The Church of Scientology is a fan ( Humor)

Admin: Recently the Church of Scientology had granted us with a visit again, This  expressed interest coincided with a noise orchestrated  in particular internet groups. There were two web pages accessed ( merely mentioning the facts ). The logs are posted below the picture.

For sure the visit was a lame attempt by the COS to check on my reaction related to the latest outburst of insults by EVIL individuals, trolls and stooges. It LOOKS BAD on then and they(the abusers of disabled) know that is LOOKS BAD on them.

The first page that was accessed by an user from the Church was featuring a copy of a picture of a depressed menopausal woman. The picture was used by a SMEARER for a staging  at one of their hate sites. This was smearer’s image of thyself.  It also showed what sites the smearer is browsing and also shows the challenges this woman is facing in her sorry to be in situation of illegal PC. Hate sites and smear campaigns  make them (her and her associates) LOOK REAL BAD!

The second page was related to traceback  to the Church of Scientology based on our server logs.


22 17.05.2014 21:28:59 United States California Los Angeles…
23 17.05.2014 21:28:53 United States California Los Angeles…

As Sharon Sigmond told me once:” The internet is the greatest gossip center ever invented” and certain boards are “loaded with liars and BPC cases.” Then Sharon Sigmond also told me the following wise words:

“In the end, each of us will have to answer to whatever it was we caused or didn’t cause IF it was destructive to others and/or other dynamics.” ….” I care about you and I’m sorry you had to go thru hell. But I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone thru some kind of hell while living in a world full of cracker heads. Peace and Love to you and Pierre and your son.”

The Church Of Scientology is reading our blog

Below is an exert from our access logs showing that staff or public at the Church of Scientology were reading our blog with great interest. Recently we also received correspondence that while at Flag a public come to listen with great interest our youtube channel which resulted in a true wakening experience. A Pretorian also recommends our blog for making the transition from the Taliban of suppression and money greedy environment into the Free World toward the true Way of Happiness. What are they reading? Our logs show the greatest interests is directed to the article with facts about OT VIII and Beyond.


9 26.03.2014 04:11:13 United States California Los Angeles
10 26.03.2014 04:10:33 United States California Los Angeles
11 26.03.2014 04:09:35 United States California Los Angeles

Spiritual Abundance – Finding Your Spiritual Sense of Purpose

Most Scientologists, Ex-Scientologists and people in between are pursuing happiness, but in all the wrong places; and they are not finding it.

 Never has the world had so much, yet been so  wretched and miserable. Depression, unhappiness, confusion, frustration, unfulfilled hopes and failed dreams, intense dissatisfaction, emptiness, haplessness and suffering. Most are pursuing happiness, but in all the wrong places!—and they are not finding it. Vast new frontiers of expanding scientific knowledge have not brought the expected enjoyment , neither have the efficient devices, which were supposed to bring people more leisure time to “enjoy themselves.” Instead, mental illness, drug addiction, despair, suicide, alcoholism, self-pity, and other forms of escapism—and general discontent with life seem to sink in everywhere.

It seems that most have also failed terribly in knowing about real abundant living. Many  are taught to feel guilty if they enjoy themselves—if they are happy! So many believe  they have to suppress joy and happiness.

Many have no concept that truly represents fullness, richness, pleasures and overflowing with plenty, both physically and spiritually. They have no thought that boundless energy is available to them if they will but tap it. The true road to happiness is to overcome the spirit of fear and to embrace the power of love, and of a sound mind”  This is not about how to tap the better “inner you.” It is not about practicing “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” positive thinking derived from human strength. In the long run, these are not worth much. On their own, people fall short, and ultimately fail in the most crucial aspects of life. They are powerless to defeat weaknesses and faults—and to triumph in the end. Enormous inner strength and power will flow into and through you, if you take advantage of the access life offers you.


Have you stood by a powerful river, watching the current? I have many times. A big river carries tremendous power and force. Personal spiritual power flows like a river, and produces mightily in those who have it. It radiates out of one, and brings love, faith, joy and peace. This power will help you meet challenges, defeat enemies, conquer fear and reflect cheerfulness. It will bring wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and drive anger, bitterness and anxiety away. It will replace discouragement with energy and hope. It will bring zeal to accomplish and remove confusion and indifference. It will take shattered dreams and shriveled feelings, and expand them to new horizons—and bring an expectation of success. It will take stress and turn it to productivity and fulfilling accomplishment.


If you come and ask for help in time of need and look for the real answers and knowledge  this can flow strength and it is life-changing. Knowledge of thyself can  bring you the truly good things of life. How sad that the lives of so many are so completely empty—so utterly devoid of joy, happiness and abundance. Many try drugs, fall into immoral lifestyles, pursue the wrong kind of entertainment, commit crimes, and otherwise get into trouble, simply because they are bored. They do not know they can have lives filled with purpose. This lack of  true goals is so unnecessary—so far from what is intended for every human being.

The vitality and abundance—and pure joyful happiness—that can be yours is closer than you think. But you must recognize that life’s offers in an entirely new and different way. This also means periodically accepting correction, which can sometimes cut deeply. But the open mind seeks to grow at every opportunity. And receiving correction is also directly connected to happiness. Of course, no one naturally enjoys correction, but yielding to it produces a positive experience. So, if even correction can bring happiness, just think of the joy that will come from practicing the many other aspects of Scientology Technology. Self-interest will be replaced with an interest in others. You will want to humble yourself and value the lives of others, more than your own opinions—your own needs. You will feel good will and cheerfulness in your heart. You will want to smile, lead a life of vigour and reflect calm while standing in the eye of a storm.

You can find the meaning and purpose in a confused, disagreeing, unhappy world! And knowing you are doing this will bring its own happiness and satisfaction. Confidence will flow from this, but not self-confidence.

You will not find yourself constantly carping, griping, moaning and complaining about life’s endless “injustices.” You will not want to speak evil of others, but will want to lift them up, rather than pull or put them down. You will be able to conquer loneliness. And this will generate a never-before-realized strength and boldness that will literally drive your life!  Expand and evolve to give more to those you love. When you care about people around you  life is magical.

Enjoy life with the spirit of abundance by finding your spiritual sense of purpose.

Praetorian and Freedom ( The True Way to Happiness )

Re blogged from:

Frik Blaauw – Praetorian

Posted on March 4, 2014 by 

Frik & Elma Blaauw


I was alerted to this blog by an email I received a month and a half ago.

So, there I was – perfectly unhappy with my Church and it’s policies, but thinking I was the only nut around who thought so. I must have an overt on it . . . .

So, I read this site, and Debbie Cooke’s letter. And I blew as much charge as to be gained from a full OT intensive!  I am not nuts!!  I am perfectly sane – and there is a whole world of Scientologists who have identical views to mine on the CoS.

My wife Elma and I officially resigned from the Church of Scientology last week – having had our eyes finally opened after five years of being in disagreement and then doubt with our observations of the church’s management.

Debbie Cooke’s letter was the final straw – and since then I have read many, many similar letters by previously very high ranking members in the church. I can recommend this blog:

To quote Pierre:
Does it strike you as odd that 38 out of 50 staff members from the last organization that L. Ron Hubbard personally ran himself in St Hill, England (known as “Old Saint Hill”) have been declared “suppressive persons” by David Miscavige and kicked out of Scientology forever? LRH said 2 1/2 percent of the population is suppressive. But according to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 76% of the population is suppressive. I used to wonder why so many senior Scientologists got declared.

Resignation of Frik & Elma Blaauw

I, Frik Blaauw, don’t wonder anymore.

Every single person alive who could possibly utter “that is not what Ron said to me personally”, or who wrote up Ron’s notes, has been declared. And so that DM can alter the tech – as he has done already.

I have created the rank of SP – Scientology Praetorian – to those who have left voluntary, and to those declared by the real suppressives, and who will now fight to regain our technology as bequeathed to us by LRH and recognizing him as the only Source of that tech. And I pin this medal on the 18 plus named above in their honour.

They are my heroes.

To those who find that hiding behind nom de plumes be the best current course of action – I can only tell you of the great liberating release of coming out of the closet – so to speak! As is your situation – as is it. It’s great to be free as a result of doing that!

Disconnection? Having the full realisation of being around for some 76 trillion years or so with a fair share of siblings, parents, children and friends, this lifetime’s brief moment in my future is only of consequence if it is to be wasted being the effect of other’s cause.

I reached out to Scientology a decade and a half ago as I too desired to see a new world – sane, without war, criminality. And that means having one’s attention on the future. Not the past.

Finding out what David Miscavige and his cohorts have been doing, and the damages done across the world is there. Fact. Having all that attention on it is wasteful, my friends. Above all that – way above – is the thanks I have of that which LRH gave me and you! And in this brief moment we have been betrayed, yes. So what. So what. Compared to some incidents on my track, this betrayal’s effect is small.

So, my fellow Scientology Praetorians – SPs – let’s get busy and build a better world.

Frik Blaauw

(Praetorian definition  – Shorter Oxford English Dictionary p 1561:  B. 2 b. One of a company whose function or interest is to defend an established power or system.)

Church of Scientology Juvenile Smear of My Family, Fair Game and Google Wars

Stay tuned .

I have been researching the Church of Scientology smear campaigns The Church have been heavily manipulating  various attention seekers, people with no education and no jobs , users and abusers. Last year one of the Church Informants claims to have spent over $30 000 to fair game me and my family with the intention to unfairly profit by getting the home of my family and putting my disabled child homeless on the street. After this EVIL her FreeZone auditor congratulated the EVIL deeds and promoted this EVIL as a success. Shame!

