Contact us

While some have been spreading rumors about Pierre, this has been proven to be non- constructive and very destructive to others. It is true that Pierre had been a subject to viscous attacks where out ethics individuals have been fabricating lies and attacking Pierre out of GREED. Their fabrications and manipulations had been very TOXIC and targeted. All Pierre needs is LOVE, your positive postulates and meaningful messages.

Please do not contact us to discuss any practices that deviate from the Standard Scientology Technology. Please DO NOT contact us if you have been receiving auditing from the Ron’s Org , Trey Lotz and associates. Pierre Ethier supports only Standard Tech in its powerful original.

We will NOT respond any solicitations for copyrighted materials and/or illegal or unethical practices. Please address the corresponding copyright owners for such requests and exchanges.

To initiate contact with us please  donate $200. All donations  are gift in kind for the Scientology Research Library without conditions attached.  ( additional charges may apply , e.g. long distance phone calls)

Third Party by Trey Lotz and Pat Krenik on Pierre Ethier

“Quarrels between an individual and an organization are nearly always caused by an individual third party or a third group. The organization and the individual should get together and isolate the third party by displaying to each other all the data they each have been fed.”LRH
Third PARTIERS: Patricia Krenik, Trey Lotz and Catherine Zoltan!


One of the rumors widely spread by third partiers about the training of the Ls and materials. None of the existing FreeZone organizations had ever offered to host Pierre and help Pierre to deliver training to auditors on the Ls or to deliver services to PC. Pierre wanted to start a training center, however no one wanted to contribute or help with this initiative to secure the delivering of quality training to others. Rather individuals would engage in spreading rumors and directly sabotage Pierre’s efforts to provide quality training to others as per the LRH standards.

Constant attacks are originated by THIRD PARTIERS fraudulently making others to believe that the Ls and Standard Scientology Technology are doomed to extinction with the departure of the Class XIIs auditors. THIS IS NOT a SCIENTOLOGY! This is the dooms day cultist that is not progressing up the bridge, taking little clean ups and smoking pot between sessions.

The Technology will take care for its own LEGACY through its own evolution and abilities gained in the upper levels.

Certainly an out ethics individual will make you believe that you will not remember anything from this lifetime. This is because an out-ethics individual is not able to evolve until resolving their own out ethics situation. Out-ethics is a criminal mind that is not on the bridge, thetan that can not recall and has no ability for self control. Dooms day cultist have very little awareness.

Be aware of the TRAPS of this Non-Scientology doctrine that are only designed to deviate you from your true purpose and are meant to sabotage your BRIDGE!

Third partiers are NOT to be BELIEVED!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you ask for donations?

This is an opportunity to show your thankful appreciation, the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to yourself and you will benefit from your garatitude. It has been proven that individuals of good ethics have shown gratitude and provide exchange by donating to a good cause. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for Pierre’s time and to return his kindness.  Danations will help to cover the cost of the library, reaserch and to advance knowledge.  Gratitude express your appreciation and is really important because it serves a purpose. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. As a result, gratitude also helps you to connect to something larger than than yourself and will boost your power to advance.

For the one who does not value their questions perhaps they either do not seek the answers or do not appreciate the answers.

Can you share the list of the  trained Class XIIs who have attested?

The Class XII training  is a complex training including internships, courses , obtaining additional knowledge  based on confidential case studies , video tape evaluations , practical evaluations and attesting as LRH has designed it.

Below is the list of the trained Class XII to successful attest.  There are fraudulent claims by people who have not been trained or have not attested.  The names of the auditors personally trained by LRH are well documented in the Apollo Crew List and other documents. When it comes to certifications and credentials , believe only factual evidence and records , not fraudulent claims.

The original 8 Class XIIs that were trained by LRH are listed in the following link:

The list of all Class XIIs that were ever made was compiled in 1998:

Do you travel to provide on site auditing?

No. Pierre Ethier no longer travels, his time currently is predominantly dedicated to research. His travels are related only to completion of ongoing cycles. 

Can you recommend auditors in my area?

No. It has proven that in order to recommend an auditor Pierre has to consistently oversee his/hers practice , training and ethical standards. On other hand for every Preclear there are case specific requirements that have to be addressed. Some auditors who are good auditing the lower bridge , might lack training on the upper bridge. For the above reasons any recommendations can be done only after a thorough assessment of the  auditor and additional case assessment of the Preclear , along with consistent Case Supervision.

