

By Victor Veritas

Dedicated to Pierre Ethier

The more present you are, the less stressful your day, the less you will see everything in your life as a problem. In fact you will start to see problems as opportunities. When you recognize that the invitation to presence is a necessity for betterment in your life, you will see everything in its physical form is inviting you into the present moment. Everything you can see, feel, taste and touch feels surrounding you as magic. Your thinking grows in enjoyable thoughts to reflect on happy and positive events. Being present can clear up your mind as an instrument of expression. What changes with presence is that you are no longer a victim of the unconscious never ending stream of destructive thoughts to self and others. Your mind is not longer imprisoned to see yourself as a victim and you become a part of a new winning reality of your life. Only by liberating yourself from being constantly held in the past we can awaken in present. Presence is the key. Why is presence not being thought at schools? Lets teach ourselves how to be present, how to be in right relationship with your environment, what to do with this little thing called an ego.

Pierre made himself available to me and thought me how to be present. I experienced accelerated healing and peaceful joy. I am forever grateful for this magnificent change in my life. The rewarding benefits were priceless. My message to you is that everyone on the planet has a choice and with every choice there are consequences to follow. You are within your power to choose to be present and live in present time. You are within your power to leave the past behind and move on to a better future. Free yourself from that habituated state of mind and the ego’s resistance.

Abuse, injustice, inequality, racism, prejudice, control and manipulation are caused by the human reactive mind. All those things get acted out and we need to remember where the true problem resides. It is within us to become truly present and awake. It is within us to recapture control of our lives and live in harmony.


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