Honorable people care about other people and  help the homeless with food and shelter. Do not be surprised by EVIL campaigns by informants of the Church of Scientology with the only goal to get children homeless on the street.

With the donations to the Church were actually financed smear shills , smear  web pages and paid smear google advertisements to fair game my family. This is how my presence became triple on google search . In addition the Church Shills were snooping on my blogs in conjunction with the Church Informants.

Catherine Ethier



The Church of Scientology’s Supremacy over the search term “Scientology” on Google

UPDATED 20 Mar 2002 ORIGINAL 12 Feb 2002

FINAL UPDATE? 8 Apr 2002: A Google search for Scientology now turns up astonishing results–a balanced representation of what is actually out there on the net, ranked by popularity. It appears that whatever remaining issues may remain, the substantive central issue–whether this search engine accurately represents web content–is at least for the moment resolved. The rest of this page should, therefore, be considered, if not obsolete, at least partially superseded by events.

23 Mar 2002: Yahoo! Directory on Scientology Opposing Views noted for linking to this page, which is odd, considering that they deleted their link to although they have, so far, escaped scrutiny for doing so. Interestingly, this only appears to have disappeared for the search term “Scientology” itself. On a search for “Operation Clambake” it shows up first.

Evening 22 Mar 2002: Kady O’Malley comments on How Ava Paquette Hoodwinked Google.

Morning 22 Mar 2002: itself takes over with more coverage of the news events, including the replacement of in a search for “Scientology” on Google. It should be noted that only the link itself has been replaced. Other URLs on the list from Scientology legal beagle Ava Paquette remain missing. As an amusing aside, there’s already a song called “Ava Gram” by Subgenius slackrockers El Queso or “Enturbulator 009” about the habitual DMCA abuse of Scientology lawyer Ava Paquette.

Evening 21 Mar 2002: gives a full news update on the events of today and yesterday.

21 Mar 2002: Slashdot weighs in. Shortly thereafter, so does, a German geek webzine fairly similar to Slashdot. Note: I have been corrected that is, in fact, a publication of the German newsmagazine “Computer und Technik” Comments on its removal from the Google search engine.

FLASH: This Usenet post from Andreas Heldal-Lund, webmaster of, indicates that Google has removed links from its search engine based on a DMCA notification from the cult of Scientology. If true, this has huge repercussions for the entire Internet–sites will disappear from the Google search engine based upon a mere allegation that they MIGHT be infringing–in other words, based upon the mere opinion of a copyright holder. In light of AOL’s recent smash victory in which it was proven that the DMCA provided it immunity, Google’s decision seems bizarre, and even suicidal. Note that these Scientology allegations are nothing new. This cult has been shopping their laundry list of bogus allegations around to anyone who would listen for years. They have never to date filed an infringement suit, although they have had years to do so. The obvious reason for this is that contains no infringing content.

QUICK AND DIRTY LINK LIST: A few links to the developing story concerning the disappearance of from Google. Scientology conspiracy? Google revenge? Inadvertent fallout from overzealous supporters of the site? Only Google knows. Comments
Kuro5hin thread
Daily Rotten article
Microcontent article on “Google Bombs”
Slashdot subthread on “Search Engine Payola”
Search for “Scientology Google search” on Google Groups (some but not all ongoing Usenet threads)

UPDATE: 20 March 2002: For some reason, some time between 02:55 PM EST and 07:25 PM EST yesterday, entirely disappeared from a Google search for Scientology. There are a variety of reasons this could have happened. could simply have been down at the exact moment Google spidered it. (However, it was up as late as 02:55 PM and was also up at 07:25 PM EST when I noticed its disappearance from the engine.) While other explanations are more suspicious, there’s no reason yet to assume foul play. It could merely be an ironic quirk of fate that this has happened right now; but if it isn’t, it will certainly be noted widely.

UPDATE: 6 March 2002. This update is to take note of some major changes in what I was reporting, as well as to clarify a few things that have resulted in misunderstanding. For the past week or so, the major situation I had been commenting on has changed. is at #4 on a Google search for Scientology. Another development is that the Scientology directory on the Open Directory Project is now listed as “This category needs an editor,” indicating that for reasons I can not elaborate on, Scientologist editor andir is no longer editor of that category, or for that matter others for which she was previously listed.

These constitute rather major changes in the data reported below, which may become of only historical interest in the future. The second part of this update is to correct a few areas where I was vague. One of these was in seeming to blame the Open Directory Project for this situation. I should have mentioned several mitigating factors. One of them is that even when no critical sites were in the first page of results, due to Google’s connection to the ODP, categories containing the search term were listed immediately above the search results, one of those categories being the Opposing Views category on Scientology. Another is that to the extent ODP influenced the PageRank of critical pages at all, that influence was positive. It was not my intention to suggest that either ODP, Google, or both, were somehow colluding with Scientology to give inflated rankings, nor to object to reasonable rankings like being the first search result. Finally, these results apply only to the use of the single search term “Scientology” by itself. Even a relatively clueless search engine strategy like typing natural language questions into Google defeats all this very expensive spam. Try Should I join Scientology? or Is Scientology a cult? and you get almost entirely critical pages as results. (I’m aware Scientology could easily use these ideas in new spam attempts, but frankly I like the idea of them adding a rant denying being a cult to all their pages.)

In conclusion, Scientology is of course not the only entity using these strategies. As this Slashdot post shows, the porn industry uses tactics similar to Scientology’s. While I suspected this might be the case, this revealed a similarly sophisticated strategy (as separated from a lot of the blatant spam that bounces off Google’s well-designed search engine).

12 Feb 2002: This page was created to examine the reasons for Scientology’s high placement in so many search engines despite its egregious unpopularity and highly popular sites opposed to this cult, such as Operation Clambake (also known as and Ron Newman’s The Church of Scientology vs. the Net page. I created the page to discuss the interesting results one gets on Google on a search using “Scientology” as a search term.

Google is, of course, the king of all search engines, so it is with Google that I am primarily concerned, although the interaction between Google and the Open Directory Project is also interesting. The Open Directory Project is a Yahoo!-like hierarchically-organized directory which is widely mirrored by a variety of ISPs. The mirrors themselves are usually highly ranked in Google search results, so links from ODP tend to increase ranking.

It should be noted that this situation is worsened by the fact that the ODP directory related to Scientology is run by a Scientologist, while the ODP directory relating to Scientology opponents remains without an editor. ODP routinely refuses applications for editors of the directory, and some have accused them of round-filing user submissions, while every new Scientology-owned site is added immediately and without oversight. When sites critical of Scientology are added, it is often after a long delay, if the site is added at all. Despite numerous submissions to the ODP in the last three months, almost none have been added. This problem is also detailed on this thread on the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology.

Google prides itself on its PageRank™ technology, which while largely proprietary, in the words of its creators “relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value.” Google continues, stating: “In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves “important” weigh more heavily and help to make other pages ‘important.'”

Unfortunately, in the case of this particular search term, the Church of Scientology, a large corporate entity, has figured out how to exploit this to their advantage by having large quantities of domains that are packed heavily with links to each other. Figure 1, generated by the VisIT software, is a stark illustration of this.

Fig 1. Search term “Scientology” using only Google

As you can see, Scientology-owned pages exclusively and exhaustively point to other Scientology-owned pages. Some, such as, are little more than highly-linked link lists whose sole purpose is to point to other Scientology-owned pages which themselves link to exactscientology. Whois information for the vast majority of these indicate identical registrations such as this one for Therefore, Scientology-associated pages appear to be more highly ranked than critical pages, which appear to exist as islands, sparsely connected to each other.

The rankings are not representative of how broadly Scientology critical pages are linked. These search results checking links to and using the link: operand on Google indicate that despite comparable numbers of links, the search rankings vary widely. The links to are almost exclusively from other Scientology owned pages, such as and thousands of nearly identical template-generated “spam pages.” In this case, in Google‘s language, the “uniquely democratic nature” of page ranking depends on how much money you have to buy duplicative domain registrations.

To be fair to Google, this effort by Scientology has been quite costly, involving huge numbers of domain registrations and the creation of a vast network of incestuously linked pages. Figure 1A shows this in more detail.

Fig 1A. More detailed view using search term “Scientology” with search engine Google

Looking at this in even more detail, one sees that outside the most obvious “core” Scientology sites, a galaxy of smaller domains also points to and its sister sites, while Scientology-critical sites largely sit by themselves. While they are linked from other sites, those links do not add up to the sheer bulk of the incestuous network of links which creates Scientology’s illusion of relevance–even though most of those links are, effectively, the result of Scientology linking to itself. Where critical pages do link to each other, the links are not effectively reciprocated.

The same general scheme prevails on the Open Directory Project, although with a slightly different focus, as Figure 2 shows.

Fig 2. Search term “Scientology” using only

Figure 2A takes a closer look at the trend.

Fig 2A.More detailed view using search term “Scientology” with search tool

Using both Google and the Open Directory Project as sources, the picture is complete.

Fig 3. Search term “Scientology” using Google and

Fig 3A. More detailed view using search term “Scientology” with Google and

Taking a closer look at this, we have the final result: sitting atop a vast pyramid of links to and from it, boosting its ranking on search engines as well as the rankings of its sister sites, all owned by the same entity, yet appearing in the “uniquely democratic” ranking system as if they have been elected number one by universal acclaim, although the vast majority of this ranking is generated by what amounts to linking to itself.

While the Church of Scientology is merely one of thousands of entities attempting to manipulate its rankings in Google and other search engines, unlike the others, Scientology has managed effectively to subvert the PageRank™ technology and elect itself supreme.

