
L. Ron Hubbard, and even Psychiatry define Insanity as an Idee Fixe that dominate an individual so much that they become unable to act or think except through that fixed idea.

Out of the OT X materials, CHARACTER, comes the following definition: “Insanity is the adoption of a Single Stable Datum, at the exclusion of all others”.

The dramatization of Evil purposes, especially when it is being directed at people, starts with an act of Cowardice: the individual is unable/ unwilling to face the true source of his/her inner conflicts and seeks to put the entire blame on a target they feel will be “popular” and easily agreed upon by those with similar mental problems.  This is well explained in the Policies on “Sources of Troubles”, where a small percentage of people will obsessively seek to lay the entirety of their problems on an individual, book or group. Years of experiences both in and outside the Church conclusively demonstrate that those who blame others for their own condition always greatly exaggerate things and were always suffering from the issues they complain about long before they came across what they now label as the source of their problems.  In the data series, a policy called, “the Why is God” clearly explains that the answer to solving one’s own problem lie within oneself, not in blaming someone else.

A Wise and old Judge that frequently appears on TV has repeatedly observed: “It is easier to confront Anger than Pain”. In other words, when people face some inner suffering, some will try to find an innocent scapegoat to blame every evil on, just like the Jews in the Bible would cast the totality of the Sins and crime of their entire people on a Goat that had until then minded its own business and then cast it out to die in the desert.

It is Evil to seek to harm people of good will!

In my case I have helped over 5000 people, if I count only those I have audited. If I count those I have C/Sed, FES, debugged and given life-saving advice, I get another 5000. I have done a lot of voluntary work and helped thousands of others. After I left the Church, I have worked in coordination with Law Enforcement agencies to help bring criminals and abusers to Justice. I was personally praised by the authorities for my work. There is a continuous stream of people coming to see me for help, either in a professional capacity in my areas of expertise where I hold professional certifications and in my quality as a trained auditor and Case Supervisor. I have helped well over 15,000 people directly or indirectly.

The church of Scientology is well known to use Agents, Stooges and Dupes to promote its pernicious agenda. This sad group of Individual uniformly consist of slow or no case gains (based on actual changes in their life and behavior rather than their own assertions), and who are dramatizing a dark aspect of their case in the misguided and absurd hope that if they succeeded in destroying their target, their problem would suddenly disappear.

Because those individuals commit continuous Present Time overts, including constant manufacturing of lies, cherry picking a few facts while throwing away all others and spreading their vitriol as widely as their meager intellect allow them; their perceptions sink to a very low level. They misinterpret facts and invent absurdities causing them to continuously DEAD-AGENT themselves: their worse PR enemies are themselves. By actual analysis less than 2 1/2% of people reading their drivel view it as anything else than something belonging in the trash can.

This means that 97 -1/2% of people exposed to their drivel correctly recognize it as such.

For 10 years now, my unchanging experience with both the Church of Scientology and its offshoots, including the FreeZONE is that the more desperate their attacks against me, the more theta traffic comes on my lines, the more requests to audit or C/S I receive and the busier I get. I would have to spend thousands of dollars to get the amount of free publicity that those misguided souls give me for free.

A friend of mine, jokingly stated that if thing continue that way, that I ought to consider paying them FSM commissions!

Just like it says in the Anti-Social Personality bulletin says: these people try to burn the House, they end up flooding it instead. In my case: they try to destroy my repute. They mistakenly think they succeed in their eyes, but only their small group of fanatical followers (people that are criminals and a long track of lying, stealing and abusing others) agree. I would never consider auditing any of these individuals. All others either ignore or recognize obvious lies for what they are.

My final message to the misguided souls above is:

1- COMMUNICATION IS THE UNIVERSAL SOLVENT. If you have an issue with me, use private DIALOGUE to sort it out. Those who keep complaining about me, have never sent me an email, (except for one sending them to dozens of people and using it for 3P). Dialogue means: Two way communication of a private nature, not an endless stream of attacks and bait and switch or sending dozens of people emails on a private matter or spreading 3P or hatred as widely as possible. Otherwise, all you do is demonstrate, out-TRs of your own.

2- Be compassionate: I am compassionate, even toward those who have spread the most horrific and heinous of lies toward me, recognizing they each were dramatizing an unhandled area of their case and were the product of reckless and incompetent auditing, and therefore in great need of help.

3- Realize that the more of what you view as harmful lies against me and my family you publicly state, the worse you end up looking in the eyes of over 97% of people. You actually end up damaging the repute of the Church (if you defend the Church) or the Freezone/Independents. You end up promoting me. I therefore thank you for increasing my popularity and my business, though, you may be unworthy of my gratitude.

4- Stop committing continuous PT Overts or you will end up worse than a pebble on a beach. Beware: this could start as early as next lifetime! You seem to have no idea whatsoever of what is addressed in OT X-XV and what you are making up your future to be. Are you truly certain of what to expect in the after-life? I know what to expect, I have been there after two near-death experiences at Flag.

Ignore my advice at your own peril If your intent is truly to harm me, then be prepared to eventually reach that unpleasant tone level called: TOTAL FAILURE.

Pierre Ethier


  1. Out of the OT X materials, CHARACTER, comes the following definition: “Insanity is the adoption of a Single Stable Datum, at the exclusion of all others”.

    Evidently I do not know the content of said materials and can only go on the assumed ‘promise’ that they hold a key to my salvation with the understanding that Man can be Good or Evil, we all.make mistakes and that at least throughout my work Love is the demonstrable higher purpose, the actual purpose of life and existence which resolves the duality of Good and Evil. That seems to be what everyone so far has told me and gone on to demonstrate through their relationships and life. Nevertheless, I have much work to be done on my own character and it is of interest that you bring the subject up. The development of character is the only real way forward in addressing the problems we face in the world. A simplicity that anyone can apply and understand and the majority of us do with little or no education on the subject ither than through our upbringing and the people who inspire us. Total Freedom – what do you do with it, CHARACTER.

    Now what about how to get anyone focused on CHARACTER in practical life?

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