Third Partiers

Quarrels between an individual and an organization are nearly always caused by an individual third party or a third group. The organization and the individual should get together and isolate the third party by displaying to each other all the data they each have been fed.”LRH

KR-Third PARTIERS: Patricia Krenik, Trey Lotz, and Catherine Zoltan!


One of the rumors widely spread by the third partiers is about the training of the Ls and about the Ls materials. The falsehoods are meant to create conflicts in the FreeZone and deviate PC from their true purpose to go up the bridge!

NONE of the existing FreeZone organizations had ever offered to host Pierre and help PCs to receive services from a Class XII. NONE of the existing FreeZone organizations had ever helped Pierre to deliver training to auditors. On the contrary, with rumors and falsehoods their staff sabotaged Pierre’s plans and the funding of a Training Center.

Pierre wanted to start a training center to deliver standard training to auditors, however, no one in the FreeZone wanted to contribute or help with this initiative. Rather individuals associated with the FreeZone and the Church would engage in spreading rumors and directly sabotage Pierre’s efforts to provide quality training to others as per the LRH standards.

Constant attacks are originated by THIRD PARTIERS fraudulently making others to believe that the Ls and the Standard Scientology Technology are doomed to extinction with the departure of the Class XIIs auditors. THIS IS NOT SCIENTOLOGY! The THIRD PARTIERS are so badly out-ethics that they no longer believe in Scientology. The Technology will take care of its own LEGACY through its own evolution and through truly devoted Scientologists who have gained new abilities in the upper levels. Gaining those abilities that will enable to save the technology is the purpose by going up the bridge!

Certainly, an out-ethics individual will make you believe that you will not remember anything from this lifetime. This fraudulent falsehood is because an out-ethics individual is not able to evolve until resolving their own out-ethics situation. The one who is well trained and follows good ethics standards can and will be able to deliver the Ls! The only one to  be wary are the fraudsters out there.

Be aware of the TRAPS of this Non-Scientology doctrine that are only designed to deviate you from your true purpose and are meant to sabotage your BRIDGE! Third partiers also sabotage your bridge by using you as informants and pushing into questionable ethics.

Third partiers are NOT to be BELIEVED!