It doesn’t seem entirely unreasonable for to be the first hit on a search for “Scientology”, but for it and sister sites to be the bulk of the search results is getting ridiculous. As a closing note, I should note that this analysis focuses almost exclusively on the “voting” aspect of the PageRank™ technology and that other factors play a highly important role in page ranking, including relevance of content and how often and prominently the search term is mentioned on the page.

Note: All images on this page generated by the VisIT software created by the Beckman Institute for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

 reprinted from:

Contributions to the site welcome

Pierre-Ethier-L12I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for such a great website. It is truly an oasis in the madness of the Independent field for me. I hope you are doing well. I do look forward to seeing you one day soon. Flourish and prosper, my friend. You are appreciated and admired for the work you do by those of us who want real LRH Tech, not less. That said, I am working on a little idea to contribute to your site. I’ll send that idea along to you to look at. Meanwhile, lots of love and best wishes.


Dishonesty cuts person’s reach

L. Ron Hubbard in Los Angeles, California.

L. Ron Hubbard in Los Angeles, California. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dishonest people have withholds, and withholds stack up mass and bring about stupidity. They cut the person’s reach and his ability to perceive. They hold in place the masses that imprison and pin the being at the level of Homo sapiens— and a miserable Homo sapiens, at that! Who is such a person really fooling?

Thus, one can bar his own way up the Bridge by dishonesty.

I always feel a bit sad when I see somebody doing himself in this way. It is so pointless.

One sees this in those who, for whatever irrational reason, cling knowingly to withholds and wind up critical, nattery and generating hostility. If one finds himself feeling hounded or persecuted, he should ask himself what his condition is on the first dynamic instead of going around persuading others to do him in.

How precious, after all, are one’s dishonesties, withholds and falsities in the face of the real freedom there is to be gained?

One CAN be honest. He will find it a happier, more comfortable existence when he is.

And more important—he’ll find the route to stable case gain is now open to him.


That is the route to sanity. It is the route up the Bridge to OT and real freedom. With honesty, one can make it and make it all the way! “

L. Ron Hubbard
(HCO Bulletin 1 May 1985 “Honesty and Case Gain”)


This is an example of someone “condemned into his own hell” ( LRH quote)  by his auditor , who does not understand that there no case gain for people who are audited over withholds:

“The stick of ethics. Lol! Were I be trying to do L’s at Flag I’d have been routed straight away to ethics and O/W write ups, sec checks, and intense pressure for “indulgences” that would have had Martin Luther spinning in his grave. And I would have walked, no run.  And I’m not including anything here about being an “SP” FZer”


Flag-only rundowns truly mastered by Flag Trained Auditors Only

Flag only rundowns (which Pierre studied and delivered – e.g. Original Super Power Rundown, Knowledge Rundown , Case Cracker Rundown , New Vitality Rundown , Fixated Person Rundown , Dynamic Sort-out Assessment , NOTs Stability Rundown, Held Down Seven Rundown, Int. by Dynamics Rundown, Havingness Rundown , The Prosperity Rundown, The Money Rundown, Profession Intensive ) address variety of handlings like spiritual difficulties, issues, ethics , case situations and other. The Ls , Flag Only Rundowns [Delivered at Flag Only] , NOTs [Delivered only in Advanced Organizations / Sea Orgs] , Power and Superpower require advanced auditor skills and trained C/S. The above rundowns should not be delivered without the supervision of a trained C/S. C/S training is required as some of the handlings are in the C/S materials. The authentic Flag Only Rundowns materials have not been released in the Free Field.

It is well known fact that field auditors affiliated with the Corporate Church of Scientology deliver auditing up to Clear and typically have NO EXPERIENCE with delivering upper levels .Field auditors refer their PC to the Orgs for 15% FSM commission which they receive for services purchased by the PC from the Church. A field auditor usually comes out in the free field with no experience auditing beyond Clear and lacks the discipline to audit under C/S.

The images are found on google search and do not reside on this site. All information contained, written and/or supplied shall be deemed to be without prejudice and is intended only for general educational use.



The OT Levels were developed by L.Ron Hubbard after 1966, the year he first delivered the Clearing Course.

OT I through VII were released one by one between 1966 and 1971.

On June 30, 1973 L. Ron Hubbard wrote SCIENTOLOGY, CURRENT STATE OF THE SUBJECT AND MATERIALS, a bulletin where he states: “OT levels as they exist in Advanced Orgs were completed by 68.There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form…”

Many people appear to have never duplicated the meaning of the phrase “UNISSUED NOTE FORM” and expect to find full Bulletins and completed write-up and compilations.

In 1969, L.Ron Hubbard issued a confidential bulletin, which is the only bulletin bearing OT VIII in the title or the distribution.

In late 1978 NOTs was released amid much fanfare and promoted by L.Ron Hubbard as the missing piece of tech necessary to prepare a case for OT VIII.

In 1981 an official Church Directive announced the naming of the OT Drug Rundown as NEW OT IV, Audited NOTs as NEW OT V, Solo NOTs course as NEW OT VI and SOLO NOTs auditing as NEW OT VII. Contrarily to FREEZONE conspiracy theories and disinformation spread by ignorant people that had no information, the Original OT LEVELS WERE NOT CANCELLED at that time. Quite on the contrary the same Executive Directive and a subsequent clarification explicitly stated that the original Levels were to be called “ORIGINAL OT…” rather than “OLD OT …” to avoid technical degrades and that they were not cancelled, but rather to be done after NOTs was completed. In 1984 at Flag, foreign students that could not enroll on the SOLO NOTS because it was not translated in their language were still doing the original OT Levels OT IV-VII. I was even called once to do a review on original OT V and VI. The year was late 1983.

Another false datum dreamed about SOLO NOTS is that “Suppressives have split NOTS and SOLO NOTs into two separate levels. The idea that SOLO NOTS is an entirely different level and to be delivered at FLAG ONLY (as the only place with the resources to deliver it standardly) comes from L. Ron Hubbard himself. Those who complain that their case is suffering from being unable to do SOLO NOTS are simply in need to have their case repaired on the level(s) they were run on, not get into a new level while still being some restimulation.

Confidential issues released in 1982 for SOLO C/Ses and AO Review auditors only clarified, based on LRH recommendation and technology that the ORIGINAL OT IV – VI, levels which primarily deal with clean exteriorization and ability to operate outside a body, were best done after NOTs, because the phenomena that NOTs address can often act as an impediment to getting the full gains possible on those original OT Levels. There is even a confidential Solo C/S ONLY bulletin about the original OT VI that list phenomena subsequently fully described in the NOTs materials, as the major obstacle to getting the OT abilities and stability promised on that level.

It is astonishing to see the number of false data being spread by people who never trained in AO Reviews (NOTs is NOT the same level as AO Reviews and there are over 100 pages of original OT III-VII materials that are not in the courses given to the students nor on the NOTS course, but only in the SOLO C/S and AO Review auditor courses. Most people spreading false data are merely spreading their own speculations based on ignorance.

Contrarily to Freezone hype and propaganda the ORIGINAL OT VII has been continuously delivered at Flag and the AOs by graduates of the AO Review auditor courses to pre-OTs on OT III and who had just completed the level whenever it was adjudicated necessary by the Solo C/S. As an example, between 1982 and 1992 (the year I left Flag) ,I delivered over 25 ORIGINAL OT VII AUDITED RUNDOWNS.(Original OT VII consist of an audited Rundown audited by an AO Review Auditor followed by a Solo step).

Just over a year ago, when I sought to correct the hype being spread by a “popular auditor” and “Freezone Authority” who was boasting about being the first to have audited that rundown since 1982, by politely pointing that I had audited over 30 of those Rundowns between 1982 and 2010, I was instantly attacked by his fanatical followers who still view as a fiend anyone hinting that their idol may be mistaken in any of his utterances.

I have even found out that the same auditor is using a bootleg version of the original OT VII. The version that auditor use is one created by the Church of Eductivism, a Scientology splinter group from the 1970s led by Jack Horner who has been branded multiple times by L.Ron Hubbard as a fiend and master of deception. On that version of OT VII, most processes were not written by L. Ron Hubbard and the approach taken to the level is radically different than the one written by L. Ron Hubbard.

It does not prevent his fanatical followers to proclaim on every roof that they view him as the pillar of standard tech in the Independent field (beside the fact that I have written 3 retrains on him for serous tech alteration and I am still awaiting compliance). Another “FREEZONE AUTHORITY” doing the same thing has built their practice on the hype of having once been trained by L. Ron Hubbard, even though they currently prefer to sell other practices ranging from UFO and Alien Channelling to Shamanism, while still pretending it is Scientology. Sadly they do it because they need the income from the clients they lure in and because those practices require little to no skill to deliver compared to expert C/Sing. The sad truth is that the auditor in question has become incredible rusty on the subject of standard tech is deeply afraid to be found out and therefore pretends to still be a master at it.


If the Original OT VII you received is not like that, then you most probably received EDUCTIVISM, not Scientology, whatever you auditor thought or may have told you.


Contrarily to the multiple statements that were made by the propaganda machine of Marty Rathbun and by his worshippers: The Original OT LEVELS above OT VIII were both created and audited by L. Ron Hubbard and do exist but, as AS STATED MULTIPLE TIMES: “only in unissued note form” These notes typically range from simple LRH session worksheets to hastily handwritten notes similar to “old cuffs” published in the 1950s.

