Third Partier Trey Lotz cought in the act of attempting to create yet another conflict


We wanted to make you aware that Trey Lotz has been generating conflicts in the free field and had been attacking our marriage spreading Third Party on Pierre. We find it to be extremely insulting that Trey asserts that a Class XII cannot apply the basics of Scientology and handle a PTS situation. We have been always trying to be helpful and assist to people to reach out and communicate, however Treys 3P has generated DEV-T to a proportion over the top. His PCs would come with attacks and insults forwarding Trey’s enemy line even between sessions with Trey.

Pierre’s health situation is related to the need of surgery and other treatment he did not get after a severe accident due to the Church getting his funding for medicals. The accident happened while Pierre was on staff at the Church and much before his marriage. He had no money to pay for the treatment as he did loan money to parishioners for services at the Church and the loans were never repaid. Also he had given money directly to the Church that were never returned. Pierre was also abused as a staff at the Church and almost died. His wife helped him to leave the abuse. Pierre has been very vocal about the importance of family relations. ( link)

Unfortunately some have found an opportunity generate further abuse using social media and Third Party to generate hatred and conflict. Please be aware of SMEAR and ABUSE by individuals that are up to no good and crossing the line of personal privacy!

Below are series of messages where Trey Lotz is attempting by a Third Party and destroy our family. He is even involving in his SMEAR our son.

Trey’s 3P amounts to a manipulative covert attack on Pierre. Why?

Trey spreads vicious rumors asserting for 10 years that Pierre is stupid and does not know how to do PTS handling. Moreover Trey would not even try to help, but just would go onto generate upsets in the Field instead.


Trey was very disrespectful, arrogant and selfish when he wrote a disconnection letter to go on to blamed Karen De La Carriere as a Third Party (3P) and her backchannel messages to have resulted in his decision to disconnect with Pierre. In other words Trey Lotz admits to have lied in his disconnection letter and was aiming to create conflict between Pierre and Karen. Now out of the blue Trey blames Pierre’s wife. The real reason tho is Trey’s cover up out outech and his resistance to correction.

Moreover we wish no relation with anyone connected with Trey as it just results in DEV-T.

Why Trey does not HELP but instead had chosen to smear Pierre’s marriage?

If Trey was ever concerned about Pierre and his marriage , he could of offered marriage counceling or to help another way. Instead Trey Lotz, who in not in the business of helping people, had chosen to disconnect and spread BLACK PR. This Trey used to create yet another conflict by promoting HATRED!

What does Trey Lotz do when he feels a comrade is in trouble ? Deserts him. This is a breach of the code of Scientologist. Trey Lotz is truely no longer Scientologist , he is constantly mixing practices.


Recently Trey Lotz have been called upon his training and his materials due to many PC complaints. Trey has also been using Pierre’s name in relation to his training and his materials. Trey Lotz has been using Pierre name for marketing purpose and to generate business without Pierre’s permission. This is in breach of California’s legal statues. More over saying half truths Trey Lotz has been misleading his public. Pierre has attempted to train Trey Lotz but Trey failed and did not complete the training , he disconnected to avoid cramming and correction. Pierre has given to Trey some of his own notes. The main motivator for Trey is GREEDThis is a link where others seem to have been having similar experiences with Trey Lotz/ Albert.

Evidence of SMEAR by Trey Lotz ( Albert F. Lotz , III)

Aida De Thomas Published messages from Trey Lots:

I just got a private message from Trey Lotz with third party about Pierre Ethier who has trained him on the Ls.

There has been a dispute between Pierre and Trey for years that has not been resolved. I know nothing about except that Pierre was his C/S and they had disagreements about some alleged out tech from Trey and they ended up disconnecting.

There was never an ethics handling, standard Chaplain’s court, cramming or even a third party investigation.

Sending natter and third party about someone is something that is not welcomed in this group. We are available to help anyone who has disagreements in private.

Lakis Agrogiannis

...and the truth shall set us free, Trey Lotz

Aida De Thomas

Trey Lotz you never said Pierre was the best auditor you ever had. You mentioned instead he was nasty and you disconnected from him. Below are the exchanges of communication about Pierre! I still don’t know why out of the blue you sent me that vitriolic message. You and I never talked about Pierre, so out of place you nattering about him to me!

