OT VIII Review

Dear Pierre,

I’m back in L.A. and noticing the results from the auditing you gave me. My wife told me that she noticed that I had no charge in my space. I notice that I laugh more now and am a lot more optimistic about the future. There are fewer stoops on my lines. I will start on a study schedule soon and am looking forward to starting up auditing again, which I will do after getting back from visiting my wife’s family over Christmas. I had a call from an old PC who wants me to start working with her and her husband on an admin scale. My friend also continues to be completely blown out after completing the Ls!
I gave your contact data to my brother, and he will contact you. My wife is excited about doing her L’s and starting on OT7 when you come here.
Someone today posted your write up about your Flag experience, and I read it. In that environment, the group is everything, and the individual nothing. Your account made it abundantly clear that if there is any single answer to surviving such a situation, it is keeping your own personal integrity in. If you can do that, you can land on your feet and do better than ever.
Again, thanks for everything, not just for the great sessions, but also for the generosity of your communications. The data that you give me and the questions that you answered were extremely helpful to me as well.

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