by the experience. The traffic hasnt moved.

I cut across three lanes of traffic to get off the highway and barely make it on time for work.

I take a break at 11Pm to watch the Evening News.

The child is safe in the hospital and without a broke bone. A witness says she saw an “angel breaking her fall”.

Another talks about her SUV “miraculously stopping” just before hitting “something” in front of the child.

Causing Miracles,… being called an Angel…: just an ordinary day for an OT…”


End of Endless Int R/D

C/S : Pierre

“I feel very good after having completed this rundown and see how my concerns and reservations about entering and leaving spaces and situations have inhibited my spiritual freedom. I feel I’ll do much better now. Thank you  for the excellent auditing. Thanks also to Pierre and LRH.”

Drug Rundown

C/S: Pierre

“On the Drug Rundown I feel unbothered by drugs I have done and there are no more past upsets from drugs. Another nice win was I gained a greater certainty of past lives. I feel good in general in the area of drugs and alcohol I have taken and don’t feel bad about the drugs I’ve done anymore.”

Grade 3 Completion

C/S: Pierre

I have just attested to completing Grade III. Of the previous grades, this one has been the fastest to do. It has been relatively calm to do.

If I get upset, it lasts very briefly, or I can go and spot the source of the upset. And I realize that if my reaction does not match the current situation, it is because I would be dramatizing something that was earlier!

That bank reaction is more real to me! I can see it. (In others too!)

Great auditing. Thanks to the one who made it all possible – LRH.”


Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping when you can the fellow who will follow good advice.


What is truly important

“One of my great regrets, and I don’t have many, is that I spent too long putting people’s status and reputation ahead of their more important qualities. I learned far too late in life that a long list of letters after someone’s name is no guarantee of compassion, kindness, humour, all the far more relevant stuff.”
Bill Nighy