I am in a need of repair due to bad auditing. Any recommendations?

Often this kind of situation is related to some sort of ethics situation. On one hand the poor choice of auditor shows  low perceptions. It was your responsibility to choose wisely and verify your auditor’s claims and credentials versus actual objective outcomes of his practice. (Reference: Dishonesty cuts persons reach HCO Bulletin 1 May 1985 “Honesty and Case Gain”: .

You will have to deal with your personal ethics in order improve your ability to make wise decisions. On other hand auditors that mislead or defraud about  their credentials are out ethics. One example is the delivery of the Ls. Most of the fixes for the Ls are in the C/S materials. This is why the role of the C/S is vital and auditor needs advanced training that has been typically provided at Flag.

I was getting auditing in the Church. I am considering auditing in the Free field. Would I be able to get my folders?

This is a question that you should be directing to the Church.

Do you respond anonymous correspondence?

No. Anonymous exchange is an indication of some sort of ethics situation. Perhaps you should consider resolving it first.

Do you provide assistance with requests for refunds from the Church of Scientology?


Do you distribute copyrighted materials?

Absolutely not, despite of rumors and innuendos from Trey Lotz and his associates.

What about delivery of the Ls in the Free Field?

Rumors and innuendos from Trey Lotz, Perry Sheppard and their associates, using Pierre’s name as a reference and claiming that Pierre has trained them to deliver the Ls are untrue. The Ls are designed to be delivered  under the supervision of C/S. Trey does not have C/S training and has told his PCs that he does not need a C/S in violation with the agreements he had with Pierre.

Trey Lotz does practice disconnection as a form of avoidance of proper training and correction. He has also deployed various bullying scare tactics on Pierre using PCs under his influence via Third Party to exert pressure.  Pierre started training Trey on L11 providing him with some of him own notes on the Ls. Trey had bad results and the training on the Ls was never completed. Pierre has never granted a certificate to Trey Lotz for any training completion. Pierre has showed a lot of good will and  kindness toward Trey. Trey has been consistently ungrateful and manipulative. Pierre has never authorised Trey to use his own notes without Pierre’s supervision.

Both Trey Lotz and Pat Krenik must of done things to Pierre , that they  are not proud of , so they ( Pat and Trey) keep maligning Pierre and cause conflicts via Third Party.

In other words if one does study at university and you fail on the exams , he/ she would not claim to be trained and he/ she would not be allowed to practice.  Such claims shall be considered fraudulent, delivery out-tech and out-ethics.

Moreover Trey Lotz consistently using Pierre’s name and status making untrue claims and generating constant attacks is practically abusive! Everyone who is supporting Trey in this is abusive and out-ethics as well!

Trey Lotz has been using Pierre’s name and status of Class XII to gain business through misrepresentations, omissions and without Pierre’s authorization. In addition Trey Lotz and Pat Krenik have generated conflicts through Third Party  and open attacks of Pierre.  This is out-ethics of two ingrates who are so hateful of Pierre ( a person of good will) that even attacked him when Pierre was in the Hospital.

Pierre has helped Trey Lotz when he was declared by the Church, was in despair and lost his auditing practice. This kidness was not appreciated by Trey. Trey has disconnected from Pierre in 2011 and started distributing a disconnection letter full with fallacies (including Trey’s own admission to have Third Partied Pierre) to originate upsets and attacks on Pierre. Communication is universal solver, however Trey freely promoted disconnection and originated upsets.

Trey has been creating conflicts in the field and attacks on Pierre by making malicious claims that he (Trey) has been “chosen” over others to be trained because of his “good tech” , that he has been given the”Ls original materials” that he has been prohibited to share with others. Pierre has not given Trey the Ls original materials. His claims are NOT true! The Ls body of knowledge is based on the LRH C/Ses , which are not available for study elsewhere but the COS. Pierre has never agreed that Trey retains and misuse his Pierre’s notes in addition to mis-qouting Pierre to pretend that Trey still works under Pierre’s guidance and/or traning. This often leading to creating cinflicts, upsets and  instigation of  various forms of abusive harrassment on Pierre.

Both, Pat Krenik and Trey Lotz look real bad with their third party about Pierre and constant generation of conflict , rumors and attacks. Pierre is a person of good will and has helped both of them.
Both, Pat Krenik and Trey Lotz had brought the subject of Scientology to disrepute. Their third party is mostly disappointing as both are out exchange and have taken unfair advantage of Pierre.


