Москва-Одесса – Владимир Высоцкий

Moving On Up a Little Higher

What follows is a detailed insider view of the Flag Land Base (Scientology Inc’s Mecca is Clearwater Florida) of late.   Former RTC and Flag Auditor, Silvia Llorens gives a credible state of  the dis-union of Scientology Inc.


Hello! My name is Silvia Lloréns. I started  in Scientology in 1978, joined the SO in 1983 and left in early 2007.
I have read the numerous accounts on the experiences and viewpoints others have had and that have been expressed in various web pages; I do understand them.
All of them share one common point or conclusion: the suppression is coming primarily from COB (Chairman of Scientology Inc. David Miscavige) and some of his followers.
Now, I will share my experiences from the viewpoint I had then as a 24 years Sea Org Member. The years as a Scientologist are still counting as I have not ceased being one…

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