 The truth is that Marty Rathbun was not on tech lines or overseeing them until the late 1990s. If he had been trained on the Ls rundowns, he would know that within exist three mentions by L.Ron Hubbard in the L-10 materials (two in his handwriting, one in a typed bulletin) that L-10 is based on his research and discoveries made on OT VIII to XV. L. Ron Hubbard has never been known to make deliberately false statements in tech materials. Further, I have conversed with several of the people that were responsible for the safekeeping, testing and compilation of the technology during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Each of those individuals independently stated the same thing: they had seen the folder containing the research notes on OT VIII-XV and beyond or some of its content and they confirmed the existence of those Levels. Marty Rathbun has never had conversation with those individuals and in fact they would not even give him the time of day, based on Marty’s track of supporting OSA attacks on tech defectors for well over a decade and his confessed history of physical abuse of people under his command, not to speak that he was for a number of years the right arm of a degenerate and tech basher/squirrel named David Miscavige.

I have spent hundreds of hours reconstructing those levels and have offered them to ethical individual who were technically ready for it. The results were everything that was hoped for.

Sadly a number of fanatic bashers have decided that Marty Rathbun is as infallible on technical matters just like the Pope is on matters of Catholic faith. My technical assessment of Marty Rathbun falls very short of the hypnotic faith some of his followers have in him.

One of my most virulent attackers was someone who never bothered to communicate or email me before he launched an attack by putting words in my mouth and accusing me of making statements I never had made.

The same individual professes to have abandoned belief in Scientology in favor of Buddhism, while having no problem charging large C/Sing fees for OT III, a level he apparently no longer believe in. Further, he uses the excuse of being a “Swinger” to justify his repeated attempts at getting his female public and trainees in bed with him.

Here is someone who is nowhere near ready for the next OT Levels, therefore should not have to concern himself about the availability of such.

Pierre Ethier

Class XII Auditor and C/S

Copyright © 2013 by Pierre Ethier Publications



Good Black Cat Mojo Spell ( Humor)


  The Good  Black Cat Mojo brings magical and spiritual powers. It has been thought that the black cat helps enhance  telepathical connections and reads. The  Good Black Cat Mojo is the antinomian lucky black cat of the African-American sporting and gambling world. This black cat does double-duty as a representative of the black arts (including the granting of invisibility and the return of lost love) and as a bringer of  other lucks.

Here is what our Lucky Black Cat Mojo brought to us on 4th of July : We jiggled between some auditing, meeting some friends, Gathering some information, watching some watchers with our invisible powers and other lucks.

Our Good Black Cat Mojo wish you tons of luck and good fortune 🙂

About this blog

Every day we are getting communication from people who are seeking the right path to spiritual enlightenment. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have been badly backlogged  but it is always nice to hear from you.

Hello Pierre,

 I want to thank you for all the info on your blog. It really has gotten me closer to confronting my own dynamics and wanting to go OT. I am going to continue reading your blog and frankly feel safe doing so knowing you have done so much and have a lot of experience with the tech. I have a ton of questions. I would be honoured if you would be a terminal for me in my quest for the truth. I have been a Scientologist since the late 60s.

 My Best,



Dear Pierre:

 I have followed your blog over the past year, having been affiliated with the church. It has been helpful and enlightening in many ways. I am a successful executive in Europe. I also work in the US and South America from time to time. I advanced in my auditing, and couple of years ago I desisted in my auditing as I had clear differences with the church. I underwent endless ethics sessions trying to fix the matter, saw many things in session, and yet, the situation did not change, reason for which I decided to go on with my life as the Way to Happiness preaches, rather than being forced to be something that I feel I should not. However, this radical disconnection from source is difficult as my spiritual goals remain stagnant for the time being. I am hesitating whether or not to go back to auditing in the church. I thank you for your efforts to heighten the values of this spiritual path. It has been soothing and helpful in understanding many points of confusion.

 Thank you,



Dear Mr. Ethier,

[Introduction]…..I became aware of Scientology in the 90-es and had life-changing win right away. Since then it has been over two decades of unsuccessful trying to achieve any progress or win despite my efforts, involvement and resources spent. In the last couple of years, as I could see within Scientology organizations I visited for help increasing outpoints which were in direct conflict with my purposes to achieve positive changes to my life. I felt indoctrinated and started to look for alternatives and data to explain what I saw in the Church. That is how I found your videos and your blog and that is how I decided to contact you. I don’t want to waste your time by writing long stories about my experience nor I would expect any technical opinions based on e-mail communication. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know really, what to do, it seems, after all I did and tried, I would need some expert handling that I believe I can get in the Church. Would it be possible to get some help and guidance from you?

Yours Sincerely



Hi Pierre,

A few years back, I hit a point where I was in need of some answers and became willing to communicate with anyone or anything to come up with some answers. I’ve found plenty of answer. I never knew how deep the rabbit hole went.

I’ve enjoyed your Web site, I enjoy your blog.



….Thank you for the link to Pierre’s blog !!!  I see weeks worth of reading and enlightenment and catching up .. After all these years. …..I am very encouraged after decades of hopelessness.  And I look forward to seeing Pierre again. It is so comforting to know that there is hope again for spiritual progress … and by such a friend and high caliber auditor as you Pierre!!!



……Please let me take this opportunity to offer my sincere validation for what you have done in Scientology, the expertise you developed, and the courage and toughness you’ve displayed by your long term involvement in Scientology and your decision to leave the formal organization, and publish your reasons for leaving and presenting your findings for the world to see.

With kindest regards,



Hello Pierre,

Many months ago I have contacted you because I just got mad by loosing hope how to go up on the bridge without Cos…..

Also I was not in the best shape in my life, may be you remember….

Since than I have signed contract with a college in business management. I just wanted a new community in my life and also to start  “using”my mind again. And got a job too..

Successful. 🙂

I am always following your blog and today in the morning a “miracle ” happened…

One thought  has been crawling in my mind….. what is my purpose in my life ???


I understand if you do not know what you want to achieve in your life you are not going anyway and without purpose you are screwed…..

So . Yesterday I got 7 e mail by you and I started to read them……

I finished to read  in middle of the ” winning on the L 11 expanded ” article and I went to sleep with a thought… what should I do in my life… Today in the morning I got to a local mall to have a breakfast and a nice coffee, I continued reading that article….. And my mind blow….. your PC gave me an answer by his gains…. he said it does not matter what was the purpose earlier… what is important that what he want to set in the present time. Here & NOW!

When I read it again …. I just wanted to hit the concrete wall with my head like a bull. How could I be so nuts to decade  not to realize this???????

So thank you and to your PC and of course to Ron to make my day and maybe my future… :):)

For sure I want to be your PC soon as possible.

Best wishes



Dear Pierre,

My husband and I are catching up on the history of the church. We learned so much from your website and especially your YouTube videos. Thanks for making them.

We stopped participating  after I received extremely vicious and destructive auditing. This was after seeing out point after out point for years. We only recently learned of the mass defections. Right now it looks like very few public are participating in services, since Leah Remini departed.

I would like to get that terrible cycle repaired sometime.

Thank you.



Dear Pierre,
Thank you for your great website.
I started in Scientology just after the GAT release. As years went by, we noticed more and more that things were not being done right and corrections were not being made. The events got stranger and stranger. The quality of public got worse and worse (status/power seekers, people looking for customers for their business). We got busy with our lives and did not continue, which we are thankful for.
I trained to Class IV and audited many hours on that and have read most of the NED and Grad V material. I loved auditing but the crazy cramming cycles and f’d up auditing I got myself ended it all. I am enjoying reading your technical criticism and those of other defectors.
I am afraid of a declare order. I’ve already been harassed with nutty orders. Even the IJC told me to get a Board of Review on an order that contained an opinion and generality and not one specific. Also, the org never sent me the order – I learned about it when friends saw it posted.
Truthfully, I’d prefer to write them a letter and tell them I’m disconnecting from David Miscavige & Co., but we have our lives to think about, you know? So many Scientologists in our area and it would be hard on everyone.
After getting spiritually raped in auditing as my last action, I decided I would NEVER get auditing again.
Thanks for your informative site and for having the courage to stand up to Miscavige so long ago.


When I was in my teens I decided that I would find the “meaning of life”. I have always known that I was a spiritual being. When I took biology in high school I remember getting angry when the teacher insisted that life was the result of evolution. I just knew that couldn’t be true.   I opened my mind and read many books – every topic from reincarnation to witchcraft. I even read the Bible and parts of the Koran. I also read many psychology and self-help books. And in college I devoured philosophy and religion classes.

But after so much searching I was rather disappointed. Occasionally, I found bits of information that I knew were true, but mostly I found theories that just didn’t make sense or that painted a very pessimistic picture of the human race.

One day I picked up a copy of Dianetics. I tore through it in a matter of days and I couldn’t put it down! It explained the real reason why people are unhappy and why they don’t get what they want in life. With my progressing up the spiritual path , I became so much happier, had more energy and enthusiasm for life, and my memory improved. It was a life changing experience.

I have a marriage many people would envy. I learned the tools of communication and how to make relationships work. My marriage NEVER would have happened otherwise. Best of all, I know that my life will continue to get better.


Bonjour Pierre!

A friend of mine gave me your name & I had your number. I want to thank your for that beautiful page of yours. I loved it, the music & all the things on your page. You have incredible affinity, even towards those who are not good towards you. You are a very theta being. I will like to be always in a theta situation & beingness, as you. When I leave this body too.. I will like to go through the upper bridge. I am postulating we can find all the unaltered versions of LRH tech. 🙂



Viva Pan Am Games – Expect the Unexpected

What is the Two-Year Countdown?
TO2015, together with its corporate, government and municipal partners, is celebrating its two-year countdown on July 10, 2013—exactly 730 days until the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games officially open.

On July 10, the Games footprint will be alive with Pan Am spirit!