About gains with Scientology


By Steve Hall; dated: 28 October 2012

Stable datums: Ethics is rationality. Applied in reverse: suppression.

The CoS made a bad name for Ethics because for three decades they applied it reverse to destroy people.

Ethics tech is valid. Getting Ethics in is how you HELP people who are out ethics.

Scientologists from earlier days had plenty of time to attack the malignant heart of CoS corruption and refused. They are now being bypassed per the Senior Danger formula.

They can’t plead ignorance as CoS corruption is common knowledge worldwide.

This is why the Freezone, in 30 years, has never made any impact on the world stage, never gotten into the news or media, never created any broad respect for the tech or the philosophy, never made ANY strategic progress.

Many “Scientologists” sold out by accepting money from the CoS. Tommy Davis did. The Freezone sold out as well — but not for money. They sold out for protection.

The CoS runs what is essentially a “protection racket.” A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a criminal group or individual coerces a victim (usually a business) to cooperate or pay money, supposedly for protection services against violence or property damage from the very people who are extorting cooperation. In the case of the CoS, the scheme involves (until I personally blew the whistle on it in the Tampa Bay Times both handing over huge sums of cash AND cooperating through silence.

OSA’s deal to the Freezone was: “Be silent and we’ll leave you alone.” An arrogant little snot from OSA Int, Aaron Mason, briefed me on the program — snickering about OSA’s victory in corrupting the Freezone people — in 2001 while I was still at the Int base.

The CoS then promptly *double crossed* the Freezone, already heavily infiltrated, by launching a covert campaign to generate out tech within their ranks, i.e., squirrel auditing, mixing rundowns and repairs, etc. to mess up cases on the theory that destroying their case gains would eventually cause the group to collapse. I learned about this at Int before I even left! Today there is even a Freezone “auditor” who delivers NOTs to people who aren’t even Clear! People think squirreling just “happens” — no stupid — it is made to happen by OSA because some people refused to pay the price of freedom: constant alertness and constant willingness to fight back.

The Freezone was considered by OSA to be totally in their pocket, quiet as a mouse. OSA’s objective for anyone leaving is SILENCE. That’s what their money, extortion, blackmail, harassment, PIs, dirty tricks, defamation, coercion and lies are ALL intended to purchase.

Money for silence; or in the case of the Freezone, OSA offered a “truce” — protection — for silence. But it wasn’t really a truce. OSA attacks on the Freezone continued as covert operations instead overt legal attacks and harassment.

As a group, the Freezone has zero ethics presence, zero integrity, and that’s why not a single major media or news crew has ever written 10 words about them — they aren’t even up to Non Existence. They do not know who their friends are.

And now that Independent Scientologists ARE making it safe for them with a ferocious over-the-top firestorm of relentless exposure and fierce hand-to-hand fighting, a few individuals within the Freezone want us to recognize THEM as the original “Indies”? They are deserters, traitors, cowards who ran away and left the rest of us to DIE on the battlefield and that word “die” is no exaggeration. I have plenty of friends who did die. How many hundreds of unborn children were murdered by David Miscavige’s Fetus Extermination Order #1 of 1986? This demonic leader is a mass murderer and the Freezone people stood back and let all that happen.

Many or most of them in the Freezone have no idea what we are even doing today in Independent Scientology or what we are about. One of their head honchos, Ian Waxler, just wrote yesterday to me, “RATHER than taking pot shots at anyone who’s program you disagree with, why not put up some positive ideas? If you feel you can ‘set the world on fire’ with your plans… well, we are ‘all ears’”

“All ears,” huh? I think having been one of two people who actually STARTED Independent Scientology is a pretty positive idea that DID set the Scientology world on fire. I think,,, and more in the pipeline — each strategic — are all pretty positive ideas. I think the idea of single-handedly exposing CoS corporate RACKETEERING in the newspaper and getting it stopped without any help from the FBI is a pretty positive idea. And for info, I DID visit the FBI before I even built — part of my research during 2008. They told me the primary barrier I faced was that the truth was so incredible it was hard to believe.

My solution was to create a multiple viewpoint system (LRH management tech) online called to start the process of running out the GROUP ENGRAM. I personally was the first to do that.

Maybe the problem is bricks don’t have ears.

So if they don’ t even have a clue what we are doing, why are they even in our private facebook group, “Indie Scientologist”?