Why? Are you trying to enturbulate me? You won’t! Whatever your purposes are they’re not theta!

Further 3P and attacks by Trey Lotz
Trey Lotz is not a Scientologist. Instead of helping he is trashing people. Instead of believing that the ” Man is Good” , he is all worked up and negative and sees nothing good in the very people who always had tried to help him.

I find it to be extremely insulting that Trey asserts that a Class XII can not apply the basic of Scientology and handle a PTS situation. This is a direct insult on Pierre! But there is more, Trey went into animosity and targeted Catherine Ethier over single meeting over no data. Now you can undertsand how Trey delivers the Ls – with no data.

Trey Lotz fabricates conversations with Pierre that never happened and then couples this with personal insults on Catherine. He feeds on gossip and aims to fail the very person who once offered him a helping hand. Trey makes phony claims to have disconnected from Pierre but then keeps sending informants to spy on Pierre and report back to Trey.

Now that Trey Lotz is out of tricks , he puts words in Pierre’s mouth spreading blatant LIES:

Read carefully the above message by Trey Lotz. Now Trey is mixing up religious practices and instead of having the person go through a standard processing Trey Lotz is postulating and telling “he would be chronically PTS” of his wife , but also Trey admits that he is doing negative EVIL eval and inval based on no data. FLUNK on Trey Lotz . THIS IS NOT SCIENTOLOGY.! This is an INSULT on a CLASS XII! Instead of helping his comrade in need, what does Trey Lotz do? Abandons him, disconnects him. What is even more disgusting is that Trey Lotz feels proud of violating the Scientologist Code of honor and abandon people in need. Flunk !

Now one thing to tell about Trey Lotz and his lack of OT abilities. To be an OT one has to be at cause and produce an amicable effect on others. Whining and complaining that someone did not like you is one more proof that you suck as an OT solely by producing the effect of others disliking you. One more FLUNK!

This is how we see Trey’s poor excuses. Class XIIs had to overcome mountains of resistance , live in substandard conditions , work hard to become flubless auditors. This is LRH’s test of character and integrity. On other hand Trey Lotz is whining like a child: ” he wife did not want him to train me” . Trey Lotz is not at cause , he chickens out at the first minor obstacle. He does not want to train , he does not want to cramm. Trey is a person who accepts defeat and keeps whining.


Perhaps it is prudent Trey Lotz to look at his “backyard” first before trashing people for no reason. The third partier Trey Lotz is using a nickname, while his real name is Albert F. Lotz, III . Trey has been generating conflicts using 3P and spreading rumors backchannel. He is accusing others in what he is doing himself. His wife Nicci is also using a nickname . Both their names are on a public records, hence none of this is a private information. One wonders why is Trey so concerned if others are using nicks names,

Once again , Trey Lotz is incapable to apply Scientology basics and to amicably solve issues. He would rather use discinnection instead of Ethics gradients, sink into the blame game and finger pointing coupled with Covert Hostility. Instead of helping Trey will watch and find faults where none exist. Trey is TOXIC and poisons everyone around him.

  • Trey Lotz There is no Kiki. Why do you tolerate a fake account? You know that is against Facebook rules. She is being a hidden instigator. I am not going to play that game and you shouldn’t either.
  • Cuitlahuac Rivas GonzalezFacebook has not considered that Kiki is a fake account. The topics Kiki brings up here are valid topics.
  • Trey Lotz But YOU know it is fake. Don’t you? Tell the truth.Is there any other reference to Kiki Budera anywhere else in any list of Scientology completions, anywhere? No there is not. Are the photos on her home page of her? No they are of an actress named Minka.Like LRH says in policy, if a person coming into an org won’t sign in and reveal their name, they have something to hide.
  • Cuitlahuac Rivas GonzalezLRH used several pseudonims in his fiction writing. Kiki’s photos of Minka were deleted. Kiki’s Facebook profile has not been proven false.

If Trey is scamming the FreeZone using Pierre’s name and you are afraid of the Protection Racket so much that you are spooked when I speak my truths about it. That’s OK also. I am sorry that you have to live surrounded by people who operate with threats and feel the need to lie to you. I count my blessings every day that I don’t have to take my pictures with degenerates but with decent people. I am only blessed to be in a better environment where I am surrounded by a better quality of people. I also understand the challenges you experience.