Pan Am Games Vision

A life-affecting experience

  • Attract the best athletes
  • Build reliable operations and services
  • Celebrate Pan American culture and performance
  • Ensure an entertaining spectator experience
  • Integrate the Parapan American Games into the overall Games plan

Transforming Communities

  • Inspire children to participate in sport
  • Engage local communities to embrace the Games as their own
  • Celebrate and involve Toronto’s multicultural population
  • Connect the Pan American region through summits, conferences and workshops
  • Leave a Games legacy of sustainable excellence

Delivering on commitments

  • Build all Games infrastructure on time, on budget and in scope
  • Create a Toronto 2015 brand that inspires involvement
  • Enhance the outstanding legacy of previous Pan American Games hosts
  • Generate Games business revenue in excess of $150 million

Setting a benchmark

  • Delivering the best-ever experience for all athletes and participants

Pan Am Games Cultural Values


We celebrate the opportunity to be here. Inspire and be positive about what is possible. Dream Big. Have fun and affect those around you.


Toronto 2015 is much more than just a job. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to positively affect a community, leave a legacy and grow in the process.


We make commitments and deliver. Hold yourself and others to this standard. Build trust by being reliable, trustworthy, and act with integrity


We have high social IQ. Bring out the best in those around you. Build respectful and authentic partnerships. Reach out to be inclusive and be passionate.


We focus on outcomes, not activities. Spend your time on the things that matter most. You have 5 years to make it happen.

Note: This is disability friendly web site.

Be a fan of Dignity

Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games reaches one-year countdown

Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games reaches one-year countdown milestone

Provincial Chef de Missions selected as teams begin qualifying process

July 8, 2013 (Vancouver, BC) –The 2014 Games Organizing Committee, together with the Province of British Columbia, athletes, volunteers and community partners are celebrating the one-year countdown to the Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games taking place in Vancouver from July 8 to 12, 2014.  The 2014 Games will be the largest Special Olympics games held in Canada with the addition of three new sports, and an anticipated 2,000 athletes, coaches and officials from across the country gathering for the competition.

At the one-year milestone, the Chefs de Mission for each province and territory have now been selected to lead their respective teams in 2014. Across the country, qualifying provincial games are being held this summer to select teams for the 11 sports to be featured at the 2014 Games. Athletes will be competing in athletics, basketball, bocce, five- and ten-pin bowling, golf, powerlifting, rhythmic gymnastics, soccer, softball and swimming

“Canada’s 2014 Special Olympics Games promise to be an extraordinary experience for Canada athletes with intellectual disabilities and an exciting display of top-level competition and sport,” said Cathy Priestner Allinger, Chair of the Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games.  “These will be the largest Special Olympics Canada Summer Games ever held and we are most grateful for the support we have received so far, particularly from the Province of British Columbia.”

“The Special Olympics movement and its athletes are an important reminder that sport has an incredible capacity to build communities, strengthen individuals and break through barriers,” said the Honourable Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, Province of British Columbia. “On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, we are pleased to support these games and look forward to welcoming these tremendous athletes from across Canada to our province.”

The Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development has committed $300,000 to the Special Olympics Canada 2014 Summer Games.

Note: This is disability friendly web site


Statistics suggest that 40% of people have experienced financial loss due to procrastination. Chronic procrastination affects 20% of men and women. Are you one of them?

There are five key reasons people procrastinate:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of what “others” will think
  • Fear of taking responsibility
  • False sense of security

The key to beating procrastination and reaching your full potential is effort and commitment. Most people reach their full potential simply by making a commitment and holding themselves accountable to it now not tomorrow.

Success in Collaboration


Please pass this relatively “minor” success story to Pierre. I am qualifying the success I will now write about as “minor” as I do not look in the physical universe for proof of gains. My gains are what I am certain of, firstly in my own universe. It is a bonus if these gains manifest themselves in other universes.
Yesterday Pierre and I addressed a “problem”. This problem was perfectly fine and related to a business relationship and a strong difference of approach between me and a business associate I had entered in a business commitment with.
A couple of months ago I wrote an email to this business associate with an extensive business proposal. When I did not hear back for a month, I forwarded the email to the business executive who is the person’s direct senior. I basically intended to bypass this person as he did not want to be in communication.
Pierre and I briefly addressed this “problem” in session  and quickly moved on.
Yesterday I received an email from this business executive with a copy to his junior associate. He wanted his subordinate to arrange a conference call for next week between us all. The last time this business executive allowed live phone contact was over a year ago. The only other communication with him were some short generic emails with no substantial business commitments I received in the first quarter of this year.
Coincidence? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
If this phone call works out as I want it to, I will immediately receive close to $20 000 for a completed business engagement.
Kind regards,

Life after L 12


Dear Pierre,

 Thank you for the great L12 auditing.
I am enjoying the spiritual stability and peace the rundown has allowed me gain.
Life goes on with the various mixes of turmoil and calm while I feel a spiritual stability I previously partially experienced but now enjoy more completely.
I am looking forward to my next cycle.
Kind regards,

Powerful and vibrant success story

Powerful and vibrant success story:
Hey Pierre:

I am sending you a success story on our Ls Review, as promised. It’s a bit different, as success stories go.  But like you once said,
it’s not about what is said; it’s about going out and doing and living life.

So my success story is ATTACHED as a music  file. I worked on this recording while on my review and finished the final mix last night. (after completing our review)  So what better way for me to say THANK YOU to you and to LRH than to CREATE.

I hope you enjoy it.

But most important of all, it’s my success story, coming to you with thanks and appreciation.




Few months later of consistent and sustained success:

Hey Pierre:

I am just writing to say Hi:

I do hope you are happy and well, flourishing and prospering.

I had dinner with [******] tonight and we got to talking about you. It seems that we agreed that your were an amazing, wonderful being. So I thought I might share that with you as well.

I am doing very well after our sessions together. Thank you for that.

I am looking forward to my next cycle with you, of course. It’s my postulate.

Anyway lots of love and good music, my friend.





A traumatic incident is one that may involve exposure to catastrophic events, severe injury or a personal loss (emotional and physical). Individuals can reduce the risk of experiencing stress associated with a traumatic incident by utilizing simple methods to recognize, monitor, and maintain healthy state at the time of traumatic event and following such experiences.

Symptoms of Stress

Individuals may experience physical, cognitive, emotional, or behavioral symptoms of stress. Some people experience these reactions immediately at the scene of exposure, while for others symptoms may occur weeks or months later.

Physical symptoms

Individuals experiencing any of the following symptoms should seek IMMEDIATE medical attention:

  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe pain
  • Symptoms of shock (shallow breathing, rapid or weak pulse, nausea, shivering, pale and moist skin, mental confusion, and dilated pupils)

Individuals may also experience the following physical symptoms. If these symptoms occur over time or become severe, workers should seek medical attention. Additional physical symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Profuse sweating
  • Thirst
  • Headaches
  • Visual difficulties
  • Clenching of jaw
  • Nonspecific aches and pains

Cognitive symptoms

If these symptoms occur on the scene of an incident individuals may not be able to stay clearly focused to maintain their own safety or to rescue injured victims. Affected individuals may experience momentary cognitive symptoms; however, if symptoms are chronic or interfere with daily activities, the affected individuals should seek medical attention and counselling. These symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Heightened or lowered alertness
  • Poor concentration
  • Poor problem solving
  • Difficulty identifying familiar objects or people
  • Memory problems
  • Nightmares

Emotional symptoms

Strong emotions are ordinary reactions to a traumatic or extraordinary situation. Individuals should seek also counselling support if  the following emotional symptoms or distress emerge:

  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Denial
  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Irritability
  • Loss of emotional control
  • Depression
  • Sense of failure
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Blaming others or self
  • Severe panic (rare)

Behavioral symptoms

As a result of a traumatic incident, Individual may notice the following behavioral changes in themselves or associates:

  • Intense anger
  • Withdrawal
  • Emotional outburst
  • Temporary loss or increase of appetite
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Inability to rest, pacing
  • Change in sexual functioning

Recommendations to Monitor and Maintain Healthy Emotional State

Individuals affected by traumatic incidents need to take ownership and to maintain the constant vigilance they need for their  well being and must be able to stay focused  in the dynamic, changing  environment. Often people do not recognize the need to take care of themselves and to monitor their own emotional and physical health.  The following guidelines contain simple methods for individuals affected by traumatic incidents.

Take control over yourself and your environment

  • Be conscious of those around you. Individuals who are exhausted, stressed, or even temporarily distracted may place themselves and others at risk.
  • Take frequent rest breaks if necessary.  Mental fatigue, particularly over long shift your risk of  accidents and injury.

Maintain adequate nutrition and rest

  • Eat and sleep regularly. Maintain as normal a schedule as possible.
  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water and juices.
  • Try to eat a variety of foods and increase your intake of complex carbohydrates (for example, breads and muffins made with whole grains, granola bars).
  • Whenever possible, take breaks and getaways.

Monitor mental and emotional state

  • Recognize and accept what you cannot change
  • Talk to people when YOU feel like it. You decide when you want to discuss your experience. Talking about an event may be reliving it. Choose your own comfort level.
  • If you have access to counselling  support, use it!
  • Recurring thoughts, dreams, or flashbacks are normal—do not try to fight them. They will decrease over time.
  • Communicate with your loved ones as frequently as possible.

