
RIP Димос Цакирис

На фото слева направо:

Верхний ряд: Цакирис Димос Христович (доцент, к. т. н.); Волошенко Светлана Вадимовна (старший инженер); Орахелашвили Баграт Мерабович (доцент, К. Т. Н.); Вавилова Светлана Дмитриевна (ведущий инженер); Давыдов Александр Иванович (доцент, к. т. н.); Драгомиров Дмитрий Валерьевич (к. т. н.)

Средний ряд: Зюбин Игорь Александрович (доцент, к. т. н.);—;Островский Валерий Леонидович (доцент, к. т. н.); Панкратов Сергей Николаевич (доцент); Пятигорская Елена Исааковна (доцент, к. т. н.); Дунаев Александр Николаевич (старший преподаватель); Бакунин Юрий Анатольевич (инженер)

Нижний ряд: Голубев Владимир Иванович (профессор, д. т. н.); Белаш Иван Григорьевич (доцент, к. т. н); Грибков Александр Михайлович (доцент, к. т. н., зав. кафедрой); Емцев Борис Тихонович (профессор, д. т. н.); Моргунов Геннадий Михайлович (профессор, д. т. н.); Зуев Юрий Юрьевич (доцент, к. т. н.)

НИУ “МЭИ”Институт гидроэнергетики и возобновляемых источни­ков энергии Кафедра
Гидромеханики и Гидравлических машин им. В. С. Квятковского

В 1945 г. еще до окончания войны Правительство издает постановление об открытии в МЭИ гидроэнергетического факультета (ГЭФ) в состав которого вошли новые кафедры: гидравлики, гидроэнергетики, гидравлических машин и гидротехнических сооружений…


I’ve seen


The articles you’ll find here touch on a wide range of disciplines, including Scientology, art, health, ecology, philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, economics and technology, but all of them, though different in topic, share something in common: they point to a better way of living.

My intention is not to turn readers into believers, so please don’t believe anything that you read here as being the truth. In fact, no absolute truth can be expressed through words, so just take from the writings only what you find personally enlightening and helpful, and discard what doesn’t contribute to your understanding and well-being.

I write this with greatest affinity through which I am sharing part of my being with millions of readers from every corner of our planet.


Flag-only rundowns truly mastered by Flag Trained Auditors Only

Flag only rundowns (which Pierre studied and delivered – e.g. Original Super Power Rundown, Knowledge Rundown , Case Cracker Rundown , New Vitality Rundown , Fixated Person Rundown , Dynamic Sort-out Assessment , NOTs Stability Rundown, Held Down Seven Rundown, Int. by Dynamics Rundown, Havingness Rundown , The Prosperity Rundown, The Money Rundown, Profession Intensive ) address variety of handlings like spiritual difficulties, issues, ethics , case situations and other. The Ls , Flag Only Rundowns [Delivered at Flag Only] , NOTs [Delivered only in Advanced Organizations / Sea Orgs] , Power and Superpower require advanced auditor skills and trained C/S. The above rundowns should not be delivered without the supervision of a trained C/S. C/S training is required as some of the handlings are in the C/S materials. The authentic Flag Only Rundowns materials have not been released in the Free Field.

It is well known fact that field auditors affiliated with the Corporate Church of Scientology deliver auditing up to Clear and typically have NO EXPERIENCE with delivering upper levels .Field auditors refer their PC to the Orgs for 15% FSM commission which they receive for services purchased by the PC from the Church. A field auditor usually comes out in the free field with no experience auditing beyond Clear and lacks the discipline to audit under C/S.

The images are found on google search and do not reside on this site. All information contained, written and/or supplied shall be deemed to be without prejudice and is intended only for general educational use.


Humor Rundown

Now you can take advantage of the famous Humor Rundown which includes Head Rundown , Water Rundown , Quatro Rundown, Double or Nothing Rundown and After Super Power Rundown. The EP of each Rundown is documented below. I want to thank all contributors. The Humor Rundown will void a significant gap in the field practice.


Head Rundown ( Special thanks to Anons)

Water Rundown

Water Rundown

Quatro Rundown

Quatro Rundown

Double or Nothing Rundown

Double or Nothing Rundown


After Super Power Rundown

Very special thanks to Michelle Butcher – Sterling for creating back links and increasing our Google ratings.