Success Story

First, I want to say that I value Pierre so much. He is a thetan of greatness, kindness, and many stories. I have been off the bridge for many years.
Pondering on what I could possibly handle in a weekend had me perplexed. But I knew I had to start somewhere. I thought maybe I was a lost cause.
It would seem that standardness of the tech is the cure.
Looking back over the weekend, it is now an amazement  of what I handled in just under 5 hours with Pierre.
Repaired, relieved, and certain, and looking forward to more.
For the first time in so long,  I am truly excited about doing my OT Levels and moving on up.
I now know for sure I am Clear.  This has been a very long time confusion for me, and I have attested and unattested several times.
I will not have to address the subject again.
I feel very fortunate.
Thank you Pierre (with lots of joy).

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