Recommendations to Maintain Health Following the Incident

Over time your impressions and understanding of their experience will change. This process is different for everyone. No matter what the event or an individual’s reaction to it, you can follow some basic steps that will help  adjust to the experience:

  • Reach out—people really do care.
  • Reconnect with family, spiritual, and community supports.
  • Consider keeping a journal.
  • Do not make any big life decisions.
  • Make as many daily decisions as possible to give yourself a feeling of control over your life.
  • Spend time with others or alone doing the things you enjoy to refresh and recharge yourself.
  • Be aware that you may feel particularly fearful for your family. This is normal and will pass in time.
  • Remember that “getting back to normal” takes time. Gradually work back into your routine. Let others carry more weight for a while at home and at work.
  • Be aware that recovery is not a straight path but a matter of two steps forward and one back. You will make progress.
  • Appreciate a sense of humor in yourself and others. It is okay to laugh again.
  •  This is a time for patience, understanding, and communication.
  • Avoid use of drugs or alcohol. You do not need to complicate your situation with a substance abuse problem.
  • Get plenty of rest and normal exercise. Eat well-balanced, regular meals.
  • Get counselling

Personal Enhancement & Stress Management Course

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About iSuperPower

With iSuperPower you can learn skills faster, retain knowledge longer, and apply your skills to real-world projects better.

iSuperPower was built based on experience of a Digital Schooling. Digital Learning embraces technology to its highest potential. Words like paperless, virtual, green, and social don’t just signify bandwagons to jump on; for us, they’re the not-so-distant future of education.

The driving principle of iSuperPower is to apply the right instructional delivery to the right learning objective, where and when you need it. We leverage from the real subject-matter-expert content to quickly enable you to achieve practical results.

Because we know there are as many types of users as there are learners, we also offer training options maximized for everyone from beginners to power users, including certification exam objectives.

Positive change

caterina-ethierAre we attracting what we want in life? Do you know what you want? Individuals often do not take the time to focus on abundance. So often they really focus on the next material thing like the bigger car or the bigger house. More money , more toys and more stuff. Or  some individuals focus on less. Less work or less weight. As the individuals work on improving themselves they eventually find themselves able to attract their wants and needs as a living magnet. It is more important than ever to actually define what you want in order to attract the right crowd and energize your environment. And again it has come the time to learn from the lessons in the past, re-define more clearly our goals to truly reconnect with the fine spiritual dimensions.

More than anything Pierre’s work has been about helping people to shift to thriving, from just surviving. Not all challenges can be overcome with knowledge alone as sometimes individuals need help when the going gets tough.

Also, personal support, guidance and counseling is about more than overcoming challenges. For many it is about making the shift from good to great. This is why after refining his goals, Pierre has stated to carefully rebuilding his communication network and associations. The aim  is to focus into helping the able to become more able.

This is why Pierre has shifted his approach in development of personal and business networks to balance accountability, learning , planned actions based on careful examinations and screening  with the expectation of positive life reflection. Pierre has build resilience while dealing with all inherited challenges in the field . He wish no part of any venture promoting and favoring insanity and evil doing.

“And I am strong enough to carry myself and others, even when they can’t carry themselves.”

“My father spent his years fighting his size, wishing he was smaller, weaker, less of a giant. He was taught to hate his body, and he was ashamed of the amount of space he took up. But he passed his strength to me, and I won’t squander my inheritance. I will not let myself be diminished.

I am my father’s daughter. I too am a giant, built of strength and flesh. And I am strong enough to carry myself and others, even when they can’t carry themselves.





The Church of Scientology and their supporters seem to routinely  photoshop promo materials and other publications  meant to manipulate the public opinion. These questionable activities  have even expanded to an unique  brand of stalking by Church of Scientology associated paparazzi. One example that comes to my mind are the well known Squirrebusters following Ruthbun.

The promo materials of a recent event were doctored to make it look like there were more people in attendance and mislead the reader. The  Church of Scientology Portland celebrated the grand opening of their new home in the city’s historic downtown quarter.

Below are the pictures from the event.

The Church of Scientology Portland
This picture shows there are actually a line of trees behind the crowd where - in the Church's posted photo - a crowd of attendees had been doctored in

This picture shows there are actually a line of trees behind the crowd where – in the Church’s posted photo – a crowd of attendees had been doctored in

The other end of the crowd also seemed to have been photoshopped in as another attendee's pictures show more trees and an empty lot behind it

The other end of the crowd also seemed to have been photoshopped in as another attendee’s pictures show more trees and an empty lot behind it.

ScientologyThe crowd highlighted in red were those who were photoshopped in, left, and on the right, circled, what the reality was

Read more:



Portland ha inaugurato l’ennesimo Obitorio Ideale con la eccezionale presenza del leader Massimo: David Miscavige.

Sono stati letteralemente bloccati quattro isolati attorno all’edificio per fare in modo che David Mischiappa facesse il suo discorso in santa pace e che non venisse disturbato da eventuali dissidenti.

La Polizia di Portland a sostegno delle forze di OSA ha contribuito a garantire la sicurezza.

Mark Bunker non si è comunque lasciato intimidire ed ha cercato di tenerci informati, mentre Tony Ortega tramite il suo Blog ci faceva conoscere come procedevano le cose.

Scoprirete nel video che vi proponiamo di seguito quanto è accaduto.

C’era anche Jeff Hawkins alla manifestazione che ci ha fornito un video, purtroppo senza audio… ma siamo riusciti a ricostruire tramite il labbiale alcune parole che il Leader Massimo ha pronunciato e le abbiamo inserite….

Anche un’altra persona all’event richiedeva un Comitato di Evidenza per Miscavige…

Comm Ev DM photoNon è riuscito ad…

View original post 393 more words

Blast from the past


Pierre Ethier in the Sea Org around 1982.

Having discovered Scientology in Montreal in early 1973, and experienced life altering changes in my introductory services, I decided to join staff full time, and put my studies indefinitely on hold.

The organization became prosperous and expanded by leaps and bounds, thanks to an FEBC trained Executive Director and to my effective activities running Division 6 (New Public into the org).

The organization eventually moved to the main street, a mere one block away from what was the busiest intersection in the country.

I was made in charge of Davison 1 (HCO) supervising Communication and “Ethics” and doing recruitment myself.

In just over 6 months, the organization more than doubled in size and personnel. The best staff were hired during that period. In 1992, I felt a great sense of pride when I discovered than the entire Senior Executive structure and the 6 oldest staff members in Montreal org were all people that I had either personally hired or introduced to Scientology in the 1970s.

I eventually fell out of favour with the Executives running Montreal org in 1975, and it was agreed that I would complete my 2 1/2 year contract working under the Executive Director in Quebec City (a 4 hour drive from Montreal), in exchange for one of their staff who wanted to be transferred.

The Executive Director made me his assistant, and essentially allowed me the full run of the Org, merely filling in reports and acting as the contact person with the Flag Liaison office, so that he could pursue other activities and training.

I had a “different understanding” of Ethics than my Superiors at Montreal and those at the Flag Liaison office wanted.

To them, Ethics was “Harsh”, absolutely punitive and degrading in its application, and you had to go through Hell to get through it. Ethics to them was something meant to be as unpleasant as an amputation performed without anaesthetics.

I differed in that viewpoint (and still do), in that Ethics was merely a tool to get the job done and the application of Ethics should be an activity where “Everybody Wins”.

Degradation, torments and humiliation seem in my eyes to be merely relics belonging to Medieval History and are largely Whole-Track Dramatizations, not a component of a Science of Life that boasts to be on par with the man’s Highest Technological Achievements. In my Technical view someone who thinks and act like Ethics is something savage, harsh, unreasonable and even cruel, not only demonstrate a clear need to have his Evil Purposes (and Rockslams) on the subject of Help addressed, but is a serious candidate for receiving a GF40 (earlier practices assessment), as he is clearly confused between some earlier humanoid practices and that of Scientology.

Looking back at it, Quebec City of the 1970s is one of the few places in Scientology where Ethics was applied in a Benign and Benevolent Manner.

The result: High Stats and Morale. No blows, no cries, no grief. Staff so happy being there that each and everyone instinctively disseminates and recruits whenever he steps out of the org for an errand, a meal or taking the bus. Staff not fighting with each other to “get their own stat up”, but sincerely cooperating one with the other with their foremost interest being expanding the Org and the broad Dissemination of Scientology. Almost no more PTS Type A situations to handle as entire families are on lines getting Services and drilling each others. Body routers were frequently being recalled from passing hand outs on the street, because unexpected high inflows of interested public would just walk in. The Number of Well Done Auditing Hours in the Staff HGC was competing with those from the Public HGC…


Pierre Ethier in the Sea Org around 1982.

Coming soon : Seminars about Scientology in the Free Field Q&A with Pierre Ethier , Class XII


Skype ID : CommChannel

We are preparing Skype Seminars about “Scientology in the Free Field Q&A with Pierre Ethier, Class XII”.

For pre-registration and submission of interesting topics and questions please contact our relationship management coordinator at with SEMINAR on the subject line. Limited number of participants. There is NO CHARGE for participants. Seminars are delivered in French and English.

Skype ID: “CommChannel” an advanced spiritual guidance network for people who are dedicated to spiritual advancement and improvement.

The group is facilitated by Pierre Ethier – a Scientology Class XII auditor who over 4 decades has been providing advanced Spiritual Counselling to people seeking to become more able by strictly applying what has been demonstrated to work and helps people attain self-fulfillment to lead more successful and happier lives. As people go closer to the Advanced Spiritual levels and find increased joy in life, their lives are affected for the better.

The Advanced Scientology Rundowns are based on an important breakthrough research and understanding in the field spirituality and the mind. The Advanced Scientology Rundowns can be a beautiful experience of massive increases in affinity for others. The Advanced Scientology Rundowns address every dynamic and go deeper into the case level resolving hesitations, evil purposes, address the main areas of irrationality that introvert a being or lesser his/her power. The receiving the Advanced Rundowns lead in easing aberrations and also can lead to a new life and a new viewpoint of spiritual and mental rationality. One can eliminate fundamental aberrations and can increase certainty, stability and control, even in the face of the worse adversity.