Apparently sometime after we formed our facebook group called “Indie Scientologist” where Indie Scientologists could connect with each other, Pat Krenik started inviting in a bunch of Freezoners.

And apparently it was also Pat Krenik who originally started pushing the OSA attack line, designed to de-power us, that Freezoners are the original “Indies” — poppycock!

Scientologists in the Freezone left you and me to die on the battlefield while they deserted and went off to quietly practice Scientology at home. They made a deal with the devil and the devil immediately double crossed them and got the Freezone riddled with out tech.

But miracle of miracles, lo and behold, we didn’t all DIE like they thought we would! After the Freezone people rowed away taking all the lifeboats with them, we survived but had to swim shark-infested waters alone. Some didn’t make it but some of us did make it to shore where, after a brief recuperation, we regrouped and counter attacked the citadels of Miscavigedome and now we are blasting his empire of disaster back into molten lava whence it came.

Then one day — surprise! Here are a bunch of deserters back in our midst, walking around in our camp, pretending to us, and advising us to lay down our weapons?

Two days ago the President of APIS wrote in facebook that all we are doing is “closing terminals with entheta.” Do you know what “closing terminals” means? It means to go into the valence of an SP and start being a mirror image of the SP. Is that what you are doing? Could anyone SAY anything more insulting?

These DESERTERS from the Freezone, from APIS, who left us to die are going to come in here and post a note full of the very OSA attack lines that prevailed upon them to DESERT their comrades and turn their back on the human race?

Just to be crystal clear with a supersonic boom, INDEPENDENT SCIENTOLOGY has never existed before. Freezoners of the ‘80s were NOT the “original indies” despite what some OSA-controlled enemy mouthpiece may suggest.

We are a FIRST.

Being an Independent Scientologist does not mean you have to spend all day every day exposing CoS corruption and crimes. But you call yourself an Independent Scientologist with a capital “I” you better damn well support the attack as THAT IS the core ideal that made us what we are. How do I know? Because I was the person who came up with the entire concept in December 2008 after a year of study and investigation, then built to launch the idea and then worked with Marty and many others for the last few years to help turn that concept into a movement. So I, of all people, am qualified to define what has come to be known as an Independent Scientologist. Like it or not, I was the first one and that’s the truth.

If anyone doesn’t remember at the top of every page in is a quotation that comes from Dr. Martin Luther King, “There is a time when silence becomes betrayal.” Embodied in those immortal words is the very definition of who and what an Independent Scientologist is AND also the definition of what the Freezone was.

These impostors in the APIS recently changed their name from “International Freezone Association” to “Association of Professional Independent Scientologists.” These guys are actively forwarding enemy propaganda that we are just an attack function, that we are NOT involved in auditing. Their president just wrote, explaining how they are different (presumable from us) the “APIS is not here for the purpose of attacking Miscavige… It is not here to form an army to ‘bring down’ Miscavige.”

We have tech delivery going all over the world. Take me as an example. I myself started to run out our 3rd dynamic engram. It IS Group Dianetics in action. How did I learn Group Dianetics? I studied it in the 1990s — read everything LRH ever wrote on the subject. With 2.2 million hits and counting, that equates to getting tens of thousands of people into the session of running out this group engram. Is that a “positive idea” — apparently not according to Ian Waxler, APIS and Freezone fifth-columnist spokes-mouth.

The APIS pretends to be all about Standard Tech. But they won’t utter a word about the source of the out tech in their own field — the Church! That’s like letting a rapist into your house and while he is raping your daughter, you write a newsletter saying rape is wrong.

Here’s another theory: “standard tech” is just a *button* being pushed to gain our trust. Have you ever noticed that the APIS people are online all the time, always posting in our facebook group, trying to PR themselves? Seems kinda unusually coordinated right? Many people HAVE noticed it. Are they fifth columnists? I don’t know, but they HAVE taken on the color of an enemy by attacking our ideals.

Independent Scientology is ALL about delivering the tech WHILE we also are getting in ethics with TOTAL FEROCITY, because that is the only way to win against sociopath Miscavige, because he is vicious let me tell you.

If you do NOT support our efforts to expose David Miscavige and his supporters, you are NOT even remotely an Independent Scientologist, it’s that simple.

We never sold out. We didn’t desert our comrades. We do not work for OSA. We will not deal. We remain loyal to the human race. We are a FIRST and that is something to be proud of.

And that’s why we have the support of the world and the wind at our backs. – For 20 years of service, he got an $82,000 bill



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