Pierre Ethier is an applied Scientology auditor who, among other rundowns, mastered the famous “ Ls “ Rundowns in their powerful original. For over a decade Pierre Ethier was acknowledged as the best auditor on the Planet and he was recipient of the Top Auditor of the Year Award every single year. Pierre studied and delivered numerous of the so called Flag Only Rundowns, including the Original Super Power Rundown, Knowledge Rundown , Case Cracker Rundown , New Vitality Rundown , Fixated Person Rundown , Dynamic Sort-out Assessment , NOTs Stability Rundown, Held Down Seven Rundown, Int. by Dynamics Rundown, Havingness Rundown , The Prosperity Rundown, The Money Rundown, Profession Intensive , address variety of handlings like spiritual difficulties, issues, ethics , case situations and other.


Happy Orthodox Easter

HPIM2004Orthodox Christians celebrate Pascha according to the Easter date in the Julian calendar. Pascha is the most important event in the church calendar in the Orthodox Church. Many Orthodox Christians attend church liturgies during the Holy Week that leads up to Easter Sunday. The Easter Sunday church liturgy is joyous as it celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection, as told in the Christian bible.

The period before Easter, known as Lent, is also a time of strict fasting. Orthodox Christians observe this fasting ritual before celebrating Easter Sunday with a feast, where meat and dairy products can be eaten again. Another tr

adition observed in Orthodox Christian churches is the blessing of food baskets. The baskets are usually filled with bread, cheese, meat, eggs, butter, salt, and other types of food used for Paschal celebrations.

One of the most common questions Orthodox Christians are asked is, why Orthodox Christians don’t celebrate Easter/Holy Pascha with everyone else?



Often, those asking are Orthodox Christians who know that some years we do have the same Easter observance, others we don’t, so why don’t we celebrate the feast of feasts of the Christian year with other Christians?

The answer to the question is found in two areas of human life that are among the least popular — mathematics and history.
Clearly, for both Western and Eastern Orthodox Christians, the date of the feast differs from year to year. That’s because we use a different calculus for determining the date. So here is where most people say, “OK, I get it, you differ, I guess you have your reasons.” But those who are not math-phobic press on to ask why we have a different calculus, and how the calculus is different for East and West.

These names, dates and events are not quite in a galaxy far, far away, but to many it seems that way. Quartodecimians, Nicea I, Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Rome, Athanasius, Constantine, 325, for starters, only serve to either glaze over the eyes or scramble the brain. Unless some of those names and dates bring out the response, “That was in ‘The Da Vinci Code.’ “ Dan Brown’s novel is not a reliable or recommended source for this question.HPIM2006 The best place to start is with what Christians have in common when it comes to Easter/Holy Pascha, which puts the difference in the date of the celebration in its proper perspective. All of us celebrate on a Sunday, the first day of the week, since that is when the gospels tell us Christ rose from the dead. This itself was a disputed issue resolved at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD.

The alternative was a date that occurred on a different day every year, and that day was the date of Passover according to the lunar calendar followed by the Jewish people at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Subsequent modifications to the Jewish calendar resulted in the Council of Nicea decreeing that the calculation of the date of Pascha and of Passover were independent of each other. Sunday is the day on which the resurrection occurred, and as the first day it is understood by Christians as the beginning of the New Creation, the day without end, the eighth day.

But the issue remained, how to calculate which Sunday, a task given to the Church in Alexandria, which was renowned for its astronomers. The astronomers of Alexandria came up with a table of cycles of 19 years upon which the date of Pascha was determined, factoring in the full moon after the vernal equinox. Those dates were calculated according to the Julian calendar used at the time. Later, the West adopted a table of cycles that had 84 years.

While all the Christian world initially shared one calendar and shared one date for the celebration, the change to the Gregorian calendar in the West in the late 16th century, and the continuing use of the Julian calendar in the East, resulted in an initial difference of 11 days between the two, a difference which is now 13 days. Further complicating this was the date on which the vernal equinox was established in the Alexandrian table, a fixed date that was recognized as inaccurate on a yearly basis, but established as a base line for calculations.

The decisions made at the Council of Nicea in 325 were made to guarantee a universal celebration of the greatest feast on the Christian calendar by all Christians. This goal is recognized today as one we need to recover. Steps in that direction were taken in 1997 at a meeting of representatives of the Christian Churches held in Aleppo, Syria.
Further discussions have been broached between the Roman Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. This year, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, covering most of the Holy Land, Cyprus and Jordan, will celebrate with their Orthodox brethren, and have requested papal approval to do this permanently.

More than any text or meeting, this provides a common witness and a great hope that all — Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians of all denominations — can celebrate the cause of our hope and the foundation of our faith together, with at least some of the unity for which Christ prayed before His arrest: that all may be one.

Constantly changing communication protocols in 21st century


Technology is changing how we communicate in our daily lives. The technical advancements vigorously influenced communication etiquette and lead to establishing of new rules. It caused a clash between our retro habits and the rapidly changing personal environment surrounding us.

So when interacting with others keep  in mind in mind to never jump to conclusions and create assumptions when it comes to unpublished communication protocols related to communication technology , speed of confirmation and response , as well as a time frame. A decade ago, faxing was standard, ICQ was a marvel and people thought call-waiting was rude. Today, we text at meetings, find phone calls intrusive and send e-mails to the guy in the next cubicle. As communications technology rapidly advances, social protocols can barely keep up.

E-mail occupies that space between the formality of a letter and the breeziness of a text message. There is certain expectation of privacy when communicating via emails and the public distribution and forwarding of private emails to others often leaves the taste of bitterness  and betrayal of trust. It is fair and wise to confirm with the originator if the email can be published or forwarded if you want to build a positive and constructive relationship flowing power of the two way communication.

Social media have much more relaxing restrictions and even most businesses now have Facebook pages. The professionalism approaching other must still reign. Consider LinkedIn connections like business cards; some will be useful, others you’ll forget. Google yourself once a month just to be sure “what happened in Vegas will not stay in Vegas”. Be aware about hate pages where failures express their own frustrations about others success just like the Boston Marathon bombers.

In a world where everyone is Google-able and smartphones can exchange info by touching, most people still find it useful in exchanging  business cards. Keep your card simple and  use your card wisely. Don’t clutter your card with every address, number, online profile, blog and website you have. Just the basics. The rest is online.

Chances are, these days you’ll get the quickest response to an e-mail or text message but to create more personable relationship always use the phone. Voice communication if useful to clear mis-communications based on the wrong assumptions. Never jump to conclusions about the state of mind of another person without personal confirmation. Research shows that voice spending on phone plans is on the decline, while text spending is up. But audible communication can still win out on efficiency, especially when dealing with multiple, complex or very personal matters. Voice is also good for discerning tone when emoticons don’t cut it. Sometimes If you must call it may be wise to send a warning e-mail and ask if it’s a good time to talk scheduling a conference call.

Face to face meetings are inevitable, and are especially important with clients. People still find it disrespectful if can’t stop tapping on your phone.

Unless you’re serving legal documents, faxing is practically offensive in its antiquity. It’s too uncertain where a document ended up and who else read it. However once serving legal documents by email should be considered stalking and not serious. According to the local police if a legal document is not send in the mail then it is highly questionable. If you must fax , check via email or phone if it was received.

Though texting and messaging offer speed, ease and the ability to get straight to the point, they often don’t offer a record of correspondence that comes with e-mail, and can feel too informal for business communication.  Keep in mind, though, that 90% of people under 30 will respond to a text message within an hour.

The use of letters beyond supermarket flyers, court  and legal documents, the odd passport application or bank statement, it’s all gone digital.

Voice mail is being driven into obsolescence by caller ID and text-based interaction. Recent research found that 20% of people rarely retrieve their messages. Until it completely disappears from the workplace, however, keep in mind that voice messages left on a cellphone are even less likely to be heard. No one wants to dial in just to hear “Hey, call me back.” Caller ID may be just enough. If you must leave a message, never natter on for longer than 30 seconds.


Find us on Google+

Personal self and your business style

Dressing for the office sometimes takes quite a  thought and personal spiritual expression. Your style often can be personally empowering  and generates positive respectful connections in the group dynamic.

The personal lifestyles and personalities dictate the different ways of spiritual expression, influence  perceptions and business image  . To sort out what works for you, we recommend using the following flowchart to effortlessly discover your personal stylish expression in no time.



Updates in the conference site:

What: A gathering of like-minded individuals that care about the legacy of L Ron Hubbard and want to ensure that the materials he developed to help mankind are not lost to the evil men that believe themselves control the materials and seek to monopolize the tech.

Purpose: To brainstorm and inspire each other to be creative in bringing about Ron’s dream of a free planet where the depraved desires of a few cannot stop freedom us all. We wish to be generative of ideas and energy to make it safe to practice Independent or Protestant Scientology in the field, To make it possible to be free of harassment and suppression. Other than these items the conference is free of agenda and is largely created by the participants.We will get out of  it what we bring to it.

Location: Portland , US ( please email to  for details)





To attend or request more information about this event send email to or consult
Costs: We are attempting to cover costs to hold the conference in this magnificent facility – we are attempting to hold costs per person to less than $300. This would include conference fees sleeping room (double occupancy) for Friday night and Saturday night.UPDATE:The conference fees are $275/per person with double occupancy for the rooms.
If you book the room in advance (before 12 noon) Friday there is a 10% discount.
So with discount two people is $495.00For those that should attend but may needed financial assistance to attend, we will try to make that possible as well.Tentative Schedule :Fri 4pm – 7:30pm Conference check-in explore the space
7:30 PM – Cocktail reception. Meet and greet.
9:00 PM — Opening session – Orentation
10:00 PM – 11:00 Show and tell.
Relaxed conversation and breaking the ice in the recreation area.Sat
7:AM – 9:AM Breakfast buffet
9:00 – 12:00 pm Our journeys through Scientology. Sharing a personal experiences in a group setting.
12:00 PM – 1: PM LUNCH
1:00 PM – 2:PM Q&A with Pierre Ethier,  Class XII Auditor.  ( conference call , dial in )
3:00 PM – 7:PM (Open — suggestions welcome)
7:00 DINNERSun:
7:00 AM Spiritual and recreation  activities.
Scientology related groups break off sessions.
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM BRUNCH
Skiing and other recreation activities.
4:00 PM END OFF – Return to PDX.To attend or request more information about this event send email to
Inquire about a conference bridge as a dial up on a (Skype) conference call may be available.

John McMaster – The First Clear

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Video file  1.4 GB:…Master%201.mp4

Coming soon : Seminars about Scientology in the Free Field Q&A with Pierre Ethier , Class XII


Skype ID : CommChannel

We are preparing Skype Seminars about “Scientology in the Free Field Q&A with Pierre Ethier, Class XII”.

For pre-registration and submission of interesting topics and questions please contact our relationship management coordinator via contact us page. Limited number of participants.

Skype ID: “CommChannel” an advanced spiritual guidance network for people who are dedicated to spiritual advancement and improvement.

The group is facilitated by Pierre Ethier – a Scientology Class XII auditor who over 4 decades has been providing advanced Spiritual Counselling to people seeking to become more able by strictly applying what has been demonstrated to work and helps people attain self-fulfilment to lead more successful and happier lives. As people go closer to the Advanced Spiritual levels and find increased joy in life, their lives are affected for the better.

The Advanced Scientology Rundowns are based on an important breakthrough research and understanding in the field spirituality and the mind. The Advanced Scientology Rundowns can be a beautiful experience of massive increases in affinity for others. The Advanced Scientology Rundowns address every dynamic and go deeper into the case level resolving hesitations, evil purposes, address the main areas of irrationality that introvert a being or lesser his/her power. The receiving the Advanced Rundowns lead in easing aberrations and also can lead to a new life and a new viewpoint of spiritual and mental rationality. One can eliminate fundamental aberrations and can increase certainty, stability and control, even in the face of the worse adversity.

Pierre Ethier is an applied Scientology auditor who, among other rundowns, mastered the famous “ Ls “ Rundowns in their powerful original. For over a decade Pierre Ethier was acknowledged as the best auditor on the Planet and he was recipient of the Top Auditor of the Year Award every single year. Pierre studied and delivered numerous of the so called Flag Only Rundowns, including the Original Super Power Rundown, Knowledge Rundown , Case Cracker Rundown , New Vitality Rundown , Fixated Person Rundown , Dynamic Sort-out Assessment , NOTs Stability Rundown, Held Down Seven Rundown, Int. by Dynamics Rundown, Havingness Rundown , The Prosperity Rundown, The Money Rundown, Profession Intensive , address variety of handlings like spiritual difficulties, issues, ethics , case situations and other.

Dymaxion House – art and technology

The Dymoxion House is an extraordinary dwelling designed to be the strongest, lightest and most cost-effective housing ever built around 1946. The  remaining prototype is located in the Henry Ford museum across Ford Conference center in Dearborn , Michigan . The visionary and spiritually fulfilling architecture of R. Buckminster Fuller takes us thought “the house of the future.”Pierre-Ethier-Dymaxion-House

The 4-D Box

Dymaxion House prototype
Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion House plan  uses prefabricated parts designed for easy shipment and assembly into modest-sized, single-family homes; though beyond that, the similarities dissolve. The Dymaxion House was round with a domed roof; the entire structure was suspended from a central mast anchored to a foundation. Cables spread from the central mast at the floor and ceiling levels like bicycle spokes supporting the building’s weight with tensile force rather than gravity. The exterior was clad in aluminum sheeting and never needed painting, like a durable silver onion.
At 1,100 square feet, the house was lighter, stronger, faster to assemble, and less expensive to manufacture or to own than a comparable conventional house. Fuller’s house weighed 3,000 pounds, 1/100th the weight of an ordinary house, and less than a mid-sized car. Structurally it was sound enough to withstand earthquakes or tornados that would level a normal house. Delivered in its own metal tube, it could be assembled in one day by six workers. Theoretically, it could also be disassembled, repacked, moved and reassembled, though in practice the process would have been inconvenient. The Dymaxion House was marketed for around the price of a luxury car—half the cost of a basic house.
dymaxion prototype #2
The round shape maximized interior space with a minimal amount of material. The floor plan included a living/dining room, kitchen, and two bedrooms with private baths. Energy- and water-efficient features included expansive windows for passive solar heating, a ventilation system for passive air conditioning, a gray-water system to reuse wastewater, a waterless “packaging toilet,” and a low-water “fogger” to replace the shower.

Dymaxion House floor plan

Dymaxion House floor plan
Fuller’s first drawings for the Dymaxion House appeared in his 1928 self-published manifesto 4D Time Lock. It was a speculative work of science, engineering, and spirituality that proposed reforms to what Fuller saw as the destructive inefficacies of modern industrial civilization.
At the most prosaic level, 4D is a proposal for a new type of small house that Fuller earnestly hoped would be embraced by the building trades, the financial industry, and the architectural profession… 4D is not really about houses, however; it is a spiritual meditation on time, the supramaterial fourth dimension of experience and the true measure of industrial society. 
Fuller sent his manifesto to leading scientists, planners, and industrialists of the day, hoping to find support for enacting his reforms on a large scale. At the time, he had little recognition within the architectural community. In fact, the AIA released a statement in 1928 that it was “inherently opposed to any peas-in-a-pod-like reproducible designs.”
Fuller would later claim that the statement was in direct response to the 4D house proposal. Whether that’s true isn’t certain, but it’s clear that Fuller’s plan broke with contemporary architectural dialects. In fact, prominent architects like Mies van der Rohe and Corbusier were already making extensive use of standardized industrial elements, but Fuller’s house plan went further in leaving behind familiar aesthetics of residential design. His vision was closer to the production of an automobile or an airplane than a durable building.
Corbusier wanted to make a “machine for living in” by using machine processes to achieve aesthetic results that would please the inhabitant. Fuller wanted a “machine for living,” a house that would function like a machine to improve the quality of the life of its inhabitants. (2)

Dymaxion House elevation by Fuller, 1927

The Dymaxion House first came to public attention through a display at Chicago’s Marshall Field Department Store in 1929. A public relations agent working on the display came up with the term “dymaxion,” combining syllables from dynamic, maximum, and tension, some of Fuller’s favorite words for the project. Fuller embraced the term and applied it to numerous projects throughout his career.

Fuller with Dymaxion House model, 1929

From the beginning, Fuller had wanted to put the Dymaxion House into mass production. But whatever interest the 4D manifesto or the Marshall Field display generated, it wasn’t until after World War II that he made progress towards manufacturing. Fuller saw the country’s military aircraft plants, facing slowdowns and shutdowns with the end of the war, as ideal facilities for manufacturing the aluminum Dymaxion House. He found interested investors and entered into a deal with Beech Aircraft to manufacture 250,000 houses per year. The house received attention in the press, and over 3,500 buyers placed orders by 1946.
Nonetheless, Fuller’s engineering acumen, visionary zeal, and big-picture efficiency weren’t enough to bring the house to the assembly line. Plans with Beech broke down over design and manufacturing details and the house never went into production. Maybe Fuller, for all his empiricism, wasn’t willing to compromise his vision for the technical production requirements. Maybe the house wasn’t really workable on an industrial scale. In any event, only two prototype Dymaxion houses were ever made. No one ever lived in the Dymaxion House as Fuller had envisioned it. The prototypes were eventually bought by one of the investors, who erected one as an addition to his family’s ranch style summer house, and kept the other one disassembled to use for replacement materials.

Dymaxion House prototype used as summer house addition

The family used the house until the 1970s, and eventually donated it to the Henry Ford Museum  in 1991. The Dymaxion House was painstakingly restored and has been on display at the museum since 2001, gleaming like a modern, industrial Faberge egg.
This final enshrinement at least dovetails with Fuller’s own ambition: he considered Ford’s assembly-line innovations to be one of the great achievements of the 20th century, and had included Ford on the short list of original recipients of the 4D Time Lock manifesto.

Dymaxion House at the Ford Museum.  © Werner Weiss,

Dymaxion House at the Ford Museum. © Werner Weiss,

About compassion

The Los Angeles Dodgers had two visits to the City of Hope. It is something magical to see the smiles that they bring to these patients and feel the compassion in their eyes .  Patients and Visitors enjoyed meeting the players, having their pictures taken with them, and receiving their autographs.

From Left to Right: Blake DeWitt, Rudy Law, Stephen J. Forman, M.D., broadcaster Charley Steiner, Tommy Davis, Fernando Valenzuela, Michael A. Friedman M.D., Tommy Lasorda, Andre Ethier, Brad Ausmus and Hiroki Kuroda.

I love this picture taken in the teen music room! The man on the microphone is Dodgers owner Frank McCourt. As you can see, the guys were having a great time during their jam session.

Left to Right: Matt Kemp, Janet Clayton, Ken Landreaux, Delwyn Young and James McDonald